begin Stas Sergeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hello.
> Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> >   C:\>mscdex /D:MSCD0001 /L:E
> >   Not enough drive letters available
> >can someone help me resolve this error message? 
> Have you tried something like LASTDRIVE=Z adding in your 
> config.sys?
thanks everyone.  that worked.  i can now access the cdrom drive.

unfortunately, the system freezes up for something like 30 seconds when
the cdrom is first accessed (or when i do a DIR in a cd directory that
hasn't been cached yet).

but one problem at a time...  i'm going to try installing the sound
patches next (unless someone tells me that the next version of dosemu
along with the patches will be released soon).

> >i never really used
> >DOS, so i don't grok things very well.
> For most Linux users DOS is mostly a legacy and dosemu helps
> them to continue using what they could have lost otherwise
> (for me it is a special backup hardware that doesn't have
> a linux drivers).
> But I am a bit curious about a reason why the one can
> *start* using DOS under dosemu? The only reason I can
> imagine is a good old dos games:)
really, some of the older DOS games are classics.  true classics.

graphics got better, sound got louder, engine got smarter, but the
originality and brilliance of things like tomb raider or redneck rampage
or duke nukem can never be duplicated.

my girlfriend has a win32 system, and i can't even play tomb raider on
it because it doesn't support her ESS sound chipset...  i was hoping to
play this game under dosemu.

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