Karicheri, Muralidharan wrote:

Open issues

1.How to handle an HDMI transmitter? It can be put in two different modes: DVI 
or HDMI compatible. Some of the choices are
        a) enumerate them as two different outputs when enumerating.
         b) adding a status bit on the input.
         c) change it using a control

2. Detecting whether there is an analog or digital signal on an DVI-I input:
        a) add new status field value for v4l2_input ?
           #define  V4L2_IN_ST_DVI_ANALOG_DETECTED    0x10000000
           #define  V4L2_IN_ST_DVI_DITIGITAL_DETECTED 0x20000000

3. Detecting an EDID.
        a) adding a status field in v4l2_output and two new ioctls that can
          set the EDID for an input or retrieve it for an output. It should
          also be added as an input/output capability.

4. ATSC bits in v4l2_std_id: how are they used? Are they used at all for
    that matter?

6. HDMI requires additional investigation. HDMI defines a whole bunch of
    infoframe fields. Most of these can probably be exported as controls?? Is
    HDMI audio handled by alsa?

7. how does this interface/co-exist with something like DSS2 on the omap3?

who will "own" e.g. HDMI setup, DSS2 or V4L2?

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