I am doing some work on the saa711x driver, and ran into a case where
I need to disable the chroma AGC and manually set the chroma gain.

I see there is an existing boolean control called V4L2_CID_CHROMA_AGC,
which would be the logical candidate for allowing the user to disable
the chroma AGC.  However, once this is done I still need to expose the
ability to set the gain manually (bits 6-0 of register 0x0f).

Is there some existing control I am just missing?  Or do I need to do
this through a private control.

I'm asking because it seems a bit strange that someone would introduce
a v4l2 standard control to disable the AGC but not have the ability to
manually set the gain once it was disabled.

Suggestions welcome.  I obviously would only want to introduce a
private control if absolutely necessary.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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