Linux-Networking Digest #964, Volume #10         Mon, 26 Apr 99 13:14:01 EDT

  Re: How to log a telnet session ? (Paul Miles)
  Re: Squid: http_access deny - can't make it work (Jussi Torhonen)
  Re: Linux client, NT server, and callback problems... (James Carlson)
  Re: IP Masquerade ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is there an inherent problem with the 3c509(isa)? (Mark)
  Re: 7E1-connection before PPP-initialization (James Carlson)
  IPChains loses its settings (Yves Van de Weyer)
  How to install two of Pccom8 unde Linux (Alexei Kakhno)
  Where is H.323 Server? ("David Seaman")
  Re: Drivers for 100Mbps Ethernet Cards (Rod Smith)
  How to log a telnet session ? ("Francois-Xavier LEBLOND")
  Re: sendmail behind firewall (Peter Novikov)
  Re: options 3c503 io=0x280,0x300,0x330,0x350 xcvr=0,1,0,1 ("William R. Mattil")
  Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument (Kelvin Tsang)
  Routing over two interfaces? (Gerald Brandt)
  Re: Bandwidth Watcher/Monitor Help/Info Needed (Holger von Ameln)
  Configuring PPP on linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: FTP as root (TurkBear)
  Need help setting up a remote X-term. ("Matthew B. Kennedy")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Miles)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: How to log a telnet session ?
Date: 26 Apr 1999 10:58:06 GMT

I've never looked at this, but have a look on your system for ttysnoop

Aparently its some kind of wrapper for telnet that logs everything.

Francois-Xavier LEBLOND ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hello,

: I want to log automatically in a file all my telnet sessions. Somebody has
: told me to look in /etc/syslog.conf, but for the moment I've just manage to
: log authentification messsages, and not the complete work I've done in my
: sessions ...

: Thanks

: FX

        Final Year CompSci          o__
        University of Kent          _.>/)_    "A fish with a mission"   (_) \(_)


From: Jussi Torhonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Squid: http_access deny - can't make it work
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:56:28 +0300

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, sven vahar wrote:

> acl ban1 dstdomain
> acl ban2 dstdomain
> followed by:
> http_access deny ban1
> http_access deny ban2

Be sure to declare those 'http_access deny' rules before the follwing:

### Allow everything else
http_access allow  all

BTW, you could create a banned site list file instead of editing
squid.conf all the time:

acl BANNED "/etc/squid.banned"
http_access deny BANNED
http_access allow  all



Jussi Torhonen   # E-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tietosavo Oyj    # Corporate website:
P.O.Box 1582     # Personal homepage:
FIN-70461 KUOPIO # Tel: +358-17-193231          GSM +358-50-5946209
FINLAND          # Fax: +358-17-193355                73's de OH7DC


From: James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.ppp
Subject: Re: Linux client, NT server, and callback problems...
Date: 26 Apr 1999 06:51:49 -0400

> I get the following in the logs (with 'kdebug 7' set) repeated several times -
> email me privately if ppp logs make a lot of sense to you and I can send
> more details...


> Apr 25 16:07:18 pukeko kernel: ppp0 released
> Apr 25 16:07:18 pukeko kernel: ppp0: ccp closed
> Apr 25 16:07:55 pukeko kernel: ppp: frame with bad fcs, length = 10
> Apr 25 16:07:55 pukeko kernel: ppp: bad frame, count = 10
> Apr 25 16:07:55 pukeko kernel: FF C0 00 21 C2 23 80 63 ...!.#.c
> Apr 25 16:07:55 pukeko kernel: F1 6D                   .m
> <repeated several times>
> ...

Those are massively garbled LCP frames.  They should look like this:

        FF 03 C0 21 ...

The FCS is "bad" because the frame itself is highly corrupt.

> Thanks for any help - only reference I've found to the 'bad fcs' messages
> indicate that it's usually when the NT server's trying to send me plain text
> at the start of the call, but that doesn't look the case from the
> logs.

Correct.  At a guess, at least the ACCM is set incorrectly here.  It's
possible that there are also modem-related problems.  The inserted NUL
byte (00) is most worrisome.

> There's no default route added to my routing table at this point, so I guess
> ppp's still trying to form the link.

Until IPCP comes up, you'll see no routing done.

> my scripts are as follows:

The scripts *look* ok ...

James Carlson, Software Architect                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IronBridge Networks / 55 Hayden Avenue   71.246W   Vox:  +1 781 372 8132
Lexington MA  02421-7996 / USA           42.423N   Fax:  +1 781 372 8090
"PPP Design and Debugging" ---


Subject: Re: IP Masquerade
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 09:11:51 GMT

What does this software do exactly? Maybe there is a site where I could get
more information. Does it allow a person to pose a particular IP of their own
choosing?  The reason I ask is that we had a problem here where threatening
messages were sent by someone, possibly from outside our sytem, in such a way
that they looked like they came from our system.

I am looking forward to seeing the responses to this posting.  Possibly I
could ask you to cc my separate e-mail address.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Ling) wrote:
> Hi:
> I am a newbie to computer and I have got IP Masquerade up and
> running. However, I cannot telnet from machine A to machine B
> when I set the default gateway of machine B to A.  The reason
> of setting it this way is because machine A has the ppp conncetion.
> I don't know why. I could not telnet from A to B when the default
> gateway to machines B is A.  However, when I route del default gw
> then, i can telnet A to B.  Please help.
> Cheers--Alan
> p.s. thanks for all good work in documentation HOWTO, without
> those, i can't install, using modem ppp, network and ip masqerade
> my machines. i am next going after NFS!!!
> --
> where do you want to go tomorrow?

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Subject: Re: Is there an inherent problem with the 3c509(isa)?
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 07:30:17 GMT

What I did do was reboot with a dos boot disk and ran the PNPDSABL.BAT
file.  All was well after that.

Damon Snyder wrote:
> Did you try re-seeding the card (pull it out and pop it back in)?
> Damon Snyder
> On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, Mark wrote:
> > I had the card recognized from installation (Mandrake 5.3).  Several
> > days later upon boot I got this:   "Delaying eth0 initialization".  When
> > I halted my 486, I got this: "eth0:unknown interface."
> > Is it something I did?
> > It might  be easier to just reinstall the whole thing.  Any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >


From: James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.ppp,comp.unix.questions
Subject: Re: 7E1-connection before PPP-initialization
Date: 26 Apr 1999 06:45:38 -0400

"Oliver M. Haynold" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> I'd like to use CompuServe for mobile Internet access with my
> notebook. I want to use a pppconfig-created pppd/chat-script to make
> the connection. Now here is the tricky part: CompuServe requires you
> to have a 7-bit, 1 parity, 1 stop bit connection during logon and then
> you have to change to 8 data bits no parity to establish the
> ppp-connection.

One (awful) way to do it would be to have the pppd "connect" program
actually be a shell script that invokes stty to change the mode, chat
to talk to the peer, and stty again to change back.

> Does anyone know a way how to make pppd switch on 7E1 connection
> parameters before starting the init-script and switch back to 8N1
> after the init-script is finished?

An easier way would be just to write a little program to add parity
bits to the chat script.  Then you can run 8N1, and the peer will see
7E1 data (since the async framing is exactly the same, you should be
able to get away with this).

            int chr,nbits,chr2;

            while ((chr = getchar()) != EOF) {
                chr &= 0x7F;
                for (nbits = 0, chr2 = chr; chr2 != 0; nbits++)
                        chr2 &= chr2-1;
                if (nbits & 1)
                        chr |= 0x80;
            return 0;

Yet another way would be to find a more clueful ISP ...

James Carlson, Software Architect                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
IronBridge Networks / 55 Hayden Avenue   71.246W   Vox:  +1 781 372 8132
Lexington MA  02421-7996 / USA           42.423N   Fax:  +1 781 372 8090
"PPP Design and Debugging" ---


From: Yves Van de Weyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IPChains loses its settings
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:24:38 +0200


If have the following configuration :
    - RedHat Linux 5.1 Kernel v2.2.5
    - ipchains 1.3.8
I have configured several rules in Ipchains but sometimes all these
rules disappear and I have to restore the settings.

Can anyone help me with this problem ?

Yves Van de Weyer.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexei Kakhno)
Subject: How to install two of Pccom8 unde Linux
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 11:30:49 GMT

I have two ISA PCCOM8 installed under SCO UNIX System V.
They occupied ARNET I/O 0x180 IRQ4, ARNET I/O 0x280 IRQ3
and work fine.

I've installed them under Linux/RedHat 5.2/kernel 2.0.36
(pccom8-0.9.diff was used) but two multiplexors do not 
work at the same time. Only one PCCOM8 works fine.

How to install 2 or 3 of PCCOM8 to be worked properly.
I want to assign I/O 0x180, 0x280 and IRQ2-7
Is it possible to leave COM1 and COM2 free.

Best regards


From: "David Seaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where is H.323 Server?
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 12:33:08 +0100

Does anyone know where I can go to download/get a copy of the h.323 server under 
Linux.  I've gone
to and it is still being constructed.  I've also been going round and 
round with the
linux site's redhat, S.U.S.E., Debian, and


David Seaman
Technical Support
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Opinions expressed in this email are those of the author
and are not binding upon Business Online (UK) plc.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Drivers for 100Mbps Ethernet Cards
Date: 26 Apr 1999 12:48:45 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <rNdU2.1069$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Anthony M. Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have bought a SOHOware 100Mbps PCI Fast Ethernet kit and a NETGEAR FA
> 310tx Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter.  I don't know which drivers to use for
> them.  Is there a quick way to find out?  Any information would be
> appreciated.

I'm not positive, but I believe these boards both use clones of the DEC
"Tulip" 21140 chipset.  You should therefore be able to use the Linux
Tulip drivers.  You may need to get the latest version, however, from, since the
clones are fairly new and may not work correctly with the older drivers
that are still shipping with the Linux kernel (the last I checked; perhaps
the latest kernel now has the latest Tulip driver).

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me


From: "Francois-Xavier LEBLOND" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: How to log a telnet session ?
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:24:03 +0200


I want to log automatically in a file all my telnet sessions. Somebody has
told me to look in /etc/syslog.conf, but for the moment I've just manage to
log authentification messsages, and not the complete work I've done in my
sessions ...




From: Peter Novikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sendmail behind firewall
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 11:39:12 +0200

Chris Szilagyi wrote:

> I have a question about configuring sendmail behind a
> firewall.  By default it is set to NOT relay, which is
> fine.  But sendmail needs to obtain the ip address to check
> who the recipient is.  The problem is that it will always
> see the firewall's ip address / domain.  Has anybody found a
> way to control relaying with sendmail behind a firewall??
> Thanks in advance
> Chris Szilagyi

    I can't see any problem about outgoing mail -- machines behind the
    firewall generally can establish connections to hosts "out there".
    As to incoming connection my suggestion is:
    1. Define your firewall as mailserver (so that any incoming mail
      arrives to the firewall first). Any host that is not within your
      thinks that the firewall is responsible for delivering the mail
for you.
    2. Use port forwarding for port 25 to your real mail server. Every
      connection to the port 25 at the firewall actually goes to the

    Can it be helpful for your case?

            -- Peter Novikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: "William R. Mattil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: options 3c503 io=0x280,0x300,0x330,0x350 xcvr=0,1,0,1
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:03:26 -0500

Alan Ling wrote:

> What exactly is xcvr?  I have 2 3c503 cards and
> 3.)     3Com EtherLink II/16-Bit
>         Model Number: 3C503-16TP
>         Quantity: 2
>         - Cards have 10BaseT RJ45 and AUI ports
>         - Fully supported under Windows 95/98/NT
>         - All cards have been tested and are in perfect condition.
>         - Driver disk is included.
> The card are specified as above?  Should I pick 0 or 1?
> thanks.
> Alan
> --
> where do you want to go tomorrow?

In every 3C503 I have used (and thats quite a few :^) ) leaving the
option off entirely defaults it to the TP (RJ45) connector. Setting it
to 1 would be the BNC or AUI. Though to be honest, only one machine ever
had to be set this way because everything in house was UTP.


William R. Mattil       | Fred Astaire wasn't so great.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Ginger had to do it all backwards
(972) 399-4106          | and... in high heels.


From: Kelvin Tsang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 23:06:34 +0800

I recently bought thirty 3c905b for my company,
and found that my LAN becomes unstable with
them, I still not sure if its caused by the lan driver
or the nic itself. I have three servers on the LAN,
HP9000 HP-UX 10.20, NT Server, and NetWare 3.12
with Win95, Win311, Linux workstations. The
'unstable' crashes my Novell Server quite a lot,
twice a week !


Gregory Kreymer wrote:

> I'm using RH 5.2 and didn't even have to add a route and I have the
> "SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument" come up during a boot.  I remember getting it
> even after a fresh install using RH's menu installation.  I have a hunch
> that it's a NIC problem - I have a 3905b.... Do you hapen to also have the
> same card?
> Greg K.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald Brandt)
Subject: Routing over two interfaces?
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:00:27 GMT

Hi there,

I would like to know if there is a problem with the following...

I have a dedicated ISDN line, which routes my IP addresses properly.  I
would like to get a Cable modem.  The cable modem comes with a dedicated
IP address, and I must use IP masquerading to get all my computers across

Can I have incoming connections requests (ie: WWW, email, etc) come in my
ISDN line, and have all answers go out my faster IP masqueraded Cable

What kind of problems could I expect?


Gerald Brandt   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11:55am  up 30 days,  3:30,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Linux 2.0.36 #1 Tue Oct 13 22:17:11 EDT 1998 i586 unknown


Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:15:20 +0200
From: Holger von Ameln <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bandwidth Watcher/Monitor Help/Info Needed

Why don't you just use CMU-SNMP too ?



> I run a Redhat 5.2 server and have it co-located elsewhere. My
> provider has now decided to get slick and bill for bandwidth usage.
> However my web stat program and their usage stats don't agree. I was
> told this by my provider
> "We run a bay networks ethernet switch, which allows us to snmp poll
> each 'ethernet port' every 5 minutes, and generate statistics for your
> server. We monitor bandwith into, and out of, your server and tally it
> up."
> My question is how or where do I find a program, perferably RPM based,
> to monitor  my bandwidth usage at my eithernet card.
> Please Email me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==----------
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Subject: Configuring PPP on linux
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 12:33:59 GMT

Hi Linux Gurus,  I am trying to configure ppp on linux to access
internet.With PPP it dials number and dies on the chat script.I am able to
access internet with win98 dialup network connection.My ISP is .
Is somebody having any chat scripts particularly for ,Please help
me out. Ajit

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (TurkBear)
Subject: Re: FTP as root
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:17:22 GMT

You probably shouldn't do this unless your server is a stand-alone - ftp and
telnet transmit your password unencoded so a sniffer lurking out there could
learn too much about your root account....Telnet as any other user then 'su' for
root privs....

Just my 2c worth....

"Craig Neuwirt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I was wondering what I have to do to be able to ftp into my linux server
>as root.  I can't remember
>what config files need to be updated to allow a remote ftp (or telnet) as
>     Craig Neuwirt

To reply please remove the 'nospam' part of the address


From: "Matthew B. Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need help setting up a remote X-term.
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:44:02 +0000

Greetings Linux and X users,

I am using RH Linux 5.2. What I am having trouble with is setting up a
connection from my Linux machine at home to a remote computer at work in
order to use X remote applications from home. The idea is that I will
use my local Linux X server to get allow me to use all the graphical X
applications on the remote computer.

I can't find any real specific documentation on how to to this, but this
is what I have tried:

1. I connect to the network using PPP (this all works -- I can access
other services such mail and WWW for instance).

2. Then I telnet to the remote machine using "telnet" from my xterm prompt in Linux. I can get in
alright under text mode.

3. Once in the remote machine under telnet, I set the DISPLAY variable
to be the (dynamically allocated) IP address of my local machine)
followed by :0.0 (eg. export DISPLAY= Note, I get
the local IP address information by running traceroute -- is there a
better/ more direct way?

4. Then I run a graphical X application like xemacs. And it just hangs
at the prompt.

I have tried using the local "xhost" command to add But this doesn't seem to make much of a
difference either.

Note that I have previously been able to connect and access these X
programs on the remote computer under windows using X server emulator
like MIX and Xcursion. The technique was similar -- login with telnet,
configure the DISPLAY variable on the remote machine and then fire up
the X server emulator.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I thought using the
dinki-di X server that comes with Linux would make it a breeze --
obviously I'm doing something simple wrong...



Matthew B. Kennedy
Queensland University of Technology



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