Linux-Networking Digest #461, Volume #12          Fri, 3 Sep 99 12:13:23 EDT

  Re: A problem about Display(Maybe a dumb problem) ("Steve Cowles")
  Re: Samba - newbie ("Robert (Bob) McGwier")
  How To Change EtherNet Card Driver After Install??!!! (Anthony Townsend)
  smbmount problems for RH6.0 users on Dec Alpha ("Robert (Bob) McGwier")
  Re: Samba: Login prob with W95 login (Bernd Zimmermann)
  Re: CNet's PRO120 and Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Masqurading and only one NIC ("Robert (Bob) McGwier")
  dsl problems using ppp and dhcp to get ip, nslookup doesn't work (Andrew Catero)
  Re: Ethernet/PCMCIA problems (Kenny McCormack)
  Re: ip masqerading and icq (Tony Green)
  Re: Unintall and formating (Simon Green)
  Maintaining 2 Networks (Michael Starkie)
  Re: SupraExpress 56i modem not working (Bob James)
  MRTG Gives funny graphs, and incorrect statistics.. (Ben Short)
  Re: Linux Mandrake failing to detect NE2000 (Bob James)
  Re: Error message: tcp/telnet:unknown service ("No one")
  Re: Maintaining 2 Networks (Michael Starkie)
  Re: SupraExpress 56i modem not working (Roy Grimm)
  Re: gateway and eth0 must be in the same class c? (Simon Green)


From: "Steve Cowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A problem about Display(Maybe a dumb problem)
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:30:19 GMT

Looks like a permissions problem. Try typing: "xhost +sunhostname" on your linux box
first. This will add the sun box to the list of servers that can "display/connect" to 
X server. By default, most X Servers are configured to NOT let a remote system
"display/connect" to another without that person (X server) granting permission.

Just typing "xhost" on my linux system displays the following:
[scowles@voyager scowles]$ xhost
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
[scowles@voyager scowles]$

Steve Cowles
SWCowles at gte dot net

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7qnvl0$vrl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>   Hi all,
>       I have installed RH 6.0 on my computer and work in GNOME.
>       But when I telnet to an Sun Sever and run some X program such as
> clock,admintool,it
> says                                                        "XView
> error: Cannot open connection to window
>        server:myhostname:0    (Server
> package)
>        Error: Can't open display: myhostname:0"
>                       What's the problem?
>                       Any help is appreciated!
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Robert (Bob) McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba - newbie
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:26:55 GMT

Tobias Knowles wrote:

> Why the need for NetBEUI?
> Tobias Knowles
> Mark Worsdall wrote in message ...
> >In article <wWPt3.45$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen Butler
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >>I am trying to set up Samba to be a printer server for my windows 98
> >>computer.
> >>I have linux redhat 6.0 on a serperate computer.
> >>I have network cards and a cable
> >>I have never ever setup a network before, between computers.
> >>I know nothing at all about setting up networks.
> >>I have indeed read a great deal of documentation about setting up samba,
> but
> >>i dont understand a great deal of the words used in the instructions.
> >>I have my printer set up under linux.
> >>
> >>Please help with details for a mega newbie if you can :)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Win98 machine
> >1) Make sure you have the Netbieu & TCP/IP protocols installed for your
> >ethernet card (Don't assume cos you see them that they are bind to you
> >net card they might be for the DUN)
> >
> >2) Under TCP/IP Ethernet give it an IP address ( with a
> >netmask of
> >(Don't bother with dns & other things yet)
> >
> >3) Makesure under indentification your workgroup is set (Home) and you
> >have a name for the computer (satan) set.
> >
> >3a) Use MS client logon and use the user name that you normally log in
> >with (NOT root) onto your Linux box) i.e. jarven (should have su super
> >user status)
> >
> >4) ensure you are using plaintext passwords, so run the w95 .reg file
> >found with the samba docs.
> >
> >5) Decide whether you are going to make samba an NT server or just a
> >shared file system (We assume shared)
> >
> >Linux
> >1) Make sure you have set the IP address ( with a netmask of
> >
> >
> >2) /etc/Hostname has an entry for the name of the machine, say dogbreath
> >
> >3) /etc/hosts has entry's like:-
> >       localhost       localhost.localdomain
> >      dogbreath
> >
> >4) Edit the smb.conf file:-
> >
> >   workgroup = Home
> >   server string = Samba Server V%v running on %h
> >   hosts allow = 10. 127.
> >   guest account = ftp
> >   admin users = jarven
> >   security = share
> >   password level = 8
> >   local master = yes
> >   os level = 33
> >   domain master = yes
> >   preferred master = yes
> >   preserve case = yes
> >   short preserve case = yes
> >
> >Under Share section
> >
> >[root]
> >   comment = Enter Dogbreaths's root
> >   browseable = yes
> >   writable = yes
> >   path = /
> >
> >
> >5) Start up samba say:-
> >
> >/etc/rc.d/init.d/samba start
> >
> >6) make sure it is up by doing a:-
> >
> >ps ax|more
> >
> >you are looking for entry's like:-
> >
> >  330  ?  S    0:00 smbd -D
> >  339  ?  S    0:00 nmbd -D
> >  651  ?  S    0:01 smbd -D
> >
> >This means it is working, but is it working correctly? so check the logs
> >in /var/log
> >
> >
> >Now start satan and see if you can see dogbreath in net neighby and when
> >it asks for a password use jarven's password.
> >
> >Your on your own for printing:-(
> >
> >Ofcourse I recommend the samba for NT domain logon since dogbreath will
> >keep your roving profile safe and sound, something that satan will at
> >some point not do for you.
> >
> >M
> >
> >--
> >Mark Worsdall - Oh no, I've run out of underpants :(
> >Web site Monitoring:-   
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Townsend)
Subject: How To Change EtherNet Card Driver After Install??!!!
Date: 3 Sep 1999 13:26:35 GMT

I have been searching for days in HOWTO's and Linux sites
for a very simple piece of information....

How do I change the driver for my EtherNet card in RedHat 5.1?

I picked the wrong one at install.

It is completely non-obvious how to do this. I'd appreciate a
reminder by email if anyone knows how to accomplish what
should be (in a normal operating system) a fairly
straightforward task.

Thanks in advance
Anthony Townsend

LinuxNews Beta --
Think of us as DejaNews for Linux.


From: "Robert (Bob) McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: smbmount problems for RH6.0 users on Dec Alpha
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:29:01 GMT

I reported to Red Hat that they did not have samba mount, smbmount,
etc. in the samba rpm's.  They wrote back and basically said of course
we don't.

--- shadow/4817 Tue Aug 31 21:42:18 1999
+++ shadow/4817.tmp.30922       Thu Sep  2 13:11:31 1999
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 Version: 6.0
 Platform: alpha
-Status: NEW
+Resolution: LATER
 Severity: high
 Priority: normal
 Component: samba
-AssignedTo: Red Hat Team 2
@@ -23,3 +23,9 @@

 This apparently was done with the 386 code and not the
+------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  09/02/99 13:11 -------
+smbfs mounting is not shipped on alpha because support isn't
+compiled into the kernel.
+When one changes, the other will.


From: Bernd Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba: Login prob with W95 login
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 15:35:44 +0200

As far as I know passwords are used encryptet only on one side. Try login
without using a password.

Helge Maus schrieb:

> Hi!
> I use Samba 2.0.5 and it works fine.
> But I have a little "problem", when I log in with my Win95 Client.
> First the Win95 client ask me for my password and after that he tries
> to log in into Samba.
> I always get the message, that the Client can't find a Server wich can
> verify my password. He warns me, that some services maybe won't work.
> But then, everything is fine. I can find my Drives etc.
> Who can help me with this problem?
> Thanks a lot,
> Helge


Subject: Re: CNet's PRO120 and Linux?
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:47:18 GMT

As of yet, I haven't gotten my CNET Pro120b 10/100 to work. It is a
tulip card and is supported. I get a segmentation fault when I try to
bring it up. I'm using RH6.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Woojin Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'd like to find out if CNet's Pro120 10/100BT NIC would work with
> Linux.
> I'm using Mandrake 6.0.
> Thanks in advance.
> Woojin

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Robert (Bob) McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Masqurading and only one NIC
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:21:28 GMT

All I need is a sniffer and I will watch you log in remotely to your machines,
including that time you are too lazy to get up and go to the other machine
and su to root remotely.  ;-) Another nick, such as 3c595TX, or Netgear,
etc. are $25 or less on auction on ebay, yahoo, etc.  I have purchased every
NIC I have from these auctions, except the piece of carrion flesh that
comcast @ home gave me (and now sits on my shelf).



Joseph Santaniello wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a simple masqurading set up using only one ethernet interface
> with 2 ip addresses assigned to it. It works, but I've heard that this
> makes it easier for people to spoof being on my internal network. How
> does one NIC make this any more easy than 2?
> Thanks,
> Joe


From: Andrew Catero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dsl problems using ppp and dhcp to get ip, nslookup doesn't work
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 13:47:53 GMT

I am trying to figure out why my cisco 675 external dsl modem is working
as shown by the traceroute command output, but my linux box is not. DHCP
is working as I am able to get an ip address, gateway address and dns
nameserver ip addresses. Any help would be aprreciated, I downloaded the
latest version of dhcpcd from .

I am running redhat 5.2 and kernel 2.2.9, I don't have any of the
masquerading or firewall setup yet.

Here is the relevant problems

[root@linux /root]# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt
Iface   U         0 0          0
eth0       U         0 0          0
lo         UG        0 0          0

[root@linux /root]# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:DA:11:AB:A2
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:418 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1

[root@linux /root]# route -v
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface        *        U     0      0        0
eth0       *            U     0      0        0

route -v does not return the prompt

[root@linux /root]# nslookup

does not return the prompt

[root@linux /root]# cat /etc/resolv.conf

from redhat 5.2 ifup script
    rm -f ${TMPFILE}
elif [ "$BOOTPROTO" = dhcp -a "$ISALIAS" = no ]; then
    echo -n "Using DHCP for ${DEVICE}... "
        /sbin/dhcpcd -DH -c /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdhcpc-done
    echo "echo \$$ > /var/run/dhcp-wait-${DEVICE}.pid; exec sleep 30" |

I  compiled dhcpcd with debugging.

Here is the frustrating part

traceroute to, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

This is done in minicom. So the cisco 675 adsl modem is getting out on
the network, but my linux
box cannot. I am not doing any masquerading or firewalling.

Here is the cisco configuration
cbos#show running
[[ PPP Device Driver = Section Start ]]
PPP Port Option = 00, IPCP,IP Address,3,Auto,Negotiation Not
Required,Negotiabl0PPP Port Option =
00, IPCP,Primary DNS Server,129,Auto,Negotiation Not Required0PPP Port
Option = 00, IPCP,Secondary
DNS Server,131,Auto,Negotiation Not Requir0PPP Port User Name = 00,
PPP Port User Password = 00, mypasswd
[[ DHCP = Section Start ]]
DHCP Server = enabled
DHCP Server Pool DNS = 00,
DHCP Server Pool Secondary DNS = 00,
[[ IP Routing = Section Start ]]
IP NAT = enabled
[[ Telnet = Section Start ]]
Telnet = disabled


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack)
Subject: Re: Ethernet/PCMCIA problems
Date: 2 Sep 1999 12:24:34 -0500

In article <7qf1kf$gmv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jesus Arango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm having trouble getting my ethernet pcmcia card to work under linux. I
>wonder if any one can help me diagnose the problem.
>The card is a 3com 3CCFE575B-DT Fast Etherlink XL
>Linux Kernel: 2.2.5-15
>pcmci-cs version 3.0.14

You get points for telling us what kind of card you are using, which version
of the kernel and which version of the PCMCIA system.

>The system reports no problems but the card does not work. Card works on
>other systems and under win98 in the same system. I set up the IRQ to 9,
>which is the same value I used under win98.

But you lose points for not defining "not work" and for not telling us which
distribution and version of distribution you are using.

For what it is worth, I have pretty much concluded that PCMCIA ethernet just
doesn't work (I will define this in a moment) under RH 6.x - I have been
wrestling with this the past few days and have given up - I will be
switching to Debian (where, BTW, the exact same hardware setup works fine).

By "not work", I mean that I am able to get the PCMCIA system working, I
"ifconfig" the card and "route add default gw", and after that, I can
"sort of" ping my gateway and "almost sort of" ping outside machines, but
after that, it just hangs up and dies.  I can also, sort of, almost, telnet
to outside machines, but it either hangs immediately, or does
"Connected to w.x.y.z" and then hangs.

Suspect some kind of IRQ conflict or some nonsense like that but don't have
time or inclination to debug it...


From: Tony Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ip masqerading and icq
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 16:10:56 +0100

You need to recompile the kernel with the appropriate modules.  There
are ones for irc etc

Chan Ching Yu wrote:

> the computers in the LAN use private IP and
> access the internet via the ip-masquerading running linux box
> when the users use icq,
> they cannot accept the files requested by the people outside
> why?


From: Simon Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unintall and formating
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 22:17:13 +1000

First, boot Linux, and after backing up anything important, use fdisk from
single user mode (do "shutdown now") to delete all Linux partitions.

Reboot from a Win95 floppy with the Win95 version of fdisk on it, and do
"fdisk /mbr". This overwrites the master boot record with a generic (ie, not
LILO) boot loader. This is also handy if you suspect an MBR virus. In any
case, that will destroy LILO so it will boot Win95 by default.

Run Win fdisk again, change to your 1G drive, and add partitions. If you
have Win95B or later it will ask you if you want to enable large disk
support. Say yes to get FAT32, no to get normal FAT. After fdisk is done,
REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER. Then use format to format the new partitions.



> I decided to give redhat 6.0 a try. I bought it and a 1.08 gig ide hard
> drive.
> I soon found that the hard drive i bought was too slow. So I want to use
> the drive for storage in windows.
> How do i deinstall lilo and whatever else it installed into my win
> drive. If i unplug the linux drive the comp dosn't boot properly. So I
> need to change that...
> Then, How do I reformat the linux drive in fat 32 or whatever windoze
> uses.
> You time is appriciated, thank you very much!
>                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Michael Starkie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Maintaining 2 Networks
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 10:53:11 -0400

Does anyone have experience setting up their Linux host to exist on 2
networks. I have an ethernet connection to a LAN through my ethernetcard
on one domain and a connection to a LAN through a ppp0 device through
another domain. Bot use dynamic IP addresses. Right now I have to
physically disconnect my ethernet card and reset my default gateway
using linuxconf in order to connect to the ppp0 device.  When I want to
switch back to the ethernet I have to again reset my default gateway and
then reboot to setup my ethernet device.

Wouldn't it be cool to be attached to both networks at the same time?


From: Bob James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SupraExpress 56i modem not working
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:48:30 GMT

On 9/3/99, 8:25:49 AM, "Michael And Nicole Hulen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>=20=

wrote regarding SupraExpress 56i modem not working:
> However, RedHats site tells me it won't, as its a
> PCI Memory Mapped Modem (whatever that is).
> I would appreciate any feedback as to how to get this dog to hunt, or =

if I
> should just shoot it.

Shoot it, I'm afraid. I have one in my Win98 box at home that's=20
currently the main Internet access box in the house. I'm working on=20
getting a Mandrake box up and running, but the 56i won't be in it. I=20=

understood it to be winmodem. I am using a SupraExpress 56, but it's=20=

an external. Now that works like a charm....

Bob James                       |mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
IS Manager                      |
Oriel Incorporated      |(608) 238-8134 x223


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: MRTG Gives funny graphs, and incorrect statistics..
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 23:53:24 +1000


After installing mrtg 2.8.8 (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) and cmu-snmp 
3.6 for linux, the results I am getting on my website seems somewhat 

My modem is connected to the net at the v.90 standard, and to test the 
graphing abilities of mrtg, and proceeded to upload a file at about 
3.2kb/s to an ftp server.

However, the statistics that are being generated by the mrtg and snmp 
server leave me baffled:

Max  In: 807.0 B/s (11.4%)   Average  In: 576.0 B/s (8.1%)   Current  In: 
633.0 B/s (8.9%)  
Max  Out: 818.0 B/s (11.5%)   Average  Out: 604.0 B/s (8.5%)   Current  
Out: 660.0 B/s (9.3%)  

>From that, it says I am recieving as much as I am sending, which is not 
the case (ftp upload _only_, no downloads - traffic monitoring using 
iptraf supports this), and the max should be about 3000 B/s, as indicated 
by the upload speed on the ftp server.

What would be causing this misreporting?

Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Remove n0spam to email me*


From: Bob James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Mandrake failing to detect NE2000
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:54:46 GMT

On 9/2/99, 11:02:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Linux=20
Mandrake failing to detect NE2000:
> At least I think that it is failing to recognize
> it, I am getting a message during boot up that
> says:
> Intializing Interface eth0:
> Interface eth0 nitialazation delayed
> I know that the card is good, it worked fine under
> Win98, right up to the point I installed Linux,
> and all other parts of the OS seem to be fine.

Check the IRQ and I/O settings? Conflict, maybe?

Bob James                       |mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
IS Manager                      |
Oriel Incorporated      |(608) 238-8134 x223


From: "No one" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Error message: tcp/telnet:unknown service
Date: 31 Aug 1999 18:39:08 GMT
Reply-To: "No one" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Hello all:
> Has anyone seen this error message before?
>     telnet: tcp/telnet: uknown service
> I receive this message *only* as an ordinary user on a RH 6.0 machine.
> Telnet works fine as root.
> The machine can accept telnet connections from another computer.
> All the other services, such as www and ftp, work fine for the user
> account.
> There is nothing changed, or misconfigured (as far as I can tell), in
> /etc/services or inetd.conf.
> Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Sender
> fairfiel -AT- dundee dot Net

Whenever I see root doing something that normal users can;t, i like to
check file permissions :) 



From: Michael Starkie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Maintaining 2 Networks
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 10:50:25 -0400

Tony Green wrote:

> Well,  you can set your default GW using the route command - something like
> "route add default gw"
> When your finished you can do a
> "route del"

    This doesn't really help because the default domain and name servers need
to be set.  Also It doesn't allow for the host to be on the two networks at
the same time. Perhaps I need to configure my host as some sort of router.
What does gated and routed do?


From: Roy Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SupraExpress 56i modem not working
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 08:40:29 -0500

Michael And Nicole Hulen wrote:
> Hello Linux Community!
> I have a question that is more for peace of mind than anything else, and
> wondered if anyone else had a different take on it, or more info.
> I have been using Mandrake Linux, version 6.0 for a few months now, with no
> more than the normal newbie problems.  I even managed to get my SB Live! to
> work, a major victory for me :-)
> I had been using a Zoom modem, a 56k model, though sadly line conditions
> around here limit me to a maximum of 36000.  I can live with that.  However,
> any of you that have used Zoom modems know of thier distressing tendancy to
> drop connections randomly.  So I upgraded by buying a SupraExpress 56i v.90
> modem from a friend who also uses linux, foolishly assuming it would work
> with Linux.  However, RedHats site tells me it won't, as its a PCI Memory
> Mapped Modem (whatever that is).
> Now, I am wondering if anyone else out there has ever managed to get this
> modem to work?  I have tried all the /dev devices in the Kppp setup list,
> and some say initializing modem, then say modem not responding, or it just
> says could not find a modem.
> I would appreciate any feedback as to how to get this dog to hunt, or if I
> should just shoot it.

I'm using Red Hat 6.0 and my SupraExpress 56i works just fine.  Mine is
an ISA device, so I'm not sure how it could be a "PCI Memory Mapped
Modem" unless there are some extra features it activates under PNP.  I
am not one who likes to screw around with Plug-and-Pray, so I set the
jumpers on the modem to force it out of PNP mode and make it hard wired
to COM2.  I get good consistent performance in Linux and windoze.
> For what its worth, the modem words fine under Windoze, I haven't
> disconnected (without wanting to anyway) at all since replaceing the modem.
> It seems to be working just fine.

The only time I had trouble with mine was when my ISP was having trouble
with maintaining the connection at their end, which affected everyone.

> If you could e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would appreciate it.  I don't
> often have a chance to get to the newsgroups.

You probably should.  I've picked up some good ideas by just lurking.

> Thx
> Phroggy

Hope that helps,

I'm not a good artist but I am good at drawing a blank.


From: Simon Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gateway and eth0 must be in the same class c?
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 22:11:29 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

If the gateway has a "different" class C, then it's on a different network. A
host can only reach other hosts on it's own network (indeed, it's the network
address that tells the host whether it needs to use a gateway or not). If your
gateway is not on the local network, then your host can't talk to it: that's
why it says it's unreachable:

==========   Network A   =========   Network B  ===========
|host  A  |--------------|gateway|--------------|host  B  |
|         |       Addr A |       | Addr B       |         |
===========              =========              ===========

host A can reach Addr A, but not Addr B: gateway must forward packets to Addr B

So your gateway must have 2 addresses, and one MUST be on the SAME network as
your host. If it's not, then there must be an intermediate gateway that is.
Example: your host is It can reach any gateway with address --, but not, say,, unless there's a
gateway with a 192.168.50.x address and a 193.170.89.x address. Of course, you
can have any number of intermediate gates, but there must be at least one on
your local network for it to work.


ezzi wrote:

> hello:
> 2.0.36 kernal, how can i have eth0's ip address on a different class C than
> the gateway for those class's?,five class C's for one gateway. when i tried
> to add the gateway ip address to the route table, route said the ip address
> was unreachable. is there away around it?
> thankx for help

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
If the gateway has a "different" class C, then it's on a different network.
A host can only reach other hosts on it's own network (indeed, it's the
network address that tells the host whether it needs to use a gateway or
not). If your gateway is not on the local network, then your host can't
talk to it: that's why it says it's unreachable:
<p><tt>----------&nbsp;&nbsp; Network A&nbsp;&nbsp; ---------&nbsp;&nbsp;
Network B&nbsp; -----------</tt>
<br><tt>|host&nbsp; A&nbsp; |--------------|gateway|--------------|host&nbsp;
B&nbsp; |</tt>
Addr A |&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | Addr 
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |</tt>
<p><tt>host A can reach Addr A, but not Addr B: gateway must forward packets
to Addr B</tt>
<p>So your gateway must have 2 addresses, and one MUST be on the SAME network
as your host. If it's not, then there must be an intermediate gateway that
is. Example: your host is It can reach any gateway with address --, but not, say,, unless there's
a gateway with a 192.168.50.x address and a 193.170.89.x address. Of course,
you can have any number of intermediate gates, but there must be at least
one on your local network for it to work.
<p>ezzi wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>hello:
<br>2.0.36 kernal, how can i have eth0's ip address on a different class
C than
<br>the gateway for those class's?,five class C's for one gateway. when
i tried
<br>to add the gateway ip address to the route table, route said the ip
<br>was unreachable. is there away around it?
<br>thankx for help</blockquote>




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