On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Serge Naggar wrote:

> Installed the new 1.1.9 but it seems to not see the operating system in
> both cases and the vga fonts when started with xdosemu.
> I rpm'ed the dosemu then used the dosemu-freedos...tgz and dosemu...tgz.

Please state exactly what you did and what you saw on the screen.

rpm -i dosemu*.rpm

should work after a small q&a session. Similarly the tarballs if you
follow the instructions in README.bindist.

Also try to run
xdosemu -D+dD -o log
that should make clear why dosemu couldn't find the DOS.

Hmm I wonder, do you have any old /etc/dosemu.users and /etc/dosemu.conf
files lying around? If yes, then try to rename or delete them.


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