On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Dave Ahlswede wrote:

> Is there a way to prevent dosemu from vertically stretching the video
> when it's put into fullscreen mode? It seems not to respect the
> _X_aspect_43 option.

no, wouldn't be a bad idea though, to have a way to force vertical
stretching to be equal to or an integer multiple of horizontal stretching.
That's not the same as 4:3 however.

Right now, X_aspect_43 transforms a 320x200 mode into 640x480 in a
*window*. Probably not what you want for fullscreen 320x200.

> I do have a 320x200 modeline for Xfree86 setup specifically for DOS
> games (dosbox seems to respect it), and a lot of games look terrible
> when stretched in fullscreen.

if you have a 320x200 modeline then dosemu should respect it as well (it
does for me -- even without a modeline; adding "320x200" to the Modes
line in XF86Config was enough). Please make a log
xdosemu -D+X -o log
and check what it does -- look for messages like this:
X: vidmode asking for (%d,%d); setting (%d,%d)

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