On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 6:24 AM, <xwang1...@email.it> wrote:
> Just a little addendum.
> I remember that the audio of analog tv has started to work with Markus'
> drivers when he added the em28xx-audioep driver because, if I have correctly
> understood, my device has a  noy standard audio.
> Is it possible to import the necessary code in the main branch so that to
> have the device fully functional (today it is unusable to see analog tv
> because no audio is present).
> Thank you to all,
> Xwang

The dmesg output suggests your device has an EMP202 on the em28xx ac97
port, which is pretty standard and should be supported by the em28xx
current audio driver.  I would have to look closer to better
understand why your audio is not working.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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