On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Valerio Messina<e...@iol.it> wrote:
>> The map that I committed in does have all the keys mapped to input
>> event codes.  You would need to reconfigure your input subsystem to
>> point the event codes to some other function.
> the channel up/down, EPG, Teletext and circled "i" on the remote does
> nothing.

They do "nothing", but that is the application's fault and not the
driver's.  When pressing the channel up key, the driver generates a
keyboard event called KEY_CHANNELUP, and the application has to have
that mapped to the correct shortcut.  Likewise, channel down, epg, and
the "i" generate KEY_CHANNELDOWN, KEY_EPG, and KEY_INFO.

Kaffeine 1.0pre1 appears to have some new infrastructure for assigning
events to shortcuts (see the menu item "Settings->Configure
Shortcuts"), however it doesn't appear to work correctly in all cases.
 Not that this is surprising for a prerelease.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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