Linux-Networking Digest #598, Volume #11         Sun, 20 Jun 99 14:13:39 EDT

  apache questions (Chan Ching Yu)
  Re: PPP question (Clifford Kite)
  Re: how to configure on board Ethernet chip? (Malware)
  Printing to Win NT ("jay nospam beatty")
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Frank Sweetser)
  newbie - can't ping self (Art Heyman)
  Re: Need list for LAN (Stewart Honsberger)
  Any support for MultiLink PPP ? (Daniel Wilson)
  Re: KPPP (Richard Harding)
  windows person ("mrbelly")
  Re: Configuring my Netgear Printer Server ("NewsGuy")
  network problem (Eran Dvey-Aharon)
  Local  network setup help !! ("Philippe CHARDONNET")
  problem with route (Richard A Lough)
  Re: ifconfig reports error in RX packets. Download stalls regularly! (Clifford Kite)
  Linux web portal software (Alessandro Bruciamonti)
  PPTP client (Donghyeok Kil)
  can't get dialup connection with RH 6.0 (Chris Stolte)
  Re: PPP Scripting... Help? ("Andy Heynderickx")
  Re: Realtek RTL8019 network card ??? (Dmitry)
  SMC Etherlink II 10/100 (Ibrahim Haddad)
  Re: ssh connection => network connection? (Gardner Buchanan)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chan Ching Yu)
Subject: apache questions
Date: 20 Jun 1999 13:20:39 GMT

after i typing this command
ps -ef |grep 'httpd'| wc -l
i get 100, this means there are 100 users visiting my site?

is this a proper way to restart apache?
kill -HUP ppid

what are the differences between using HUP and USR1 signal to restart apache?


From: (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: PPP question
Date: 20 Jun 1999 09:22:07 -0500

Steve Willis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: I am a new user to Linux, using Redhat 5.2.  I followed the instructions at
: based on an answer to an earlier question to
: this newsgroup (thank you!).

: I can use Minicom to dial my ISP.  However, when I execute my ppp-on script,
: nothing happens (I don't hear the modem "click" on).  The following appears
: in my /var/log/messages:

: Jun 20 04:41:55 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
: Jun 20 04:41:55 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
: Jun 20 04:41:55 localhost pppd[774]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
: Jun 20 04:41:56 localhost pppd[774]: Serial connection established.
: Jun 20 04:41:57 localhost pppd[774]: Using interface ppp0
: Jun 20 04:41:57 localhost pppd[774]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
: Jun 20 04:41:57 localhost pppd[774]: Serial line is looped back.
: Jun 20 04:41:57 localhost pppd[774]: Connection terminated.

: Does this point to anything?  What does "Serial line is looped back" mean?
: If anyone has an answer, please let me know in *simple* terms (this is my
: fifth day with Linux).

The ppp-on script here has a companion ppp-on-dialer script for chat
to dial out and connect.  Dunno what happens if the modem is already
connected when chat does it's thing, but maybe "looped back?"

Rereading your post maybe the minicom reference is just to show you can
connect to the ISP, and not a part of a procedure you are using to get
PPP working.  A grossly misconfigured ppp-on-dialer script could also
cause the "looped back."

One easy-to-make mistake, for a chat script with the expect/sends as chat
arguments, is an expect/send line that has no `\' escape at the end, or
one that has a space immediately following the `\' thus preventing the
eol from being escaped.  Excluding the last line of chat arguments of
course, where the eol is not escaped.

Otherwise post your scripts.

Clifford Kite <>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* I gave up on politics when no matter who I voted for, I regretted it.
 *    -- Pepper...and Salt, WSJ */


From: Malware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: how to configure on board Ethernet chip?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 10:52:32 +0200

Hi Vidar,

you wrote:
> Both eepro100.c and rclanmtl.c have the number '82558' in them.

Later one is used for the feature 'Red Creek Hardware VPN
(EXPERIMENTAL)'. I do not think that is what the questioner does have



From: "jay nospam beatty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printing to Win NT
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:06:05 GMT

I'm trying to print from my RedHat 6.0 ,2.2.10, box to a postscript printer
attached to a winNT workstation.

The Printing HOWTO says there's a Print to Windows mini-HOWTO, but I can't
find it.

This must be done all the time. How do you do it? Where is the secret




From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 20 Jun 1999 12:01:43 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) writes:

> >> They don't sell fixes - they are free.
> >>
> >Win 98 was a fix for Win95 don't try to tell me they don't sell them.
> Wrong, 98's sole purpose on earth is to force IE4/5 upon every user
> possible.  IE is the most important peice of software ms has right now.

tell that to the hundreds of MIS managers who asked MS "how do we make 95
y2k compliant?" and got told "windows 98."

> The fact that MS was able to bloat 98 up some more to make people buy
> faster machines(typical purchase cycle) was just a bonus.  I don't think
> they cared about the money on this one.  Not at all.

bullshit.  in the long run, microsoft has one and only one goal.  not to
write office and word.  not to write new windows operating systems.  to
*make* *money*.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.5        i586 | at public servers
Magically turning people's old scalar contexts into list contexts is a
recipe for several kinds of disaster.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Art Heyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: newbie - can't ping self
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 11:51:39 -0400

Hosts file looks OK, and ifconfig shows my IP number and the ethernet
card - looks OK - can ping local loopback , but can't ping my own ip
number - 
  Anyone know of a good general intro to networking under Linux ?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger)
Subject: Re: Need list for LAN
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:36:38 GMT

On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:02:47 -0700, Joe O'Connell wrote:
>I'm setting up a 15-node LAN (which has to have room to grow to 25 or so),
>and I'm looking for some "theme" to name each node.  Here is a list of the
>themes being considered so far:
>I'm trying to find a theme that is CREATIVE, FUN, EASY (to spell and
>remember), and there must be at least 20 names available.  Any ideas?

Usually on a home LAN I'd suggest the name/alias of the person who owns
the machine. On an office-type LAN, I'd suggest naming them with their

Stewart Honsberger (AKA Blackdeath) @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Remove 'thirteen' to reply privately)
Humming along under SuSE Linux 6.0 / OS/2 Warp 4


From: Daniel Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any support for MultiLink PPP ?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:51:51 +0100

I know there is support for serial load-balancing, but this isn't what
I'm looking for.  I'm trying to find a ppp implementation for linux
which supports multilink PPP over two or more serial devices.  

Does anyone know if anything like this is available ? 

I'm got a lot of time on my hands soon, how much of a project would it
be to adapt one of the existing implementations do provide such
functionality ?

many thanks,

Dan Wilson


From: Richard Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KPPP
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 18:41:39 +0100

Matt Ragland wrote:
> I am new to liunux, spoiled by the simplicity of windows, and am having
> trouble connecting to the internet. I have grown to like KDE a lot. I
> can dial and connect to my isp but that is all. I cannot telnet to
> another site, ping another, site or view a web site. Is there something
> I need to do in order to use the internet to its fullest extent???
> Thanks!!!

Maybe you havent entered the DNS information in the DNS tab of kppp ?
these are ip address of the servers at your ISP that do the domain name
resolution - covert names to ip addresses

your ISP should supply you with their DNS ip addresses

hope it helps



From: "mrbelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: windows person
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:57:43 +0100

i am a windows person so i don't know much about linux.
i have managed to install a couple of linux machines and have them ping
eachother but how do they actually share stuff.
    also, is there something similar to NT's domain model for security
between client computers and servers??
(sorry if that all sounds really stoopid)


From: "NewsGuy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring my Netgear Printer Server
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:01:50 -0400
Reply-To: "NewsGuy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Any luck getting that print server to work.  I have the same setup and
haven't had any luck.  I can print to it using TCP/IP from Windows NT/98,
but not Redhat yet. Thanks for letting me know anything you have found out.


Trevor Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7j69fn$bjp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> I have a Netgear P110 printer server attached to my network and am running
> two printers off its logical ports, L1 and L2.  It has an IP address and I
> can ping it from my RH6.0 box.  DOes anyone know how I can use linux to
> administer the queue and then share it with the rest of my (mostly NT)
> network?
> Thanks,
> Trevor


From: Eran Dvey-Aharon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: network problem
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 19:25:04 +0300

On redhat 6.0 I have strange network bad performance only in certain
opperations :

1. ping show some lost packets - this should be the key to all
2. ftp is very very very slow
3. opening X on other displays is very very very slow

on the otherhand , netscape is reasonable.

The card is a PCI 10/100 3c905 connected to a 10mb hub. Other machines
connected to the same hub work much better (they are now linux)

I do not use DNS to resolve names, the same problem occers when I use
the specific ip address, or added machines to the /etc/hosts file.

Any idea how to debug my problem ?
Any known selutions ?
I didn't find anyone else with the same problem in the net.

Thanks ,



Subject: Local  network setup help !!
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 18:22:54 +0200

Hi everybody !

I've been trying to figure out how to install a local network with Linux but
I've had to give up !

I've been reading how-tos and other help files but they 're so complicated
that I can't make head nor tail...

Could anybody tell me what the main steps are to configure a local network
(peer to peer) with Linux Mandrake 5.3 (kernel 2.0.36) and thus be able to
connect to my other computer with Win98 installed on it ??

I've been trying to use samba 1.9 but I don't understand the notion of
locahhost.localdomain, what IP I should type in etc...

Yet my network works properly with two Win98 machines ! and I have no
problem with IP and submask notions !

Here are the IP and submask I use in Win98 :

        -PC n°1 : IP, submask
        -PC n°2 : IP, submask

Hardware :

        -PC n°1 : PII 266 with a Ne2000 PCI card Realtek (detected by Linux
/ bx000; IRQ9)
        -PC n°2 : Cyrix P233 with a NE2000 ISA card Realtek, too.

Samba 1.9 is installed on my machine but should I install another package to
configure this peer to peer connection  on my machine and on the other in
Win98 ??

Your help would be appreciated !

Thanks in advance for your help !



From: Richard A Lough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem with route
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:14:56 +0100

hi all,

during the boot process I'm seeing:

SIOCADDRT: invalid address

This appears after ifconfig 
is run and route is trying to set up

I'm not too concerned because everthing else seems to work.

Any advice??

I'm running Debian 2.1/kernel 2.2.x


Richard A Lough


From: (Clifford Kite)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: ifconfig reports error in RX packets. Download stalls regularly!
Date: 20 Jun 1999 09:46:47 -0500

General Sisyphus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: My downloads stall after downloading a few hundred K of data. My
: ifconfig reports:

: lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
:           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
:           UP BROADCAST LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3584  Metric:1
:           RX packets:102198 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
:           TX packets:102198 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

: ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
:           inet addr:  P-t-P:
: Mask:
:           UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING  MTU:1500  Metric:1
:           RX packets:86 errors:7 dropped:7 overruns:0
:           TX packets:66 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

: How can I find out what the errors are? What is the likelyhood that this
: the reason for stall on downloads?

The first question:

Check the routing before and after the stall.  Check the setserial
configuration of the modem device file.  Look at the PPP negotiation
logs with the pppd debug option turned on.  As a last resort look at
these logs with the kdebug 7 option.

Start posting logs if you need help with them.  Also the kernel version
and pppd version and the "setserial /dev/ttySx" output, x = whatever
for your modem.

The second question.

The RX error count in the ifconfig output is significant and is probably
related to the stall.

Clifford Kite <>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* You have my best wishes for a better answer. */


From: Alessandro Bruciamonti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux web portal software
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:02:05 +0200

Hello all!

I'm searching for "web portal software" under Linux. I need
informations on every implementation of configurable user
web interface. 

Thank you for your help and greetings from Italy!

Alessandro "Alex" Bruciamonti


From: Donghyeok Kil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPTP client
Date: 20 Jun 1999 17:44:01 GMT

I just switched to adsl, but I have problems with connecting to internet with ad
sl. My provider only gives support for windows :(
Here is my situation:
Connection to internet is made with a Virtual Private Network and PPTP to connec
t. (In windows one just have to use the Micosoft VPN - drivers.)
So, I got pptp client, but not sure what to put for the pptp argument.
Should the remotehost be or something else? All i got from my ISP
was login and password. How can I figure out the remotehostname? When
I typed pptp, I got an unknown error along with call manager
for is already running. Any help will be grateful.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Stolte)
Subject: can't get dialup connection with RH 6.0
Date: 20 Jun 1999 17:25:00 GMT

I'm new to RedHat, and am having difficulty getting a simple internet
connection with a modem. I attempted to use minicom to dial my ISP, which
it does (and tells me I'm connected). Also, my phone line appears to be
in use as would be expected. However, after "connecting", I'm still
isolated. I can't ping, telnet, etc... I know the problem isn't hardware
related, because Windows dials up fine with the same modem. Is there
something special I need to do?? I have consulted the NET3 HOWTO, and
tried everything I can think of!! All relevant config files seem to be
as they should be. I also tried using linuxconf to activate SLIP and PPP
interfaces, but this seems to have no effect...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

Chris Stolte


From: "Andy Heynderickx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP Scripting... Help?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:38:48 +0200

hi, I have kind of the same problem, only sometimes I can connect, but the
performance goes way down after a few minutes, in the end nothing comes in
anymore. Most of the time I just get a timeout during setup of the lcp
layer. Does anyone have any experience fixing this problem?

thanks, Andy Heynderickx (RH6.0 user)

extract of log:
Jun 20 03:29:13 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
University of California
Jun 20 03:29:13 localhost kernel: PPP: version 2.3.3 (demand dialling)
Jun 20 03:29:13 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Jun 20 03:29:13 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
Jun 20 03:29:13 localhost pppd[917]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: timeout set to 3 seconds
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: abort on (\nBUSY\r)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: abort on (\nNO ANSWER\r)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: abort on (\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: send (rAT^M)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: expect (OK)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: rAT^M^M
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: OK
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]:  -- got it
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: send (ATH0^M)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: timeout set to 30 seconds
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: expect (OK)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: ATH0^M^M
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: OK
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]:  -- got it
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: send (ATDT4001800^M)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: expect (CONNECT)
Jun 20 03:29:14 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:38 localhost chat[918]: ATDT4001800^M^M
Jun 20 03:29:38 localhost chat[918]: CARRIER 56000^M
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: PROTOCOL: LAP-M^M
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: COMPRESSION: V.42BIS^M
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: CONNECT
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]:  -- got it
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: send (^M)
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]: expect (Login:)
Jun 20 03:29:43 localhost chat[918]:  56000/ARQ^M
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]:
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost last message repeated 23 times
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: UQKT2^M
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: ^M
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: Login:
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]:  -- got it
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: send (********^M)
Jun 20 03:29:48 localhost chat[918]: expect (Password:)
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost chat[918]:  ********^M
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost chat[918]: Password:
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost chat[918]:  -- got it
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost chat[918]: send (****^M)
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost pppd[917]: Serial connection established.
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost pppd[917]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 20 03:29:49 localhost pppd[917]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS3
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: Connection terminated.
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: Connect time 0.6 minutes.
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jun 20 03:30:20 localhost pppd[917]: Exit.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message ...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>> I used a nice little program called "pppconfig", which is in Debian Linux
>> 2.1. Nice little graphical interface, very easy to configure. You should
>> able to get it from
>> Sam
>> "Troy C. Newman" wrote:
>> > I finally got my modem working and am currently trying to configure my
>> > dial-up connection... I've played a little with the commands  and have
>> > dialed the isp but then nothing... is there a way to find out what the
>> > script should say/do to establish and maintain the connection or is it
>> > matter of trial and error for different isp's.
>> >
>> > any help would be greatly appreciated...tcn.
>A very good document on setting up PPP on Linux can be found at


From: Dmitry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Realtek RTL8019 network card ???
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:36:15 -0700

Thanks to all for the reply.
I'll try.


Dmitry Koshkin wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if I can install the network card with RTL8019 chip on
> Redhat 6.0.
> What driver should I use for this.
> Where can I get this driver.
> Thanks for any help.
> Dmitry


From: Ibrahim Haddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SMC Etherlink II 10/100
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 11:48:49 -0400

Hi all,

I had a 3com card in my machine running redhat 6.0 
I replaced it with an SMC Etherlink II 10/100. The machine is 
now network-dead cause I need to remove the 3com settings and 
tell the system that there is a new SMC card.

Can anyone plz advice me on how to do that?
Thank you.


-- Ibrahim Haddad


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gardner Buchanan)
Subject: Re: ssh connection => network connection?
Crossposted-To: comp.dcom.vpn,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:55:19 GMT

In article <y5la3.684$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Brian Zhou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My goal is to be able to ping outside-host from inside-host.
> How? Assume both ends are Unix systems.

If you can get an ssh connection going, then use ssh connection
forwarding and run a user-land ppp connection over that.

You are looking for something like

   ssh -L 6669:localhost:6669

To allow connections at port 6669 at this end to go to the port
6669 at the other side.

Configure inetd to start a server ppp at the other end.  Put this
in /etc/services to name the service:

   ppp-in 6669/tcp # Incoming PPP connections over TCP

And this in /etc/inetd.conf to tell inetd(8) how to deal with
incoming connections on that port:

   ppp-in stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ppp ppp -direct ppp-in

Now use ppp to connect locally at port 6669, where ssh will carry
the data over to the far side and connect it up to 6669.  Run ppp
specifying localhost:6669 as the device.

Have a look at 'man ppp' and 'man ssh'

By the way, if you don't need the strong encryption and authent-
ication fetures of ssh, you could just use ppp over TCP directly.

Gardner Buchanan                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ottawa, ON             FreeBSD: Where you want to go. Today.



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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