Linux-Networking Digest #600, Volume #11         Sun, 20 Jun 99 17:13:57 EDT

  smbclient ok smbmount bad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Configuring my Netgear Printer Server (Scot Thompson)
  time sync (Karel Bemelmans)
  Re: Server Problem.... (John Coppens)
  Re: PCI BIOS has not enabled this device! (Harry Putnam)
  Re: Intermittent DNS functionality (John Coppens)
  Help! printing via samba on RH 6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: KPPP (Bill Unruh)
  "Network Unreachable" ("Jeff Ofgang")
  Re: Strange gnome ppp problem ("Chris Seaton")
  Re: modem reccomendations (Bill Unruh)
  Re: IPv4 Forwarding (Bill Unruh)
  Re: initab trick ! (Bill Unruh)
  Re: PAP: Password Authentication Protocol (Bill Unruh)
  Re: PPP Compression? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: PPP - cannot determine remote IP address (Bill Unruh)
  Re: smbclient ok smbmount bad ("dpc")
  The sendmail command takes 60 seconds to finish ?????????? ("Louis Banens")
  Re: Slackware 4.0 + IBM Etherjet ISA PnP card (Ted Sikora)
  Mail Server Question ("Chris Howie")
  Re: linux masq + win 98 = yucky latency (Mike)
  Re: Configuring my Netgear Printer Server ("George Sherwood")


Subject: smbclient ok smbmount bad
Date: 20 Jun 1999 14:43:24 -0500

I am running suse 6.1 (SADIE3) and a windows 95 (SADIE95).  smbclient 
'\\SADIE95\DOWNLD' works fine.  smbmount  //SADIE95/DOWNLD /win95 does not 
work.  I get an smb> prompt that don't respone to smb commands.  The old suse5.3 
worked so tried to copy old,   smb.conf, host, lmhost but it didn't help.  

thanks mac


From: Scot Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring my Netgear Printer Server
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:11:22 -0700

Under Redhat, run the printtool program (text or X IIRC) and set up a IP
printer queue.  It was really easy for my system.

NewsGuy wrote:
> Trevor,
>       Any luck getting that print server to work.  I have the same setup and
> haven't had any luck.  I can print to it using TCP/IP from Windows NT/98,
> but not Redhat yet. Thanks for letting me know anything you have found out.
> George
> Trevor Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:7j69fn$bjp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a Netgear P110 printer server attached to my network and am running
> > two printers off its logical ports, L1 and L2.  It has an IP address and I
> > can ping it from my RH6.0 box.  DOes anyone know how I can use linux to
> > administer the queue and then share it with the rest of my (mostly NT)
> > network?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Trevor
> >
> >

/ Scot Thompson


From: Karel Bemelmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: time sync
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:15:32 +0200


How can I sync. my local time with a timeserver ? Is that built-in or do
I need some kind of program/daemon ?


 Karel Bemelmans, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Some people complained this signature sucks."


From: John Coppens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Server Problem....
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:45:29 -0300

Hi Evhen.

I have a problem that may be related. At times I cannot get a connection
the University's webserver through any of the means you list. But
restores immediately if I do a ping to this machine from another PC on
the same local net. So: I cannot reach machine A, but I can reach
B. If I do a ping from B to A, A reappears on the net (A nd B are local
to each other).

Did you find any solution?


Evhen Loj wrote:
>    I need help on a very annoying problem...  I have a Celeron 400 w/128MB
> of RAM running Linux 6.0 ...  I want to setup the system to run as a web
> server with Apache, which has been installed.   Everything works fine until
> I leave the machine running for 20+ minutes.  Then my HTTP, Telnet, and FTP
> services shut down.  I can't even ping the machine from home, all I get is
> a request timed out.  I've even reinstalled the software with hopes that
> that might solve the problem, but no luck.  Any advice would be greatly
> appreciated.  Thx.
> Also need some advice on setting up TCP wrapper, so I can admin. server
> from a static IP.
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PCI BIOS has not enabled this device!
Date: 20 Jun 1999 11:22:35 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder) writes:

> Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [...]
> > Appletalk 0.17 for Linux NET3.035 > The PCI BIOS has not enabled
> this device!  Updating PCI command 0000->0005.

> >  tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >  eth0: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC at 0xf400, 00 a0 cc 3a 83 
> >  b7, IRQ 255.                                                           
> >     ^^^^^^^^^^
> [...]
> Indeed. That means that the PCI BIOS did not give an IRQ to that
> card. Either the card itself is broken, the driver has a bug, or the
> card expects the IRQ to be set by the OS (which would be rather
> strange, since the BIOS usually gives the IRQs to the PCI
> devices). If you do have a diagnostic program (usually a DOS
> program) on an accompagnying floppy, try running it in DOS
> mode. Otherwise you might perhaps want to ask the author of the
> tulip.c driver, the honorable Donald Becker , at the aforementioned
> email address.

Thanks... Yes it turn out the BIOS on this particular machine:
HP Pavillion 6350 (PhoenixBIOS utility) Has a section called 
"Installed OS" with three choices:


It was set to "win/98/NT5.0"  I changed it to other and now an IRQ is
being assigned (11) and all is well.  For a detailed explanation of
why this is so, Mr. David Becker has an online site explaining it.

The wording on my BIOS was different but apparently the same setup as
described there. 

For fellow readers here... the above URL has lots of useful info. 


From: John Coppens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Intermittent DNS functionality
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:41:25 -0300

Hi Russell.

I have a similar problem here. At times I cannot get a connection to
the University's webserver through any of the means you list. But
restores immediately if I do a ping to this machine from another PC on
the same local net. So: I cannot reach machine A, but I can reach
B. If I do a ping from B to A, A reappears on the net (A nd B are local
to each other).

Did you find any solution?


"Russell S. DiPesa" wrote:
> To All,
>     For the last couple of months, I have been having intermittent
> connection problems with my RH5.2 box.  I have an ISDN connection through
> one of the major Bells, and just about once every couple of days, I am
> unable to ping the IP of the machine.  After a while, I will be able to ping
> the IP of the machine, but I am unable to ping just using the machine name.
> At this point, I do not have FTP, WWW, SMTP, or TELNET access.  Then, after
> a while longer, all normal modes of access to the machine return for about a
> day or a day and a half.  Then, the vicious cycle starts all over.
>     Does this sound familiar?  Any ideas, anyone?
> Regards,
> Russ


Subject: Help! printing via samba on RH 6.0
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 18:03:36 GMT

After installing a brand new RedHat 6.0 I discovered that I can not
longer print on on a printer using Samba server. My setup is:
two machines one running RH 6.0 (Kernel 2.2.5), Samba 2.0.3 and
yaving HP LJ 6L printer, and another running Windows 95 OSR2.
Both boxes have 3com 905b-TX NIC's directly connected by crosswired

In general Samba works well. I can mount Windows partition
in Linux, see Linux disks from Windows 95 and transfer files in both
directions via Samba. Windows successfully detects network
printer attached to the Linux box. But any time I prints from Windows
to this printer, just _nothing_happens_! I can see that printing job
is actually transfered via network (examining a number of RX/TX
packages). But nothing appears nethher on printer nor in the lp
queue. I'he examined various logs and do not see any error messages.

Notice that with RedHat 5.2 Kernel 2.0.36 and RedHat 5.2 upgraded to
the Kernel 2.2.3 everything was just fine.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated,


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: KPPP
Date: 20 Jun 1999 19:29:43 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Matt Ragland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I am new to liunux, spoiled by the simplicity of windows, and am having
>trouble connecting to the internet. I have grown to like KDE a lot. I
>can dial and connect to my isp but that is all. I cannot telnet to
>another site, ping another, site or view a web site. Is there something
>I need to do in order to use the internet to its fullest extent???

You have eitehr resolver or route problems. for an introduction to
solving them read the relevant section of


From: "Jeff Ofgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: "Network Unreachable"
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 12:39:51 -0700

I am running Caldera 2.2. in a dual boot with Win95a.
I have two home computers networked with a hub.  (The other computer is

The network works perfectly under Windows. Each computer can ping the other
and I use modem sharing software to share a dial-up connection.

But, I can't get the network to work under Linux. I have adjusted the hosts
file, hosts allow, hosts deny. Also created an imaginary DNS server. Used
the IP number of the Linux box as a gateway for the other.

I have tried two network cards -- Linux detected both, their modules loaded
fine, but still nothing happens.

Likewise, I have set up Samba but it doesn't appear on the other computer's
Network Neighborhood.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Jeff Ofgang


From: "Chris Seaton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Strange gnome ppp problem
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:38:59 -0700

I have Caldera's Open Linux 2.2, use KDE, and kppp and it can't detect my
modem eithier.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: modem reccomendations
Date: 20 Jun 1999 19:49:40 GMT


]On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:21:38 -0400, joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
]>Here's a quickie.  Buy an external modem and you are assured to NOT get a
]>, if the modem hangs, you can turn it off then back on
]>without rebooting.
]Are there USB modems yet?  I'm not familiar if USB on Linux is
]working or not.

Yes, there are. No it does not (well, there is work going on and a few
things like keyboards and mice might work). DO NOT get an external USB
modem for linux. Get an external serial port modem.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: IPv4 Forwarding
Date: 20 Jun 1999 19:52:40 GMT

In <01beb988$7d589240$c2818ea1@wpng> "MicroNg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Q on IPv4 forwarding :

>If I enable this, then will I able to "forward" between my local network
>(ethernet) and remote (dialup ISP) ?
>ie, as gateway to Internet.

>I have local PC connected using ethernet (TCPIP) and one Dialup lines to
>ISP and plan to use my linux box
>for the gateway. & I have conuslted some docs on firewall like socks, and

It is necessary but not sufficient. If you network addresses are valid
IP addresses, asigned to you by Internic, then it is all you need.
Otherwise you will also need to use IP masquarading.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: initab trick !
Date: 20 Jun 1999 20:06:25 GMT

In <7kgeja$1qq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I'm running RedHat 5.1 here is it possible to stop and start
>the /etc/initab file with out rebooting..? I need to test a program
>and want to be able to stop it from respawning while I do the
>edits and be able to restart it from the /etc/initab. 

kill -1 1
( init always has PID 1. The -1 flag tells it to reread its config file.
See man init)
Note that will not stop inittab. It will jsut reread it. You need to
edit the line (eg make it a comment with a # as the first character)
then run kill -1 1, then edit the line, change it the way you want,
remove the # and again run kill -1 1


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,
Subject: Re: PAP: Password Authentication Protocol
Date: 20 Jun 1999 19:46:01 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joseph DeGraw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Bill Unruh wrote:.In <Bp9a3.7633$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Rob Duff"
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> >PS - please reply by email and post if possible...
>> >PPS - remove the NO SPAM from my email address to reply to me...
>> Lets see. You ask for help, you then tell people they should write to
>> you but that they should jump through a few hoops before they do so as
>> well. Do you also charge people for the priviledge of helping you as well?


>If changing an address is "Jumping thru Hoops" then might I suggest windows instead 
>of Linux for

>Still having problems? Let me help you out bill: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If he wants help, then he should learn to ask in a way that increases
the chances of his getting help. I answer at least 10 such queries a
day. It already takes up too much of my time. I am not going to try to
figure out what weird way the user has used this time to make his
address difficult. 
I let him, you and the newgroup know that if they want help at least
from some of us, then they should make it easy for us to give them help.
I could of course simply have gone on to the next message and ignored
his message. I did not. I let him know that if he wants help he has to
make it easy to get help.

Now, once you have spent days writing a how to for people to use to set
up ppp ( and have responded to 100s
of people who have asked for help, I will let you come back and tell me
how I should provide help. 

>He asked a straight forward question and you couldnt even give a decent reply.  Why 
>then did you
>even bother replying to the post??

Because I wanted to let him know that the reason he would not be getting
help. Of course I could also have just not responded and left him trying
to figure out why he was not getting replies.

>robnjo: Im sorry, I dont know the answer. But, You might look for a howto or faq on 
>it maybe. I
>only use pap on my dialup connection to isp.

Yes. You do not know how to help him. You cannot even be bothered to
tell him where he should goto find one of those howtos or faqs. 
I have written one of those howtos. And you advise me on how I should act 
in helping others.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: PPP Compression?
Date: 20 Jun 1999 20:12:45 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Frank Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I recently upgraded to RH6 and everything is working great, however,
>I am getting the following errors in /var/log/messages when I dial in :
>(Like I said, everything is working great...)

>modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-21
>modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-21

alias ppp-compress-21   bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24   ppp_deflate     # From original RFC draft
alias ppp-compress-26   ppp_deflate     # Final standard per ppp-2.3.4

in /etc/conf.modules


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: PPP - cannot determine remote IP address
Date: 20 Jun 1999 20:17:30 GMT


>Hi all

>I'm having some problems gettting my connection scripts to work - in an
>attempt to test the basics I have dialed in with minicom, logged on and
>seen the start of the PPP session - then I start pppd but get the
>following from the logs

Try following the step by step instructions in
This will lead you through trying to figure out what your ISP wants, and
then giving your ISP what it wants, and debugging things when they do
not work.


From: "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: smbclient ok smbmount bad
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:34:33 -0400

I haven't used smbmount in a while, but when I was playing with it, I
remember the smb> prompt.  When I got that, I finally found that I could
mount the drive just by typing "mount /mnt/samba" (or some other directory)
at the smb> prompt.  Try it (or other variations) and see...ya never know, I
might be right.


Remove AllYourClothes to reply directly to me.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I am running suse 6.1 (SADIE3) and a windows 95 (SADIE95).  smbclient
> '\\SADIE95\DOWNLD' works fine.  smbmount  file://SADIE95/DOWNLD /win95
does not
> work.  I get an smb> prompt that don't respone to smb commands.  The old
> worked so tried to copy old,   smb.conf, host, lmhost but it didn't help.
> thanks mac


From: "Louis Banens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail,comp.unix.aix,comp.unix.programmer
Subject: The sendmail command takes 60 seconds to finish ??????????
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:05:13 +0200

Hi there,

The last couple of weeks the sendmail command takes exactly 60 seconds to
finish. Can anybody tell me what te reason could be ?

RS6000 AIX 4.3
Command: sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] <file


Louis Banens


From: Ted Sikora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Slackware 4.0 + IBM Etherjet ISA PnP card
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:51:06 GMT

Peter Letkeman wrote:
> First I am sorry for cross post. I can not seem to get my network card with
> Slackware 4.0. I have been able to use ISAPNP and PNPDUMP to get my soud
> card to work and tried the same for the network card. I know that the card
> is functional, it works in windows 98. I looked for linux drivers but could
> not find any. Here is what linux says about the card
> # Card 2: (serial identifier f4 00 05 90 71 10 10 4d 24)
> # Vendor Id IBM1010, Serial Number 364657, checksum 0xF4.
> #     Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
> #     ANSI string -->IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter<--
> #
> # Logical device id IBM1010
> #     Device support I/O range check register
> #     Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x38
> #     Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
> #     Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3d
> #
> # Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
> # Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed
> if required
> # Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy
> (CONFIGURE IBM1010/364657 (LD 0
> #     IRQ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 or 15.
> #         High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
> # (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
> #     Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
> #         Minimum IO base address 0x0200
> #         Maximum IO base address 0x0360
> #         IO base alignment 16 bytes
> #         Number of IO addresses required: 16
> # (IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0200) (CHECK))
>  (NAME "IBM1010/364657[0]{IBM EtherJet ISA Adapter}")
> # (ACT Y)
> ))
> # End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)
> # Returns all cards to the "Wait for Key" state
> and this is what windows 98 says
> # IBM EtherJet Adapter
> # Interrupt Request 11
> # Input/Output Range 0210-021F

One place everyone overlooks is how you have the bios set in PNP/PCI
Configuration. Using legacy to reserve an irq or setting  it to PCI for
the system to use for PNP. You can force an irq's use through this. If
the Network card is PNP pci there should be no problem. Since your
network card is ISA did it come with a setup disk or is it strickly PNP.
Then the above method will work with
the proper driver. This page may help you get the proper driver  It seems your card may use
the Cirrus chipset. You must verify it's type properly. Once a kernel is
made or the proper Module loaded the card should initialize properly
using the method I described above. When your machine starts after the
bios message you should see your pnp cards initialized with PNP before
Linux. If so it should work with no problems with the proper driver.

Ted Sikora


From: "Chris Howie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mail Server Question
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:45:18 GMT

This post is similar to one posted earlier I'm hoping someone won't mind
advising me on this:

I'm new to Linux.  I have gotten as far as installing Linux Mandrake, after
partitioning my harddrive. and now I'm reading the O'Reilly book, "Running
Linux" by Welsh & Kaufman.

Something I want to learn to do is set up a mail server to support several
different companies using multiple domains (ie [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc ) with any number of users.

I'm trying to asses what I need to know, in order to accomplish this, but
also what hardware requirements I'll have.

CAN one computer be set up to handle all of this, AND, if so, at what point
will bandwidth become an issue?

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

if you prefer to send me email directly [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: athome.users-unix
Subject: Re: linux masq + win 98 = yucky latency
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:26:52 GMT

Response to:

>Hiiiiiidey ho!
>        Well, I've been masq'ing since 2.0.35, and never had any
>probs. Now I'm running into a strange problem. I mean...a FRIEND of
>mine who has @home has been running into this strange problem.
>        This used to happen much more frequently. When I first
>established this setup, the seizure frequency and length were
>outrageously high. I hit the books and discovered a likely 
>candidate: I was using the RH 6 stock kernel, and wasn't sure
>if defragmentation was set to 1. Sure enough, recompiling the
>kernel did wonders. I rarely noticed seizures after that...
>        Until now.
>        Has anyone experienced a similar situation? How
>was it solved? Does anyone have recommendations on lowering
>or eliminating the number of these incidents? My friend
>could really use the help. Thanks.
I've been masq'ing as well since 2.0.35 and never had any probs
but when I connected to teh @home network.. I noticed that I
would have problems of it not connecting to anything except
the linux box. After months of messages and fooling around,
I realized that for some reason the DNS requests were timing
out and thus for some reason would not allow any outside requests
to go through. The reason on my machine was that I had two NIC's
on the WIN98 machine at the beginning, and even after uninstalling
the TCP/IP config for that NIC.. the windows machine would switch
to the other NIC and try to get an enquiry.. thus giving a long
period of inactivity. I'm not sure if this problem is similar, but
I've also read about problems with certain kernels having some
problems. One thing I did was re-install the NIC and TCP/IP software
and made sure that the DNS entries were correct.. I've heard of people
having lots of problems with mis-configured DNS.
All in all.. most of my *siezures* were due to DNS requests timing out. 
Don't know why that would *sieze* the win box.. not even allowing 
connections to dotted IP address.....
Hope this helps.. lemme know what you find out.


From: "George Sherwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Configuring my Netgear Printer Server
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:04:34 -0400
Reply-To: "George Sherwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I have been trying to use that tool.  Must be missing something.  Which
type of printer do I create, Remote Unix,or SMB Windows?  I have been trying
SMB Windows since that seems to be the only one where I can enter an IP.

  Thanks for any help.  Really trying to learn this stuff.


Scot Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Under Redhat, run the printtool program (text or X IIRC) and set up a IP
> printer queue.  It was really easy for my system.
> NewsGuy wrote:
> >
> > Trevor,
> >       Any luck getting that print server to work.  I have the same setup
> > haven't had any luck.  I can print to it using TCP/IP from Windows
> > but not Redhat yet. Thanks for letting me know anything you have found
> >
> > George
> >
> > Trevor Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:7j69fn$bjp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I have a Netgear P110 printer server attached to my network and am
> > > two printers off its logical ports, L1 and L2.  It has an IP address
and I
> > > can ping it from my RH6.0 box.  DOes anyone know how I can use linux
> > > administer the queue and then share it with the rest of my (mostly NT)
> > > network?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Trevor
> > >
> > >
> --
> / Scot Thompson



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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