
Larry Alkoff wrote:
> I would not have thought that the modem wouldn't run if the device was 
> not locked.
Well, it is just a polite behaveor (not a
bug), but in fact it is possible to use the
device without locking it. There are reasons
against doing this however.

> was trying to avoid the development versions.
There are no reasons doing so, as in my own opinion
after all dosemu was never very stable:) So you just
have to find the version that is most suitable for your
own requirements and if this appears to be a development
version - why not? For that reason, btw, a lot of people
are still using dosemu-0.98 as it meets their needs
better than any 1.x versions, but this hopefully can be
changed when 1.2 comes.

> Think I should try 1.1.3?
As this will fix your particular problem - yes. Or
you can even use the latest pre-releases as several
people are doing already, because 1.1 branch was
evolving rather steadily for the last year.
As a bonus of using pre-releases, you'll be able to
apply some extra patches to get for example sound
working in games:)

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