Linux-Misc Digest #266, Volume #27                Fri, 2 Mar 01 00:13:02 EST

  Re: Web page publishing (Goodyear)
  Re: help! new kernel - can't mount cdrom (Chuck Rogers)
  source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where? (Alex K)
  Re: What Linux distribution for RISC ? ("lobotomy")
  Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where? (E J)
  Re: "HOSTNAME=" problem with DSL DHCP (Hun)
  Re: Talking logs (E J)
  Re: Treesize for Linux? (E J)
  Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where? (Alex K)
  Re: Install CD-RW on Linux ?? ("Digital")
  "phone dialer" type program ? ("Robert")
  Re: Athlon (Alex K)
  Re: suse auf ppc (walt moffett)
  Re: LILO and second master hard-disk (Alex K)
  Re: gcc problem (Jean-David Beyer)
  RedHat-6.2 + kernel-2.4.0+ printer problem.. (Ish Rattan)
  Re: A simple question about patching the kernel ("Tom")
  Re: LILO and second master hard-disk (Dances With Crows)
  Re: A simple question about patching the kernel ("jujubeesRULE")
  Backup strategies for linux. (Thaddeus L Olczyk)
  Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where? ("Harlan Grove")
  Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where? (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: compiling modules for a different kernel version? (Paul Kimoto)


From: Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Web page publishing
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:18:04 -0500

Robert Heller wrote:

> "> LOL, its the desktop distro from Caldera Systems, one of the most
> "> respected distros around - a full scale distro btw that doesn't try to
> "> be bleeding edge therefore it's very stable and just
> ">
> "> For a good gui web page editor for Unix/Linux try Amaya, put out by the
> "> W3 consortium. Quite good for an opensource editor.
> ">
> "> BTW The GIMP comes with the eDesktop distro. The user probably didn't
> "> install the right packages in the beginning.
> Which means he probably has a perfectly good GIMP RPM (for his distro)
> on his CD somewhere...
> ">
> ">
> "> --
> "> Steve - Toronto ICQ 35454764
> "> Powered by GNU/Linux
> ">  10:32am  up 10 days, 19:41,  9 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.07, 0.03
> ">

I never even thought of that.  You're right, it is there and I now have it 
installed.  Great!                                                



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chuck Rogers)
Subject: Re: help! new kernel - can't mount cdrom
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:15:01 GMT

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001 17:37:25 -0500, Chris Coyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks Matt,
>you confirmed what I found through a little experimentation.
>It does appear to be a problem (or at least an incompatibility)
>with ide-scsi in 2.2.17.  When I removed the line
>    append="hdd=ide-scsi"
>from the 2.2.17 section of my lilo.conf, suddenly I was able to
>mount both cd-roms, but of course ide-scsi found no hosts.
>I wanted to fix this so I could still boot 2.2.16 when I wanted,
>so this is the fix (or work-around) I came up with:

Do you have auto dma enabled in the kernel?  I had the same problem -
unable to mount data CDs with my burner.  I compiled a kernel with auto
DMA disabled:

and that seemed to fix it.


Subject: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 03:17:30 -0100


well i wonder where the source to things like the ftp-command, ie the
client, and cp, mv and such is.
dont say "it comes with your distribution", because i am looking for the
authorative source. where do those who make distributions get the source
in the first place?

besides, in my slack7.1 i have found no source.

is there some main site that publishes all the sources? or are they
scattered all over the net? if so, how the h**l do i find them?

thanks in adv / alex k


From: "lobotomy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What Linux distribution for RISC ?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:18:21 GMT

There is a port of the kernel to the PA-RISC architecture, although it is
still in progress and only supports some hardware.  Go here:

for more information.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Joel"

> I have inherited an HP Visualize C200 workstation from my companys 
> engineering department. It has a "PA-RISC Powered" badge on the case,
> I'm  wondering if there is a version of Linux that will run on RISC
> hardware  and if so which is the one people recommend? Any input would
> be  appreciated.
> --
> Posted via CNET

PC Chips actually goes by many names. PCChips = Ability = Alton = Amptron = 
Aristo = Asia Gate = Asiatech = Assa = Atrend = Elpina = Eurone = Fugu = 
Fugutech = Hi Sing = Houston = Hsing Tech = H Tech = Matsonic = Minstaple = 
PCWare = Pine = Protac = QDI = Warpspeed


Subject: Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:26:44 GMT

Try the redhat source CD, from the mirrored redhat site.
Pick the Redhat with the same linux kernel as your slack.

Alex K wrote:

> hello!
> well i wonder where the source to things like the ftp-command, ie the
> client, and cp, mv and such is.
> dont say "it comes with your distribution", because i am looking for the
> authorative source. where do those who make distributions get the source
> in the first place?
> besides, in my slack7.1 i have found no source.
> is there some main site that publishes all the sources? or are they
> scattered all over the net? if so, how the h**l do i find them?
> thanks in adv / alex k


Subject: Re: "HOSTNAME=" problem with DSL DHCP
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:34:47 GMT

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 06:13:34 GMT, Tom Edelbrok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have just gotten set up with TELUS DSL in BC Canada. My W98 and WinNT work
>perfect using DHCP, although in the instructions they ask you to remove the
>domain name and DNS server and WINS entries from your TCP/IP setup.
>But when I boot under Linux it hangs on eth0 every time, then times out.
>I discovered what is causing the problem: "/etc/sysconfig/network" contains
>the line "", (everything works fine if I just
>delete this one line). But if I delete the line then my host name shows up
>as a bunch of gibberish at the Linux command line, ie: "allng675yaud#".
>So I put in "HOSTNAME=blade", but then it won't bring up eth0!
>I've tried both pump and dhcp daemon. Both give the same problem. How can I
>keep a host name but also bring up eth0 with the DSL DHCP?


My one computer (Network server) connects with ISP by DHCP. The ISP gave me 
hostname and ip address dynamically but, in my case the IP address is fixed one. 
Well, DHCP server can gives static address to its client. 

I don't use the hostname which the ISP gives. Instead, I use another hostname for this 
computer.I put the name in /etc/hosts file. Outside local network, when my other 
computers go out for Internet then the hostname ,which ISP gives, is work. 

The difference is my computer has two network cards. 

Did you put your ISP's name server address to /etc/resolv.conf? 
Cause in MS Windows, the network program handles DHCP and domain server registration. 

Wish it helps you. 


Subject: Re: Talking logs
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:34:01 GMT

$ man tee # see if tee is the one you want

Mike Huot wrote:

> I want to make it so my logs would provide audio information when certain
> events occured.  I thought this would be easy, I had installed festival, a
> test to speech application.  Found that I could pipe test to it using
> 'tail -f file | festival --tts'.  Half the battle as far as I could see.  So
> my next step was to 'tail -f file | grep criteria | festival --tts' this
> does not work  This is on a RedHat 6.1 system.  I have tried many
> variations, but have been unable to get this to work.  it seems to break
> down on the second pipe.  Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
> -mhuot


Subject: Re: Treesize for Linux?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 02:38:55 GMT

$ mc #  how about midnight commander?

Chris Gordon-Smith wrote:

> There is a Windows based utility (Treesize) that provides a graphical
> display showing the size of each part of the directory tree.
> Is there a similar graphical utility for Linux.
> Chris Gordon-Smith
> London UK


Subject: Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:12:06 -0100

E J wrote:
> Try the redhat source CD, from the mirrored redhat site.
> Pick the Redhat with the same linux kernel as your slack.
> Alex K wrote:
> > hello!
> >
> > well i wonder where the source to things like the ftp-command, ie the
> > client, and cp, mv and such is.
> > dont say "it comes with your distribution", because i am looking for the
> > authorative source. where do those who make distributions get the source
> > in the first place?
> >
> > besides, in my slack7.1 i have found no source.
> >
> > is there some main site that publishes all the sources? or are they
> > scattered all over the net? if so, how the h**l do i find them?
> >
> > thanks in adv / alex k

i was hoping that i made myself clear enough.
i guess i didnt:)

i explicitly said that i am NOT looking for source coming with distros.

i am looking for AUTHORATIVE places to get the source from. not some
redhat cd. like, where did the redhatpeople get their source from...

you see now?

  / ak42


From: "Digital" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Install CD-RW on Linux ??
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 03:10:58 GMT

In article <cexm6.288827$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "John Gill"

> Hi all.
> Is anyone using a CD-RW device on Linux ?  If so, what works best, IDE
> or SCSI and what are the implications for use with Linux back-up
> software -- network based.
> Thanks, I have a small network with Red Hat 7.0 Linux as the Primary
> Domain Controller.
> -- John

You'll get 80 different answers on this. 

I have an IDE drive, HP8200 series of some sort, works perfectly. 
Overburns, 80min cd's, audio, data, etc.  I have'nt had a bad burn yet out
of ~100 CD's.   For Software, I use Gnome Toaster, works sweet for just
about anything, including making audio CD's from mp3's in a single step
(like ezcd). 



From: "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "phone dialer" type program ?
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 22:14:48 -0500

Does anyone know of a program similar to the windows "phone dialer" program
, for Linux.  I'm not speaking of pppd or any similar internet dialup
program, but a program that lets you make normal telephone calls through
your modem using a GUI.  Phone logging, click on number in the log to
dial... that sort of thing.


Subject: Re: Athlon
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:29:31 -0100

Mathias Rodenstein wrote:
> once more....
> i just bought a new 900-K7 and installed debian 2.2r2 on it, mostly i was
> curious how much better seti@home would run (compared to my old PII). but
> the improvement is about 10% 10 hours instead of 11...i run kernel 2.4.2.
> with Athlon option enabled...should there not be a higher increase in
> speed...
> thanks for any feedback, M

hasn't there been alot of talk about some bug concerning athlon in
kernel v2.4.2?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (walt moffett)
Subject: Re: suse auf ppc
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 03:28:52 -0000

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 23:50:45 +0100,
 Mathias Rodenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>hi there,
>recently i had to install suse 7.0 on a g3 power mac (not the easiest thing
>to do)...for verious reasons i wanted to get the newest ppc-kernel (mostly
>because of adsl)...which i downloaded from an mirror site...was
>2.4.1 (source) but when i start with the kernel (even devel code switched
>off) it hangs after about 2 minutes after starting to boot...what would i
>have to do to make the stuff work, e.g. get ppc-kernel source...

best to get the source and compile yourself poke around for
pointers or in and while at suse
grab the new ppp and modutil rpms, you'll need them.

follow ups to comp.os.linux.powerpc


Subject: Re: LILO and second master hard-disk
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:36:14 -0100

Mathias Rodenstein wrote:
> ...
> > other=/dev/hdc1
> >     label=dos
> >     #table=/dev/hdc
>         map-drive=0x80
>         to=0x81
>         map-drive=0x81
>         to=0x80
> the problem is that windows always wants to be the first (primary master)
> disk...or at least believe so...the comment above will solve this problem
> regards, M

this map-drive= thing, is it something new in the newst versions of
i have LILO version 21.4-3 and it doesnt say anything about that in the

  / alex k


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gcc problem
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 22:34:15 -0500

Grant Edwards wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> >You might wish to use the string2 you declared:
> >
> >#include <stdio.h>
> >#include <string.h>
> >#include <malloc.h>
> >
> >main()
> >{
> >  const char *string1 = "We will all shout \"Howdy\" now!\n";
> >  char *string2;
> >  int i, len;
> >
> >  len = strlen(string1);
> >  string2 = malloc(len + 1);
> >  if(string2 == NULL) {
> >    printf("Ouch!\n");
> >    exit(1);
> >  }
> >
> >  strncpy(string2, string1, len + 1);
> Alternatively, strdup() is handy for in this situation:
>    string2 = strdup(string1);
>    assert(string2);
> >  for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
> >    if (string2[i] == '\"')
> >      string2[i] = '\'';
> >
> >  printf("%s\n", string2);
> >}
> >
> >It appears that the implementation of gcc does not permit
> >diddling constants, though it does not complain either.
> It does for me.

It did not work for the OP, and I tried it and it did not work for me
either. It works up until it hits the first assignment to string1[i],
when it gets a segmentation fault. I infer that the constants are kept
in read-only memory somewhere, so assigning to it causes the
segmentation fault.

I did not suggest strdup(3), since I do not see it in the POSIX
standard that I have.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 10:25pm up 3 days, 6:23, 3 users, load average: 0.09, 0.06, 0.01


From: Ish Rattan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHat-6.2 + kernel-2.4.0+ printer problem..
Date: 1 Mar 2001 22:52:49 -0500


System is RedHat-6.2 with 2.4.0 kernel (compled recently). Somehow
the printer has stopped working (it works if system is booted with
2.2.14-5 kernel). I can't find any reason. lpd is shown by ps ax | grep lpd.
The request is queued but not printed. A try with lpc shows

lpc> status

        queuing is enabled
        printing is enabled
        1 entry in spool area
        waiting for dj to become ready (offline?)

The /etc/printcap entry and contents of /etc/modules.conf are shown below.

Any pointers?
- ishwar

--/etc/printcap entry

dj|HP Deskjet 692C:\


alias char-major-108  ppp_generic
alias /dev/ppp        ppp_generic
alias tty-ldisc-3     ppp_async
alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: A simple question about patching the kernel
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 23:08:47 -0500

Do a 'man patch'.

"L Tam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Books and READMEs just talk about patch-2.4.x.gz. How is the file
> patch-2.4.x.gz.sign used? Should I gunzip it and then apply patch?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: LILO and second master hard-disk
Date: 2 Mar 2001 04:14:05 GMT

On Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:36:14 -0100, Alex K staggered into the Black Sun
and said:
>Mathias Rodenstein wrote:
>> > other=/dev/hdc1
>> >     label=dos
>> >     #table=/dev/hdc
>>         map-drive=0x80
>>         to=0x81
>>         map-drive=0x81
>>         to=0x80
>> the problem is that windows always wants to be the first (primary master)
>> disk...or at least believe so...the comment above will solve this problem
>this map-drive= thing, is it something new in the newst versions of
>lilo?  i have LILO version 21.4-3 and it doesnt say anything about that
>in the manpage.

/usr/share/doc/packages/lilo/README contains this info.  The manpage for
lilo.conf does not.  The map-drive option has been there for a very long
time, since at least Jan. 1999 and probably several years before that.
It's just difficult to put everything into a man page sometimes.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: "jujubeesRULE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A simple question about patching the kernel
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:31:24 GMT


> Books and READMEs just talk about patch-2.4.x.gz. How is the file
> patch-2.4.x.gz.sign used? Should I gunzip it and then apply patch?
> says it all. 

Import the key (example from site)

"gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x517D0F0E" 

then verify  (example from site)

"gpg --verify linux-2.3.9.tar.gz.sign linux-2.3.9.tar.gz"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L Olczyk)
Subject: Backup strategies for linux.
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:47:45 GMT

I'm looking for a backup strategy for linux.
Here are the requirements:
1) Each partition backed up individually.
2) The tape is on a remote machine.
3) There is no gaurantee that the machine will be configured
     when I restore. In other words, I will be restoring from a boot 
     disk, which I do not want to configure ethernet card etc.
4) Once they are backedup the files, I want to be able to restore
     by burning a CD with the backup files, and then copying them into
    a temporary directory.
5) I want to create incremental backups.

The thing I'm thinking of is to back up a partition using tar,bzip
into a temp directory, then copying the files to a remotely mounted 
partition. The problem I have with this is:
a) I'm not sure I can satisfy 1). When I tar /usr for example, will
I include /usr/local in the tar file even if it is a different
b) I don't know if there is a 3way to make incremental backups
using tar.

Can anyone help?


From: "Harlan Grove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 04:47:14 GMT

Alex K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>i explicitly said that i am NOT looking for source coming with distros.
>i am looking for AUTHORATIVE places to get the source from. not some
>redhat cd. like, where did the redhatpeople get their source from...
>you see now?

All distros using GNU utilities share the SAME source code. Since Debian
is GNU's own distro, look for source on their site. It should be the
closest to the one true source you're looking for. If you're still not
satisfied, download source packages from any distro and read the README
files (or equivalents) to find the e-mail address of the maintainer(s).
Send them e-mail asking for confirmation about where you can find their
latest, blessed release.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where?
Date: 1 Mar 2001 23:52:02 -0500

In article <mBFn6.853$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Harlan Grove wrote:
> All distros using GNU utilities share the SAME source code.

I don't believe there is a GNU ftp.

>                                                             Since Debian
> is GNU's own distro,

This is not the case.

>                       look for source on their site. It should be the
> closest to the one true source you're looking for. If you're still not
> satisfied, download source packages from any distro and read the README
> files (or equivalents)


You can give the "--version" option to cp and rm, and they will tell you
that they are part of GNU fileutils.  You can get released source code from

Paul Kimoto
This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
and may be a violation of international copyright law.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: compiling modules for a different kernel version?
Date: 1 Mar 2001 23:56:21 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Krzys Majewski wrote:
> Is it possible to compile third-party kernel modules (in  this case,
> bttv.o) on a machine with  a different (minor) kernel version than the
> machine on which the modules will be used? I've enabled MODVERSIONS on
> both kernels, but I'm still getting unresolved symbols from depmod. 

The obvious approach--install other kernel source code and build
modules--should work.

(By the way, as far as I know CONFIG_MODVERSIONS doesn't _guarantee_ that
you can use a module on different kernels, since the kernel developers
always feel free to change binary interfaces.)

Paul Kimoto
This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
and may be a violation of international copyright law.



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