
Bart Oldeman wrote:
a) the DOS time is the same as in the previous PIC call.
PIC schedules the next activation time
and then works in "polling" mode to see
when that time is reached. Even when it
reached, there are no guarantees that it
is possible to fire the int right away,
so it can keep waiting. So it is OK when
the activation time doesn't change for
the several PIC polling cycles.

b) IP is increased by 1 (c000:0009->c000:000a) for no apparent reason.
Some priviledged 1-byte instr was emulated?

Namely, the PIC call before the one above does this:
I really wouldn't suspect PIC in that case.
PIC deals with an async stuff and it was
the constant source of the random crashes,
but for the 100% predictable crashes it wasn't
caught responsible yet (by me at least).

Looking at this:
         exit wp
Then, Dosemu exits with an error message.
the crash happens on the (second) startup and
at startup we have an exepack, that's why it
seems more reasonable to suspect it, together
with the fact that I am using the unpacked
wp.exe and can't reproduce the problem...

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