Linux-Networking Digest #594, Volume #11         Sun, 20 Jun 99 01:13:29 EDT

  Re: 2 79382 (Nicholas E Couchman)
  Very big problem with RCP (Giacomo Pasinetti)
  Re: Set diald only one way (out) on shared voice line? (Lim Chee Onn)
  Diald Freezes ("Adrian Mink")
  Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver? (Guy Geens)
  Re: Win98 / Linux / Peer-to-peer / Net Connection help!! (Nicholas E Couchman)
  Re: running ppp as non-root (scable)
  questions about qmail ("JACK")
  Re: PPP - What can I tell you to help solve my problem? ("Matthew O. Persico")
  Re: PPP again, and again, and... (Monte Phillips)
  Help: Redhat 5.2 and Sympatico High Speed (Paul Beaudet)
  Re: KPPP Works, IFUP Doesn't (Devlyn)
  Linux 2.2.9/Redhat 6.0 rpc.mount export problems (root)
  Re: Linksys LNE100TX & Tulip? (Vidar Andresen)
  Re: how to configure on board Ethernet chip? (Vidar Andresen)
  linksys Etherfast 10/100 troubles (Raistlin Majere)
  Re: How do I create a custom (Menuing) Shell? (Vidar Andresen)
  Hello all, (Thomas Rates)


From: Nicholas E Couchman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 79382
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 03:13:26 GMT

I don't know about you, but to me this looks like a Linux newsgroup not
a psychic hotline.  Take your stuff somewhere else cause there are
people here who actually want to talk about Linux, and they will focus
on the millenium and Y2K when the time comes, and I don't think they'll
be consulting psycics.


From: Giacomo Pasinetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Very big problem with RCP
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 10:28:24 +0200

I have 3 different server in 3 different subnetworks connected by
The hosts file is ok.
I have the /etc/hosts.equiv file with :

I have the same user on all servers.
File and directory permission are ok ; but  I can do rcp: It says
permission denied.
HElp !!!!!  :-((



From: Lim Chee Onn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Set diald only one way (out) on shared voice line?
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 17:08:26 +0800

root wrote:
>         I have upgraded to diald 0.99-1 and it seems to be working almost
> perfectly!  But - I am leaving my server running, and need to share my
> internet connection with the voice line in our home.  diald always answers
> the phone on the first ring, which is not a good thing when there is a human
> on the other end.  The screaming modem gets rid of telephone solicitors
> really well, ;-) but I don't think our friends and family like it too much.
> I am sure this is a very common problem with thousands of linux users who do
> not have dedicated internet access, and need to share dial up access with
> voice telephone service.
>         What fifo or other command can I send to diald, so that it still dials out
> as normal, but does not answer incoming calls?  The man page or even the
> diald home www page is not clear on this?  Thanks in advance for any
> ideas...


First a word of advice, do not do any tasks except administrative tasks
as root. Create a user account for normal everyday tasks such as
accessing the WWW, browsing the newsgroups etc. Now that's done with,
let's get on with your question.

In a nutshell, diald is not the one that is answering the phone. You
most probably has installed mgetty or a fax program that is doing so.
Look in /etc/inittab and comment out the lines that starts up mgetty or
any other terminal devices except for mingetty (which runs your login
terminal). Next issue an 'init q' at the command prompt as root.

Passengers of the mothership earth, these are your children speaking.
When disembarking, please leave a good clean environment behind.
Thank you.
Alex C. O. Lim
Future Trend Computer Services


From: "Adrian Mink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diald Freezes
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 21:24:17 -0500

I'm having some problems with diald on Rh5.1 and hope someone can help. The
problem is that when I enable diald and it dials in, it freezes after the
modems negotiate. (I can kill it, but it will just hang there if I don't.)
When I launch my connection manually, it works fine.

I am connecting using chap to AT&T worldnet, I use a script to connect
rather than the GUI within Xwindows. I have been to the diald home page and
read the FAQ. I followed the instuctions for the section on diald freezing
up during the connection process, without any luck. I also have IP
Masquerading set up to put my little lan on the net. I have rebuilt the
kernel with slip support for diald.

Here are the varius scripts and config files I am using.


# Script to establish connection from a Linux system to
# worldnet via PPP.
$PHONE="3244003"; # Cambridge, MA

$command="/usr/sbin/pppd name \"".$NAME."\"".
" -d connect \'/usr/sbin/chat -t 45 -v ABORT BUSY \"\" ATDT".
" 57600 noipdefault modem defaultroute crtscts";
$ENV{'PATH'} = ''; # Make $ENV{'PATH'} untainted


mode ppp
connect /usr/sbin/ppp-on
device /dev/ttyS2
speed 57600
pppd-options name *********
include /usr/lib/diald/standard.filter

chap secrets

# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client           server               secret               IP addresses
********* * "*****************"

Again, it only fails when using diald to launch the connection. I appreciate
anyone taking the time to help.
                  Adrian Mink


From: Guy Geens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Synchronizing cmos clock with timeserver?
Date: 19 Jun 1999 22:04:35 +0200

>>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald Hovens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ronald> Hello, I have a fine-working redhat linux server. However, I
Ronald> have a problem with synchronizing my system clock with a time
Ronald> server on the internet. To set my system clock every time an
Ronald> internet connection is established, I use the rdate command in
Ronald> my ip-up script:

I have chrony running on my system. This is a daemon that will
synchronize the system's clock to a timeserver. It will save some data
to a file so it can adjust the system clock after a reboot.

for more information.

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - Modest, memorable improvement beast
Home page:
  ``I was thinking about how everyone was dying
    and maybe it's time to live.''              - Eels


From: Nicholas E Couchman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Win98 / Linux / Peer-to-peer / Net Connection help!!
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 03:20:09 GMT

Hey Nick,
Go download a proxy server (I use SpoonProxy) for your Wintel machine.
Set the ports, etc., on your Linux web browser to the listening ports of
your Wintel proxy server.  With some you can even map POP or SMTP, even
NNTP servers through.
As far as file sharing, use Samba w/ Wintel Network neighborhood and set
security on the WIntel machine to share and on the Linux to either share
or user.

"[D] [R] [O] [Z]" wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have an internal cable modem (sux i know) and it will only work on
> my Win98 machine, i also have a linux box that i am setting up right
> now. I have a hub, nic cards, the whole deal, How can i connect the
> linux machine to the win98 machine so that i can use the cable modem,
> modem, etc... I dont really wanna use any files on the machine, but
> that would be cool. For necessary purposes, the cable connection is
> the most important, files and stuff, thats a plus but not needed,
> thanx so much in advance
> -Nick


From: scable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: running ppp as non-root
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 23:03:25 -0500

"Gregory D. Horne" wrote:

> At the command prompt:
> $ chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd
> And assuming all else is properly configured all users should be able to
> use the ppp interface.

I was trying to connect with the "usernet" tool.  It is alot more
convennent than entering pppd at the
command line.  OK, I'll admit it, I really don't understand the pppd
command, and the man page was
sort of opaque.  Anyway, doing the chmod didn't help with usernet.  When I
long on as a regular user,
it still tells me that no interfaces are user-enabled.  Appreciate the
help.  Another idea?

"Marc Mutz" wrote:

>pppd need root priv's because it changes the kernel routing table. So
>the only way to do this is make it suid.

I'm sorry.  You're dealing with a bone fide newbie here.  I'm not sure what
you mean here.   Your help
is appreciated.


Subject: questions about qmail
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 01:29:01 +0100

hi all

    i'm sorry if this is off topic but i could'nt think of where else to
go..;  ).
 i have two quick questions, i have qmail set-up for our office, if it
receives a mail for a user on the local domain it delivers it to them any
mail for remote domains causes a dial up and it delivers it across the
net......"cool!" i say. but here are two problems that i have

    1) we have one user that is in a remote office so his mail has to be
sent across the net. Is it possible for qmail to divert mail for letsay
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to another (remote) smtp server. but [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gets delivered locally.
    2) is it possible for to schedule qmail-send to trigger qmail-rspawn
periodically. currently if there is remote mail it dials up immediately.
would it be possible to que this, and the send every half hour lets say.

i hope that the above is clear enough if not flame me...but if any one can
help it would be great

much appreciated
Ralph summed his wits.
 "Because the rules are the only thing we've got!"
But Jack was shouting against him
"Bollocks to the Rules!"


From: "Matthew O. Persico" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PPP - What can I tell you to help solve my problem?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 00:08:03 -0400

Clifford Kite wrote:
> There's no "noipaddress" option, there's noip and noipdefault.  With
> the noip option you deny pppd IPCP negotiation and IP communication.
> The noipdefault means that pppd is not to get an IP address from the
> local hostname, which is often appropriate.
Typo - I meant noipdefault.

> : 2) Since my ISP uses dynamic DNS assignemnts, I use the usedpeerdns
> : argument. I guess that pppd is reading them correctly since
> : a new resolv.conf is created every time I connect. But it's not
> : in /etc, it's in /etc/ppp. Is this a going to be a problem once
> : I get problem #1 fixed.
> Very likely.  What you mean is that the peer supplies DNS addresses with
> the Microsoft hack of IPCP to do this.  That hack is not a part of the
> standard PPP protocol and very unlikely to become a part of it.
> It's doubtful that the DNS addresses will change very often if at all.
> Once you know the DNS addresses you probably don't need the peer to
> supply them time-after-time, dropping the usepeerdns option and putting
> the addresses in /etc/resolv.conf should work.  Otherwise you'll have
> to do something to get it linked to the actual file that has the DNS
> addresses along the lines suggested in the README.

I softlinked ln -s /etc/ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf and I think if
my other problem is solved, this will be ok. At the rate erols is
morphing into RCN, I think I'll keep the dynamic DNS stuff.

> It's surely significant that this option isn't in the man pages, the
> pppd maintainer certainly knows it's a hack.

Damn, you're right. I must have picked it up by reading a HOWTO
> : So, in order you you to help me solve this, what information should
> : I post? Snippets of /var/log/messages?
> : BTW, I have debug and kdebug 1 set on the pppd.
> Logs yes, but no kdebug please.

To make my life easier, I'll probably change my /etc/syslog.conf to
isolate PPP traffic to /var/log/ppp instead of mixing it in woth
/var/log/messages. I have to do an install at work tomorrow, so I
probably won't get around to posting anything until later in the week.
Thanks for the advice, so far.

> --
> Clifford Kite <>                       Not a guru. (tm)
> /* 97.3% of all statistics are made up. */

Matthew O. Persico
You'll have to pry my Emacs from my cold dead oversized
   control-pressing left pinky finger. -- Randal L. Schwartz


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Monte Phillips)
Subject: Re: PPP again, and again, and...
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 04:05:18 GMT

This may seem bassackwards, BUT <G>

Sometimes when I get boxed into a corner with linux on a
complicated(to me) setup what I found woks best is to make the
simplest possible part work, in your case I'd do the following.

Get a copy of exnet or wvdial or both and make them run, they are
straight forward and simple.  When they work THEN start looking beyond
to a greater complexity of settings.  FWIW


On Sat, 19 Jun 1999 22:40:13 -0500, "Ken Farmer"
>This is a post for PPP gurus who probably know this stuff backward and
>forwards.  I am trying to start a PPP connection with my provider and so far
>without success.
>Following the books I have all the usual stuff -  /etc/resolv.conf   ,
>/etc/ppp/pap-secrets   , and /etc/ppp/options files.  These are setup
>according to the instructions of the provider ( and generally agree
>with my books.
>The modem dials and connects but never transmits any connection info.  I
>haven't been able to prove it yet, but I think that once that I am connected
>the data path reverts back to the ethernet link.    I do a "route del
>default" before running the PPPD command.  If I run it again I get a message
>to the effect that the default route does not exist, so that tells me that I
>did delete something.
>However, the route -n command never shows a default route as in the books,
>only the eth0 and io routes even though the route del default command runs
>without error the first time.  And I never get a PPP route which appears to
>be wrong also.
>Eventually I will hack through the process and make it work, but I am more
>interested in understanding the process than getting Netscape to run.
>From the posts, I see that setting up PPP is a problem that most newbies
>seem to stumble over.  Anybody got any ideas on the subject.


From: Paul Beaudet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help: Redhat 5.2 and Sympatico High Speed
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 04:11:29 GMT

could someone please help me configure redhat 5.2 to work with my
Sympatico High Speed Modem (the Nortel 1-meg modem). I seem to be stuck.


From: Devlyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KPPP Works, IFUP Doesn't
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 21:51:33 -0700

Mohd H Misnan wrote:
> I just did this and its work w/o problem. You need to delete all the
> characters inside chat script (expect/send sequence), otherwise the pppd will
> try to use chat script instead of PAP to negotiate.
> --
> |Mohd Hamid Misnan      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

I had already cleared out the chat script at that point.  For round two,
I decided to go back to basics and figured out how to directly launch
pppd from the command line and make it dial.  Amazingly, it worked
fine.  So, I made a really simple script from that.

The "How to Hook up PPP in Linux" article ( ) was quite useful.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Now I have to figure out why diald won't install ...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (root)
Subject: Linux 2.2.9/Redhat 6.0 rpc.mount export problems
Date: 19 Jun 1999 21:35:59 -0700

Seems that since NFS is now in kernel space, operation is a bit different.

I can't traverse physical sub-mounts on an exported tree.  I get :

....... fh_verify: ..... permission failure, acc=4, errno=1

Any patches that make this work the way it used to?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vidar Andresen)
Subject: Re: Linksys LNE100TX & Tulip?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 06:13:30 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi ,
>Just installed Redhat 6.0.  The HOWTO on Ethernet says the tulip driver
>will work with the Etherfast 10/100 cards, with the exception of some
>I loaded the tulip module (I think) and get the following message when
>'Unknown Tulip-style PCI ethernet chip type 11ad c115 detected: not
>Any advice?

    { "Lite-On LC82C115 PNIC-II",
       0x11AD, 0xc115, 0xffff, PCI_ADDR0_IO, 256, 32, tulip_probe1 },

Found the above in a 'tulip.c:v0.91e 5/27/99'.  So i belive a updatet
driver will do..

        Support and updates available at

Mvh Vidar Andresen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vidar Andresen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: how to configure on board Ethernet chip?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 06:32:40 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bob Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I believe that I need to enable support for my on board Ethernet chipset in the
>kernel somewhere. My motherboard - ASUS P2B-LS has what it says is an Intel
>82558 Ethernet 10/100 chipset. I can not find any information about how to
>enable this in the kernel (2.2.?). I selected "EISA,PCI,VLB and on board
>controllers", but none of the controllers listed below that option resemble the
>82558. How do I get this Ethernet working?

Both eepro100.c and rclanmtl.c have the number '82558' in them. for a start.

Mvh Vidar Andresen


From: Raistlin Majere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linksys Etherfast 10/100 troubles
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 04:16:34 GMT third post in 3 days....Again, Mandrake dist., the Etherfast
10/100 card, the tulip driver...
I've narrowed down my problem quite a bit in the last 3 days, but I
still haven't got it totally solved yet.  Here we go again:

On bootup, insmod tulip isn't running properly, because loading the
tulip module returns an error.  However, I am able to start the
card/module access up by logging in, entering the command: "insmod
tulip", then going to the etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory, and running
"S10network restart" and "S50inet restart".  Once these two programs are
restarted with the tulip module loaded, I gain access to the internet
and can ping my heart away, and hit webpages just fine.  However, I need
for all this to be done upon bootup BEFORE any users are logged in.  I
plan on running my machine as a small time internet server for various
daemons.  And with this error, my apache web server fails to load, and
even AFTER getting the network online, I can no longer load the httpd
daemon for apache, since it doesn't like being run under any user.  Any
ideas?  BTW, the responses I've gotten already have helped a lot in
getting this far, thank you all for your help :)

Justin McClellan


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vidar Andresen)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: How do I create a custom (Menuing) Shell?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 06:41:58 +0200

In article <7kgdet$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff) wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>John Rappold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Our VMS system allows lets certain groups of users telnet into a custom
>>shell that has a menuing system....they can cursor to items to start an app
>>or press a number.
>>Can someone point me in the right direction on how to setup something like
>>this in Linux? I'm a newbie.

># Run something based on the answer.
>case `cat /tmp/answer` in
>       1) echo "running program 1";;
>       2) echo "running program 2";;
>       3) echo "running program 3";;
>       *) echo "Oops! got an error\n";;
>------------- End of program ------------------

Cmenu? Cmeny?

Mvh Vidar Andresen


From: Thomas Rates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hello all,
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 20:12:54 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello all,
    Here's the scenario. I have 2 apartments, my main living one
(apartment A, Linux box A, Slack 3.6), and a place to get out of all the
commotion (apartment B, Linux box B, Slack 3.6). My main box is at
apartment A, where it is a local call to connect to my ISP. At apartment
B, only a few miles away it is a toll call (over 20 cents a minute). I
am wondering if it is possibe to keep a permanent connection to my ISP
via modem from apartment A (I've read Dynamic-IP-Hacks) and dial in to
that box from apartment B, thus avoiding the toll charges. I would like
to use PPP, or maybe just let machine B dial in as a terminal to machine
A. I have seen little documentation on this other than a brief 2 line
message about mgetty, which I cannot seem to find anywhere on sunsite
(well, metalab now) or tsx. I am not that sure about mgetty, or what I
would need to have a working ppp-dialin on box A other than another
modem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,

Thomas Rates

                  Why so many People use M$:
 "People: Eat Shit ! - Millions of Flys can't be wrong....."

 M$: "You changed the position of your Mouse-Pointer, please restart..."

 In a world without fences and borders, who needs windows and gates....

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Hello all,
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Here's the scenario. I have 2 apartments, my main
living one (apartment A, Linux box A, Slack 3.6), and a place to get out
of all the commotion (apartment B, Linux box B, Slack 3.6). My main box
is at apartment A, where it is a local call to connect to my ISP. At apartment
B, only a few miles away it is a toll call (over 20 cents a minute). I
am wondering if it is possibe to keep a permanent connection to my ISP
via modem from apartment A (I've read Dynamic-IP-Hacks) and dial in to
that box from apartment B, thus avoiding the toll charges. I would like
to use PPP, or maybe just let machine B dial in as a terminal to machine
A. I have seen little documentation on this other than a brief 2 line message
about mgetty, which I cannot seem to find anywhere on sunsite (well, metalab
now) or tsx. I am not that sure about mgetty, or what I would need to have
a working ppp-dialin on box A other than another modem. Any help would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
<P>Thomas Rates
 Why so many People use M$:
&nbsp;"People: Eat Shit ! - Millions of Flys can't be wrong....."

&nbsp;M$: "You changed the position of your Mouse-Pointer, please restart..."

&nbsp;In a world without fences and borders, who needs windows and gates....




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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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