omg.  getting dosemu has been bad for me.  i just spent the last 3 hours
playing non-stop redneck rampage.  :)

so far, it has been nearly flawless.  it runs better under dosemu on a
celeron 550 than it does under microsoft on a celeron 450 (my girlfriend
has a dual boot that i used to compare).

dosemu hung once in 3 hours of playing, but it didn't take out my
system.  i flipped to virtual console and killall'ed it.

holy moley.  thank you guys.  i really appreciate all the work you've

begin Bart Oldeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Stas Sergeev wrote:
> > Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > > i guess enlightenment traps cntl-alt-home, because the key combo won't
> > > let dosemu grab the mouse.
> > > however, it DOES work with twm.
> > Can you figure out a more reliable
> > combination then?
> > Set $_X_mgrab_key to, say, "Scroll_Lock"
> > or "Pause" and if there is something
> > that works everywhere, then I think the
> > default "Home" should be changed.
> Pause is already taken as being a force pause (freeze).
> One problem is that you can define just about any keycombo in some of
> these window managers, so there is nothing that works everywhere; however
> some combinations are used more often than others.

i'd have to agree.  i'm not hip onto all the window managers;
enlightenment and twm are the only ones i use.

btw, for gaming purposes (and i guess this is general, but is more
appropriate for gamers), placing the line:

exec xdosemu

in .xinitrc, restarting X, and using ctl-alt-+ to cycle through video
modes till xdosemu fills the entire screen gives the illusion of

it's not *true* fullscreen in the sense of SDL's "fullscreen" bit when
you initialize SDL video, but honestly, you can't really tell the

> ctrl+alt+scroll_lock might be something that makes sense though, since
> you're locking the mouse. something to think about post-1.1.4 :)

i'm not sure if there's any safe keycombos to use, but frankly,
ctl-alt-home is pretty exotic.  i'd recommend keeping it or perhaps
using ctl-alt-scroll_lock, which is definitely more intuitive.
i know a lot of people who'd love to play these old games again, but
weren't able to get dosemu to run the games.  the doom in linux howto is
very good, but there's no reason why the advice applies just to doom.
most of it applies to all games.

i used that howto as a guide, but did other things like use a more
recent freedos and used (which came out after the howto was last
updated).  i'm detailing everything i did in a general DOS gaming under
linux HOWTO.  i'll having something useful by this evening after i come
back from our local LUG meeting[1].


[1]- funny story.  tonight the guest speaker is talking about C99.
while my friend was putting up flyers advertising the event, an asian
guy asked him what was going on.  they started talking, and it turns out
the guy is on the C99 standards committee.   :)   it's be cool if he
came to the meeting.  :)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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