Linux-Networking Digest #471, Volume #12          Sat, 4 Sep 99 14:13:45 EDT

  ipchains... (Jimmy Lio)
  Accessing Linux server on a DOS client (Jimmy Lio)
  tcp/udp port descriptions? (Stuart Summerville)
  Re: TCP/IP Programming Mystery (Michael Kelly)
  Re: Why does hitting a key seem to wake up TCP/IP? (Michael Kelly)
  Re: How do hosts.allow and hosts.deny relate to ipchains? (Rod Smith)
  Re: D-Link DFE 530TX (Martin Drescher)
  Re: windows -> linux samba stuff (Jan-Albert van Ree)
  Re: Why does hitting a key seem to wake up TCP/IP? (Tim MacDonald)
  Re: Why does hitting a key seem to wake up TCP/IP? (Tim MacDonald)
  Re: interface slowing down? (Michael Kelly)
  Re: How do hosts.allow and hosts.deny relate to ipchains? (Frank v Waveren)
  Re: D-Link DFE 530TX (Michael Kelly)
  Re: Linux CookBook Project Online! (teknite)
  Re: windows to linux tcp/ip not working (Michael Kelly)
  Re: dhcpd won't start (Scott Nolde)
  Re: Connecting???? (Andreas Peetz)
  Re: How to start POP3 server on RH6.0?? (Byron Miller)
  ipchains & ftp  ("Dan")
  NIC probs (Mike Kelly)


From: Jimmy Lio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ipchains...
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 22:14:01 +0800

Can anyone tell me what tcp, ucp and syn are?  How should I configure
ipchains so that no clients on my private network can access the server
via telnet?  (Say, my server has address, and my clients
have address 192.168.1.X...)  What should I put into ipchains if I want
a particular (say the one with IP 192.168.1.Y) client to have access via



From: Jimmy Lio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Accessing Linux server on a DOS client
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 22:54:27 +0800

I've got a DOS box and I want it to access my Linux server.  What do I
need to install on my DOS box?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart Summerville)
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.tcp-ip,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: tcp/udp port descriptions?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:04:12 GMT

Hi there,

I'm after information about the ports (tcp/udp) defined in RFC870 :
"Assigned Numbers". The descriptions of th eservices used by each port
are rather limited. The description of these in /etc/services (on
Linux RedHat5.2) is no better.

Where can I go for elaboration on these?

Regards, Stu.
Stuart Summerville
Home: stus@<nospam>
Work: stuart.summerville@<nospam>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Kelly)
Subject: Re: TCP/IP Programming Mystery
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:06:13 GMT

On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 07:25:29 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry Gardner)

>Another annoying thing: some systems either return an error or ignore
>an attempt to set the receive low water mark with a setsockopt call.

Yeah, I haven't done much with sockets yet myself.  From what I've
seen of them and named pipes most people tend to use non-blocking
mode and peek for data before trying to get it(at least on the pipes
anyway) as it's more sane than dealing with unexpected behavior like
you describe.  Interesting anyway.  Thanks for posting the resolution.



"Genius gives birth, talent delivers."

           -- Jack Kerouac

(Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Kelly)
Subject: Re: Why does hitting a key seem to wake up TCP/IP?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:08:53 GMT

On Fri, 03 Sep 1999 22:38:24 -0400, Tim MacDonald

>Thanks for the suggestion, but pinging the interface doesn't really address
>the cause of the problem, which is what I am interested in finding.

My experience has been the first step in trouble-shooting is
isolation, so if nothing in the network is going to sleep then
look elsewhere, hence if pinging doesn't keep the connection
alive, it's probably not the locus of the problem.  I guess I thought
that would be implied.

>Michael Kelly wrote:
>> On Fri, 03 Sep 1999 11:55:59 -0400, Tim MacDonald
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Is there some sort of "keep alive" packet that is not being transmitted
>> >after this period of time, and is only awoken by an interrupt to the
>> >keyboard?
>> Hmmmmmmmm, if you have crond running you might run the ping
>> command every 1/2 hour or something and see if that keeps things
>> from lapsing.
>> Mike
>> --
>> "Genius gives birth, talent delivers."
>>            -- Jack Kerouac
>> (Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)



"Genius gives birth, talent delivers."

           -- Jack Kerouac

(Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: How do hosts.allow and hosts.deny relate to ipchains?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:09:09 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vlar Schreidlocke) writes:
> Do the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files overide ipchains or vice
> versa? If I have ALL:ALL set in hosts.deny and some local box ip's set
> in hosts.allow how does ipchains relate to these settings if at all?

The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files are used by tcpd, the TCP
wrapper daemon.  Here's where it and ipchains fit into things:

Ethernet -> driver -> ipchains -> inetd -> tcpd -> server daemon

This leaves various things out.  Most importantly, not all services go
through either inetd or tcpd.  Also, this applies to LOCAL service; if a
packet is destined for another computer, it doesn't go through inetd or
tcpd.  The "server daemon" is the daemon for whatever server you want to
use, like ftp, telnet, etc.  Technically, ipchains doesn't process the
packets themselves; it just sets up rules that the kernel follows.

Each of ipchains, inetd, and tcpd can block a service request.  If it's
blocked at ipchains, tcpd won't even see it.

> I'm relative new at this and I want to set up a reliable firewall. I
> have the Linux firewall box connected via eth0 to the local net
> (192.168.0.x) and eth1 is connected to a cablemodem. What's the best
> approach for this setup if I want to be able to access the Linux box
> from somewhere else on the Internet?

"Best" is a relative term, and depends on what's important to you.  For
easiest and most flexible access, don't use ipchains or TCP wrappers at
all (except to set up masquerading, if you need it).  That's also the
best from a would-be cracker's point of view, of course.  For the most
secure system possible, don't connect it to the net at all.  For
something in-between, you can set up a load of ipchains rules to block
assorted types of packets and do the same with inetd (or, better, xinetd)
and TCP wrappers.  Each of these has subtle advantages and
disadvantages.  Since you refer to a firewall, I assume that you want to
access OTHER computers.  If so, ipchains is the only tool of the three
that will do you any good on the firewall machine, though you can use
inetd and/or TCP wrappers on the computers on the internal network (if
they're UNIX/Linux computers).

Rod Smith
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


From: Martin Drescher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,redhat.networking.general
Subject: Re: D-Link DFE 530TX
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:08:25 +0200

Raghu wrote:

> Hi !
> I have loaded RedHat Linux 6.0 on a PC.
> Now I want to configure D-Link DFE 530TX network card.
> I have no idea how to do it ,
> Can anyone help me out ???
> Thanks.
> Raghu.
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------

Try module via-rhine for that card.
by martin.


From: Jan-Albert van Ree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: windows -> linux samba stuff
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:18:56 +0200

Jonathan Forgues schreef:
> On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 02:02:07 +0200, Jan-Albert van Ree
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello.
> >Use
> >path = /home/%U
> >in the homedirs section to share the homedir of user %U.
> >Problem is that this share will have a different name for each user, so it
> >might be hard to map...
> not if you map "homes" instead of "username".
> here at home I have mapped \\machinename\homes and everytime a different
> user log in, it uses the correct directory.

Can you please explain this a little further? Like list the section of the
smb.conf file? This sure sounds interesting ;)
Jan-Albert "Sliver" van Ree | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3D Sims Archive maintainer  |


From: Tim MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why does hitting a key seem to wake up TCP/IP?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 11:50:35 -0400

Again, thanks for the response.

One of the other response I received has to do with disabling APM in the BIOS.
I did this, and now I have to wait and see if it works ...;)


Michael Kelly wrote:

> On Fri, 03 Sep 1999 22:38:24 -0400, Tim MacDonald
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Thanks for the suggestion, but pinging the interface doesn't really address
> >the cause of the problem, which is what I am interested in finding.
> >
> >-timm
> My experience has been the first step in trouble-shooting is
> isolation, so if nothing in the network is going to sleep then
> look elsewhere, hence if pinging doesn't keep the connection
> alive, it's probably not the locus of the problem.  I guess I thought
> that would be implied.
> >
> >
> >Michael Kelly wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, 03 Sep 1999 11:55:59 -0400, Tim MacDonald
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Is there some sort of "keep alive" packet that is not being transmitted
> >> >after this period of time, and is only awoken by an interrupt to the
> >> >keyboard?
> >>
> >> Hmmmmmmmm, if you have crond running you might run the ping
> >> command every 1/2 hour or something and see if that keeps things
> >> from lapsing.
> >>
> >> Mike
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> "Genius gives birth, talent delivers."
> >>
> >>            -- Jack Kerouac
> >>
> >> (Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)
> >
> >
> Mike
> --
> "Genius gives birth, talent delivers."
>            -- Jack Kerouac
> (Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)


From: Tim MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why does hitting a key seem to wake up TCP/IP?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 11:50:58 -0400


I will give it a shot!

Walter Francis wrote:

> Tim MacDonald wrote:
> > However, after some period of time (~1-2 hours??), the W98 machine loses
> > connectivity to the Linux box. Here's the strange part: if I hit a key
> > on the Linux PC's keyboard, the
> > W98 box re-established connectivity!
> I would have to guess the BIOS has some APM features enabled that are
> putting the machine to sleep.  I disable all APM in the BIOS and let
> Linux handle turning off the monitor.  Other things such as doze and
> hybernation are tossed.. :)
> --
> Walter Francis
>                      Powered by RedHat 6.0


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Kelly)
Subject: Re: interface slowing down?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:53:36 GMT

On 4 Sep 1999 02:48:27 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Tennent) wrote:

>My cable-modem interface slows down.  I can watch the ping times slowly but 
>surely increase.  If I take the interface down and then up again, the ping 
>time goes right down, then again begins to increase.  What could cause this?
>Is it in my system, in the modem, or in the router?
>Bob T.

Don't know for sure but it sounds like some sort of resource or memory
leak.  Does you swap file keep growing for no apparent reason?



"Genius gives birth, talent delivers."

           -- Jack Kerouac

(Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: How do hosts.allow and hosts.deny relate to ipchains?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:10:24 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vlar Schreidlocke) writes:
> Do the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files overide ipchains or vice
> versa? If I have ALL:ALL set in hosts.deny and some local box ip's set
> in hosts.allow how does ipchains relate to these settings if at all?
> I'm relative new at this and I want to set up a reliable firewall. I
> have the Linux firewall box connected via eth0 to the local net
> (192.168.0.x) and eth1 is connected to a cablemodem. What's the best
> approach for this setup if I want to be able to access the Linux box
> from somewhere else on the Internet?

ipchains is kernel level, hosts_access is application level, thus the
perms are ANDed. A connection must be both allowed in hosts.* and with
ipchains. Remember that not all applications support hosts_access, and
and that connections disallowed with hosts_access will be established, but
the connection will be reset and no data will travel over it.

                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Kelly)
Subject: Re: D-Link DFE 530TX
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:50:54 GMT

On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 12:31:07 GMT, Raghu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi !
>I have loaded RedHat Linux 6.0 on a PC.
>Now I want to configure D-Link DFE 530TX network card.
>I have no idea how to do it ,
>Can anyone help me out ???

You might try going to the D-LINK web site and sending an email.
I got prompt response from the support folks there.  Alternatively
if the issue is just using a Dos configuration utility and you don't
have Dos there are GNU Dos-alike systems on the web you can
download(I think they're equiv. to Dos 3.1 or thereabouts but I
haven't checked them out in a while.)  You can make a disk image
and boot to it. If it's an ISA card you might try isapnptools.

Good luck.

>------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------



"Genius gives birth, talent delivers."

           -- Jack Kerouac

(Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (teknite)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,linux.samba
Subject: Re: Linux CookBook Project Online!
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 12:09:27 -0500

Perfect timing as I am fumbling around trying to install Samba
albeit on a SuSE system.


On Fri, 3 Sep 1999 23:02:51 -0700, W.A. Scheer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Well, we're off to a rocky start, but here goes!
>The Linux CookBook Project is up and running. I've nabbed some "free" space
>courtesy of and set up a skeleton for good things to come.
>Check out the first official release... "Windows / SAMBA Basics - RedHAt
>Linux Edition" at
>I hope this is of value to anyone and everyone who has spent hours and hours
>trying to figure out SAMBA.
>W.A. Scheer
>Linux CookBook Project


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Kelly)
Subject: Re: windows to linux tcp/ip not working
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:16:35 GMT

On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 02:41:39 +0000, Christopher Burrows

>i am quite certain there is nothing wrong with my hardware. this is most
>certainly a software difficulty.

So I assume each machine can ping themselves?
What makes you so certain the hw works?  Have
you used it previously?  I just spent 2 weeks fighting
a network card that would work for 1/2 hr, 45 min,
whatever.  Come to find out it must have a bad
component that went out when it heated up.  Put
in new card and everything works like a charm.

Also have you done anything on loopback?  Can you
get the name of your own machine etc?



"Genius gives birth, talent delivers."

           -- Jack Kerouac

(Remove NOSPAM, if present, to reply via email)


From: Scott Nolde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dhcpd won't start
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:17:23 GMT

I had to tinker with my dhcpd daemon that is executed on boot.  This is

Find the line which starts dhcpd and add the proper interface (eth1)
after it.  This should do the trick.

"Robert L. Klungle" wrote:
> Hi,
> Everytime I try to start dhcpd on eth1 to maintain the dhcp ip license,
> if fails with "no subnet for eth1". I put one in to /etc/dhcpd.conf
> using the ISP assinged address but it still complains that there isn't
> one. Anyone got a clue? Attached is dhcpd.conf:
> # dhcpd.conf
> #
> # Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd
> #
> # option definitions common to all supported networks...
> option domain-name "";
> #option domain-name-servers;
> #option subnet-mask;
> default-lease-time 600;
> max-lease-time 7200;
> #subnet netmask {
> #  option routers;
> #  option domain-name-servers,,;
> #  option domain-name "";
> #}
> subnet netmask {
>   option broadcast-address;
>   option routers;
> }
> # The other subnet that shares this physical network
> #subnet netmask {
> #  range dynamic-bootp;
> #  option broadcast-address;
> #  option routers;
> #}
> #subnet netmask {
> #  range;
> #  option name-servers,;
> #  option domain-name "";
> #  option routers;
> #  option subnet-mask;
> #  option broadcast-address;
> #  default-lease-time 600;
> #  max-lease-time 7200;
> #}
> # Hosts which require special configuration options can be listed in
> # host statements.   If no address is specified, the address will be
> # allocated dynamically (if possible), but the host-specific information
> # will still come from the host declaration.
> host bat {
>   hardware ethernet 00:A0:C9:82:C1:E8;
>   server-name "";
> }
> # Fixed IP addresses can also be specified for hosts.   These addresses
> # should not also be listed as being available for dynamic assignment.
> # Hosts for which fixed IP addresses have been specified can boot using
> # BOOTP or DHCP.   Hosts for which no fixed address is specified can
> only
> # be booted with DHCP, unless there is an address range on the subnet
> # to which a BOOTP client is connected which has the dynamic-bootp flag
> # set.
> #host fantasia {
> #  hardware ethernet 08:00:07:26:c0:a5;
> #  fixed-address;
> #}
> # If a DHCP or BOOTP client is mobile and might be connected to a
> variety
> # of networks, more than one fixed address for that host can be
> specified.
> # Hosts can have fixed addresses on some networks, but receive
> dynamically
> # allocated address on other subnets; in order to support this, a host
> # declaration for that client must be given which does not have a fixed
> # address.   If a client should get different parameters depending on
> # what subnet it boots on, host declarations for each such network
> should
> # be given.   Finally, if a domain name is given for a host's fixed
> address # and that domain name evaluates to more than one address, the
> address
> # corresponding to the network to which the client is attached, if any,
> # will be assigned.
> #host confusia {
> #  hardware ethernet 02:03:04:05:06:07;
> #  fixed-address,;
> #  filename "vmunix.confusia";
> #  server-name "";
> #}
> #host confusia {
> #  hardware ethernet 02:03:04:05:06:07;
> #  fixed-address;
> #  filename "vmunix.confusia";
> #  server-name "";
> #}
> #host confusia {
> #  hardware ethernet 02:03:04:05:06:07;
> #  filename "vmunix.confusia";
> #  server-name "";
> #}
> Also route;
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
>   U     0      0        0
> eth0
>   U     0      0        0
> eth1
>       U     0      0        0
> lo
>         UG    0      0        0
> eth1
> Also ifconfig:
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:AF:11:9D:64
>           inet addr:  Bcast:
> Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:41674 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:1
>           TX packets:9063 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>           Interrupt:7 Base address:0x300
> eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:C9:82:C1:E8
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:81776 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:49494 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
>           Interrupt:19 Base address:0xfcc0
> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>           inet addr:  Mask:
>           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
>           RX packets:1380 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:1380 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> Also uname -a
> Linux linux 2.2.6 #14 SMP Tue Aug 10 00:51:36 PDT 1999 i686 unknown
> The linux works fine with the dsl, except occasionally, about once every
> 2 weeks, I have
> to run dhclient because the lease has expired.
> Any help appreciated
> cheers...bob

                 Scott Nolde


From: Andreas Peetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Connecting????
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:21:34 +0200

I guess there is a router somewhere in the way from the client to the
server that blocks connections on the specific port you are using.
It is quite common that only certain port ranges are blocked in a
firewall setup.
To find out which machine is blocking, use the traceroute
utility on the client to list all stations that the packets
pass on the way to the server.
Then try a
  telnet ip-address port
for the ip-address of each station listed (starting with the first) and
the port you are trying to connect to.
If you get a connect or a message "Connection refused" that's okay.
But when you get a message "No route to host" then it is most likely
the packet is blocked one station before the one you get this message
Hope this helps,

I suggest that you use the traceroute utility on the
client to see

mike_the_great wrote:
> Hi!!!
> I've got a problem with my SOCKET-Connection....
> I wrote a Server and a Client-Part...
> Everything OK via LAN!
> WAN: I started the Server on a Host behind a Router &
> Firewall, and the Cient behind a Proxy &
> fine... Tried it with 2 fine...
> Tired the same with the Server at Dial-up and
> Client behind a Proxy & FireWall and I get NO
> CONNECETION... I can ping the Host, but not connect....
> I've no Idea where I should start to search the Problem....
> I hope someone can help me...
> Previous Thanx Mike....
> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


From: Byron Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to start POP3 server on RH6.0??
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 13:20:18 -0400
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup

On Fri, 03 Sep 1999 23:26:57 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)

>I have two systems, one RH5.2 and the other RH6.0.
>On the 5.2 box POP3 started right out of the installation and I have
>not fiddled anywhere to get it going.
>On my 6.0 system however the POP3 server did not start, whereas the
>SMTP service (sendmail) actually is running OK.
>I have read here about uncommenting the proper lines in the inetd.conf
>file and I have done so. But how do I start up the service after this?
>I have to do it from a Telnet login so please give me the exact
>command line syntax.

You have to make sure you installed the pop3 rpm, and edit the
/etc/inetd.conf and remove the comment # sign.

once you have done that, reboot or  KILL -HUP the pid of inetd
and that should allow popper to run.

You may want to paiste a portion of your /var/log/messages file to
have more specific error reporting.


Byron Miller Consulting |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: (717) 397-7020


Subject: ipchains & ftp 
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:27:08 GMT

I'm new to Linux.

I've installed Mandrake 6.0 on a pentium pc at home that is serving as a
gateway to connect to the internet.One of my friend's friend, came over one
night and configure the firewall and ip-maskerading.
Everything works fine except for 2 things. The first one is when we're using
Norton Anti-Virus live-update function, it not going through the firewall.
And the second thing is ftp is only working to go out,
I can't download anything.

Can anyone help me? Please?



From: Mike Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NIC probs
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 12:16:35 -0400

I've been trying to install my ne2000 nic in caldera2.2. I try loading
the ne module and it says that i need to also load 8390 as well. When it
tries to load 8390 for me, it then tells me "The kernel driver 8390 has
niether been installed as a loadable module on this sytem, nor has it
been compiled into the kernel." I have tried to recompile w/ 8390
included but can't find where it is in the config. When loading ne I
have let it attempt to autoprobe in addition to specifying which IRQ and
IO port it's at. Someone told me to use modprobe ne which gave me the
following message: /lib/modules/2.2.5/net/ne.o:init_module Device or
resource busy. Please, if you know anything that could help, please. I'm
getting desparate, i need this box up by midweek otherwise bad things
will happen to me :o(.

Thanks in advance.




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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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