On Sat, 6 Sep 2003, administrator wrote:

> >I am running dosemu and would like to see if it is possible.
> >1) To get rid splash screen "Now type ENTER to start DOSEMU" and
> >automatically start dosemu without hitting a key.
> I will second this request.....
>   -quiet   should take you straight to the prompt

I wonder why it's not working for you two. dosemu and xdosemu create files
~/.dosemu/stamp-[x]dosemu the first time which prevent the splash message
being shown for all subsequent DOSEMU runs. At least, they do for me.
Have a look at `which dosemu`. There should be lines such as
if [ -z "$QUIET" -a ! -f $HOME/.dosemu/stamp-xdosemu ]; then

> >2) Running a dos program directly from the linux prompt and exiting back
> >into linux after it is done.
> You can do this with a simple bash script if we can take care of
> problem number 1 above and 4 below.

dosemu [-E] dos-command; see "man dosemu.bin" or the example in "man
dosemu". Alternatively use -input

> 4)
> Which brings me to my own issue with dosemu the -U switch
> dosemu -U pipein:pipeout    does not work.
> Dosemu will take "whatever" command you send to pipein and
> pushes   'Command "whatever" not found'  out  pipeout.
> If anyone has ever gotten pipein to work correctly, please provide the
> version number of the functional dosemu and any undocumented
> steps required to make it work.

-U is a programmer's tool; not so much a user's tool
" This option should therefor only used by frontends (such as kdos),
which first create the proper named  pipes  and  then launch DOSEMU."
"A tiny control terminal, which can serve as example, is the supplied
dosctrl programm."

Well kdos (KDE DOSEMU) never really became something I guess, but

dosctrl is in src/tools/periph

so this works

$ cd src/tools/periph
$ mkfifo fdin fdout
$ xdosemu -Ufdin:fdout &
$ ./dosctrl fdin fdout
ack [{on|off}]      get/set user hook handshake acknowledge
hello               just for testing, any kinf of argument
kill                kill the dosemu session from inside
version             prints the dosemu version
keystroke <strokes> insert keystrokes into the DOS session
log [debugflags]    get/set debugflags which control log output
hog [value]         get/set the HogThreshold
boot [{on|off}]     get/set the mode of the vbootfloppy
xmode [<args>]      set X parameters, without args gives help
lredir n: dir [ro]  redirect directory 'dir' to DOS drive 'n:'
help                this screen
ecpu [{on|off}]     get/set cpuemu
config              print the current configuration


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