
I was looking at the wiki for the supported status of the AVerMedia
AVerTV Hybrid Volar MAX (H826).  The wiki says it's not supported.  But
the wiki also says it's a PCIe card, which it's clearly not:

Additionally in the AP & Driver tab of that page
there is a Linux driver which appears to have (granted, non-GPL) source
included with it.  But surely given source to a working driver, a
cleanroom GPL driver could be developed and supported, yes?  Maybe that
source is just "supporting" source for a binary blob.  I didn't look
that closely.

In any case, I am just wondering what the real supported status of that
device is given that the wiki is incorrect about at least some details
of the device.

Even if it's not supported, somebody with more understanding of this
device than I (I've just read a product page) ought to fix the wiki.  In
fixing it, I think it's only fair to point to the vendor supplied
driver, even if it's not open source and/or not a compatible open source


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