On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Ryan Underwood wrote:

> One other thing to mention: if the installation is aborted by selecting
> an "Exit installation" or whatever button in the windows portion of the
> setup; upon returning to DOS, there is some sort of fatal memory error
> in only FreeDOS (DR-DOS and MSDOS are fine):
> Invalid Opcode at 7272 E8DF 3293 EC83 0397 0A7E 7400 BE05 0001 02EB F631
> CE81 10A2
> I suppose this is a bug in FreeDOS but I thought it would be worth a
> mention anyhow.  Again, like the GPF errors, this always remains the
> same, as long as you are using the same version of windows to test it.

I sometimes forget that not everyone knows (because in the FreeDOS lists
this topic comes up again and again without people checking the archives),
but Windows 3.x is known not to work on FreeDOS. It just requires too
much "undocumented DOS" that nobody bothered to implement so far.

The problems with \system\... are probably caused by comcom? If you use
freecom instead they should disappear.

As for what Stas was referring to, I guess it was an existing Windows 3.x
in native DOS.

As for myself, I don't own Win 3.x so I can't even say anything really
useful at all.


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