On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Dave Phillips wrote:

>   The short story so far is that Stas Sergeev has posted a patch that
> gives MIDI input to CVS dosemu. I don't know whether Stas's patch is
> included with the new 1.2.0 dosemu, but I imagine it can be compiled
> against it anyway (Stas, any additional instructions for your patch +
> 1.2.0 ?).

Stas' patch applies against 1.2.0; it is included in CVS HEAD now. It'll
probably end up in 1.2.1 though, since it looks stable.

Reason is simply that for 1.2.0 I wanted to concentrate on pure bug fixes,
no new features since

Some other features that need to be stabilized a bit more but will
probably end up in later 1.2s are:
* GPM mouse support in the console (looks stable, but not so widely
* LFN support (has some problems in that it can venture outside the DOSEMU
  lredir "sandbox" if you carefully construct a pathname)
* bitmap fonts. Nice new feature but it's still a little broken -- you can
  get black screens which can only be solved by "mode co80"
* internationalization of filenames and direct access to VFAT short
  filenames on mounted VFAT volumes
* Clarence' direct "dosemu /path/to/dos/command/file.exe" feature.
so I'm not planning to freeze 1.2.x for the time being, except for big
code reorganizations, which really are reserved for 1.3.


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