On 07/20/2015 01:01 PM, Dan Carpenter wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 09:55:50AM -0600, Shuah Khan wrote:
>>>> -  if (dev->media_dev) {
>>>> -          media_device_unregister(dev->media_dev);
>>>> -          kfree(dev->media_dev);
>>>> -          dev->media_dev = NULL;
>>>> +  if (dev->media_dev &&
>>>> +          media_devnode_is_registered(&dev->media_dev->devnode)) {
>>>> +                  media_device_unregister_entity_notify(dev->media_dev,
>>>> +                                                  &dev->entity_notify);
>>>> +                  media_device_unregister(dev->media_dev);
>>>> +                  dev->media_dev = NULL;
>>> The indenting is slightly off here.  It should be:
>>>     if (dev->media_dev &&
>>>         media_devnode_is_registered(&dev->media_dev->devnode)) {
>>>             media_device_unregister_entity_notify(dev->media_dev,
>>>                                                   &dev->entity_notify);
>>>             media_device_unregister(dev->media_dev);
>>>             dev->media_dev = NULL;
>>>     }
>>> Aligning if statements using spaces like that is nicer and checkpatch.pl
>>> won't complain.
>> Yeah. I try to do that whenever. In this case, if I align, the line
>> becomes longer than 80 chars adding more things to worry about. In
>> such cases, I tend to not worry about aligning.
> The main thing is that the body of the if statement is intended 16
> spaces instead of 8.  Otherwise I wouldn't have commented.

Yes. I see what you are saying. I will fix it in v2 series.

-- Shuah

Shuah Khan
Sr. Linux Kernel Developer
Open Source Innovation Group
Samsung Research America (Silicon Valley)
shua...@osg.samsung.com | (970) 217-8978
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