Linux-Networking Digest #602, Volume #12         Wed, 15 Sep 99 19:14:02 EDT

  using second ethernet interface causes 100% CPU utilization (Greg Hersh)
  DNS, NIS, etc. (EKK)
  Re: AutoPPP and assigning ip numbers based on port! ("Pat Crean")
  ADSL and DHCP Connectivity (Jim McIntyre)
  Serial to Networking (Ram0n)
  Weird browsing issue (R. Christopher Harshman)
  RH 6.0/Win98/Mac Networking (T)
  Re: Printing over IPX (Gustin Kiffney)
  DHCP on stock RH6.0 (Kyle Girard)
  Re: Crontab ("Antero Ferreira")
  A How configure sendmail without a permanent domain name? (Jacek Sierpinski)
  Multiple IP's ("Scott Bentley")
  How to identify network cards (Jason Rosenberg)
  Re: How to identify network cards (tofu)
  Firewall and SMTP (Gerhard Possler)
  Re: Anyone using Linksys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network in a Box ? (Jeff Peterson)
  Re: trustees on Mars_Nwe (Gustin Kiffney)
  Re: Please Help With DHCP!!!!!!! (Peter Buelow)
  Using ISC's dhclient (Rich Carreiro)
  Multi Boot Linux/Win98/Solaris/BeOS on same HD help?? ("Matt")


From: Greg Hersh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: using second ethernet interface causes 100% CPU utilization
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:24:43 GMT

We are testing traffic generator (Chariot from Ganymede Software)
w/Red Hat (the latest one, 6.0?). Two similar machines, dual Pentium
500Mhz, 4 3Com FE adapters in each machine. As long as we are using
a single pair of ethernet interfaces, everything looks fairly 
reasonable, we can create enough traffic to drive the interfaces
at 100% utilization. However as soon as we send just a tiny fraction
of the traffic over the second pair of ethernet interface, Linux
CPU utilization (according to VMSTATs) goes to 100%. It may be
the application problem as well (I've been told it uses multiple 
threads), but I wonder whether it has something to do with a kernel.




Subject: DNS, NIS, etc.
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:03:12 -0700


I currently run a simple small network and would like to have
one machine do all the machine name and IP address handling.

My configuration is as follows:

  1 Router Modem, which I currently use by adding a 'nameserver'
                  line to my /etc/resolv.conf

 10 Unix-based machines (mostly Linux and Irix)

  2 Windows machines (these are obviously not very important.)

  I currently have an /etc/hosts file and a ~/.rhosts file with all
  the machine names listed on EACH machine.  The LAN is expanding
  and it is a pain to update entries on each machine.

My questions are:

   I would like to dedicate a Linux box to do all this name look-up
   stuff.  Is there a tool to easily configure a machine to do this?

   I want to set up this server to look up the DNS on the modem and
   to propagate NS info to all other machines.  I also want the server
   handle name look-ups for all machines on my local network.

   Then machines on local network could just have a nameserver entry
   in the /etc/resolv.conf file that points to the server and just one
   entry (localhost) in the /etc/hosts file.

   Would my server be the GATEWAY?  i.e. would all local machines have
   to point to the server as their gateway, or is the name look-up all
   done within the nameserver entry (DNS)?

   I am not too sure which daemons I need to turn on, etc.

   Which README/HOWTO files would be best to read?

Thank you very much,


Alessandro Giachino,  Software Engineer

EKK Inc.
2065 West Maple C309        tel. 248-624-9957
Walled Lake MI 48390        fax. 248-624-7158


From: "Pat Crean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: AutoPPP and assigning ip numbers based on port!
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:18:43 -0400

AutoPPP is just a way for mgetty to automagically call pppd.  pppd, in turn
will use all of the option files it normally does --- man pppd will tell you
which files it uses, and in what order it reads them.

Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:51:37 -0400, "Pat Crean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Anything wrong with options.ttyS0, options.ttyS1, etc???
> Okay, the million dollar question is.. how do I have AutoPPP use the
> appropriate options file? (This is the same question posted in the
> original message.)
> >
> >
> >Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> It's simple enough to enable AutoPPP and allow Windows DUN users to
> >> dial-in with PAP. However, to make the process simple for the remote
> >> user the system needs to autoassign an ip address to each PPP client.
> >> I realize this can be done within the options file like so:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> where is the server and ww.xx.yy.zz is the client. But how
> >> does this work with AutoPPP? I can only specify one options file for
> >> AutoPPP to call when bringing up pppd, so how can I assign an ip
> >> address to each port?
> >>
> >> Better yet, is there a better way? Any help or advise would be greatly
> >> appreciated!
> >> ---
> >> Dustin Puryear
> >
> >
> ---
> Dustin Puryear


From: Jim McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: ADSL and DHCP Connectivity
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:55:18 GMT

A few months ago, I had a problem with my adsl connection. The same
thing occurred yesterday.  My 'net access was fine, then for some
reason, I lost everything. I assume this is caused by something done by
my ISP (MTT Sympatico Mpowered). Anyway, today I configured my NIC using
a static with the IP info obtained from pump (pump --status), any I got
access right away.
I hope this is useful to someone else. It's nice to post a solution
instead of a problem.

Jim McIntyre
Webmaster Program
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia


Subject: Serial to Networking
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:54:04 GMT

I'm currently working for a company that uses serial communication with
their applications (i.e a tty?? assign to an attached printer, another
tty?? to a terminal, etc).  They currently use HP-UX as their OS, but
I'm trying to push Linux using networking in all their point of sale
stations as an option.  There are different complex issues I have
encounter in analyzing this option like: Multi-stores setup (i.e.
replacing serial with networking would mean something like frame relay
to connect all the stores in a chain), and a lot of re-programming of
the systems scripts that as I mention above that assign a specific tty##
to certain devices (like attached printers).  With networking this last
one I founded kind of challenging since now the different devices are
configured or respawn by inittab and in networking things would depend
on initd (i.e. that it would assign a pseudo tty to every session and
the same to the devices like printers) and would mean some
reprogramming, which will not look good in my case of changing to LINUX
and networking.

If anyone have encounter something like this before or knows anything
that can be of help, I would really appreciate.

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From: R. Christopher Harshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.smb
Subject: Weird browsing issue
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 20:49:19 GMT

I'm running a samba network in the dorm here, and we've got
two nets configured together:

network 192.168.0.x---- [linux router]
                                   --- 192.168.3.x network

The 192.168.3.x network is assigned to Windows workgroup
'3rd.floor' while the 192.168.0.x network is 'jnst'.
Machines on the 'jnst' side of things can see the
3rd.floor network under Entire Network, and all is find.
Machines on the 3rd.floor side of things ONLY see
3rd.floor machines, and only see 3rd.floor listed under
Entire Network.

However, if we use IP addresses or even host names
(net view \\sprawl, for instance, where sprawl
is the main Linux/Samba server at
everything works.  Also, if I use Find -> Computer
and type in 'sprawl,' it gets found in workgroup 'jnst'

I activated WINS Support on (Sprawl)
and told one of my workstations to point to it
as a WINS server (restarting nmbd and smbd) and
still no joy.

I'd like to be able to browse the entire network
from 3rd.floor as well as from jnst.  Any thoughts?
I'm completely confuzled.

Thanks in advance!

- chris

R. Christopher Harshman   
Celeron 300a | i440BX | Mystique 220 + RRStudio | SB Live! | Win98
PIII-450 | i440BX-2 | Fusion AGP 3Dfx Banshee | Yamaha PCI | Linux / NT

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Subject: RH 6.0/Win98/Mac Networking
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:54:03 -0500

Hi All,

Ok, I promise this will be to the point questionaire.

 I have just set up my RH 6.0 Linux box. I need to set up some kind of
networking protocol to talk to a Windoze 98 box (TCP/IP I presume) and
also after that, I would need to tie into an existing Mac peer-to-peer
network running on Appletalk prot.

Since I do not want to waiste anybody's time, even though I am still
open to any kind of constructive guidance, I was wondering if it would
be possible to get a real beginner's instruction set on How-Tos on RH.
6.0 linux networking.

Btw, I have tried RH. 6.0 site, but I have not really found a trully
beginner's instructions. So right now I am like a "little" lost. Thank
you for your time.

Tibor Cseszko
Detcon, Inc.

PS: Should you have "ANY" information, you can email me directly.


From: Gustin Kiffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Printing over IPX
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:02:33 GMT

[posted and mailed]
You could set up a print queue on the Linux box, let's call it
'lpn', and in its /etc/printcap entry have it call a script
that runs nprint -S networkprinter -U whatever -P whatever inputfile
- that will work if your network printer acts as a print server.

If it does not, and only works with netware print queues, you will have
to set up mars-nwe (netware emulator) on the Linux box and have it
act as the print server and spool the files to the network ipx

  "Wicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I need a Printserver wich can print over IPX.
> I have to Networkprinter that understand only IPX.
> Because its a Migration from Novell to Linux.
> So i have to setup the Printer under Linux with IPX as Protokoll.
> The communication to the Workstations is handled by TCP/IP.
> Have anyone a suggestion for me ???

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kyle Girard)
Subject: DHCP on stock RH6.0
Date: 15 Sep 1999 21:02:08 GMT

What steps do i have to take to get a redhat (6.0)4 install with updates.
to work with dhcp..from what I have read I can do it all through linuxconf.
I just set it to dhcp and reboot but that doesn't work.  I have also
searched FAQ around and they say to remove 'gated' or 'routed' but if I
remove them I get nothing...with routed I can at least connect long
enough to write this message  without losing my routing tables.  
        What do I have to do?  Help please I'm despreate I have been
without internet for about two weeks


From: "Antero Ferreira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Crontab
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:15:20 +0100

Hi Martin,

Martin Lemenu escreveu na mensagem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Can
>anyone tell me how it works or some tips, links, doc or a quick example
>would be great.

See this page >, it
helped me a lot...



From: Jacek Sierpinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A How configure sendmail without a permanent domain name?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:13:02 GMT

I have a computer with Caldera OpenLinux 2.2, at home. I haven't a
permanent Internet connection - I connect to Internet through normal
phone line. My provider (Polish Telecommunication) doesn't give
permanent IP and domain addresses, so I can have different addresses at
different occasions (though from subdomain only).
Of course, I can't have a hostname identical with any of the possible
addresses, so I have localhost.localdomain hostname. I don't use
'Auto-configure Hostname from this IP' option because it confuses
X-server and I wouldn't have a possibility to open any KDE application
during Internet connection.
I want to use sendmail to sent my e-mails. In fact, I use Kmail
configured to use sendmail. I have some e-mail addresses and accounts,
all not related to domain. In most cases, it works good but
sometimes I receive errors, e.g:

===== Transcript of session follows =====
... while talking to
<<< 553 5.4.3 Policy analysis reports DNS error with your source domain.

Of course, I sent it as [EMAIL PROTECTED] But, as I see, sendmail
introduces my real hostname and my real local account name (in this case
root) while talking to a remote mailserver.
I get an advice to configure /etc/ file in order to
masquerade real address. I created /etc/genericstable file:


and then I created /etc/genericstable.db file by the following command:

/usr/sbin/makemap hash /etc/genericstable < /etc/generictable

Before that, I configured a Caldera generic
/usr/share/sendmail/cf/cf/ file - I added a line:

FEATURE(genericstable, `hash -o /etc/genericstable')

and then I generated /etc/ file. Now, I have the following
fragment in this file:

# Generics table (mapping outgoing addresses)
Kgeneric hash -o /etc/genericstable

(I tried also:
 Kgeneric hash /etc/genericstable)
but it still doesn't work... The error is still the same.
How configure it?

Jacek Sierpinski


From: "Scott Bentley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multiple IP's
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:18:26 -0500

How do you setup multiple IP addresses in Linux? I'm coming from a Windows
NT/Internet Information Server environment. I'm switching to Linux/Apache. I
know how to setup multiple web sites on the same server in NT. How do I do
it in Linux?



From: Jason Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to identify network cards
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:22:37 GMT

I have a couple network cards lying around, but I don't know
what they are.  Is there any way to figure it out.

The cards themselves don't have any sort of model number on
them, etc.

Would I be able to get away with just installing them and
letting the system auto-detect them, etc.?

I am using NT, and soon, Linux.



From: tofu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to identify network cards
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:07:18 -0400

Aren't there any markings on the card at all??  If there is anything,
even just a chipset then you can type that number into a search engine
(I use  For example, the Etherlink III that I
have here says 3c509 on it.  Type that into altavista and you'll get
lots of good info on it.  I've also used this method to identify really
old sound cards.

Second option is to get an SMC config utility.  There are a lot of SMC
cards and I've found that thier config utils can tell you which is

If you can't figure it out then I would suggest buying a new card.  If
you don't know what you've got, you'll never know for sure if you've set
it up correctly.


Jason Rosenberg wrote:

> I have a couple network cards lying around, but I don't know
> what they are.  Is there any way to figure it out.
> The cards themselves don't have any sort of model number on
> them, etc.
> Would I be able to get away with just installing them and
> letting the system auto-detect them, etc.?
> I am using NT, and soon, Linux.
> Jason


From: Gerhard Possler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Firewall and SMTP
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 19:34:37 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I have some questions about Firewall and SMTP:

must SMTP daemon (ex. sendmail) run on my Firewall (Linux Suse 6.0,
ipfwadm 2.3.0, 3 Ethernet cards => Internet, Perimeter Network and
Internal Network) to "route" mails to an mail-server in
Perimeter-Network? or will my Firewall route this packets "directly"?

thanks and have a nice day gerhard

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Gerhard Possler
Content-Disposition: attachment;

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Gerhard Possler



From: Jeff Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Anyone using Linksys Fast Ethernet 10/100 Network in a Box ?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:31:19 GMT

I could not get the tulip driver as linked on the Linksys website to 
function, but was able to use the one loaded on the install disk.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Gustin Kiffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: trustees on Mars_Nwe
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:38:06 GMT

Yes, 'syscon' does not work to administer mars-nwe.  The administration
is strictly through editing the /etc/nwserv.conf files and friends.
  stefan fried <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi..
> I've some problems with the Novellemulation Mars_nwe.
> My Marsemulation runs ok, but i cant give any trustees with the
> Novellprogram "Syscon". Mars ignored the program absolutly. I removed
> the Linux Server the trustees to 711 for Dir. and 600 for Files, but i
> have no sucess !!!
> Does anyone know whats happened ???
> Is there some setups, what can i control that ??
> Stefan

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From: Peter Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please Help With DHCP!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 12:18:20 -0500

Thinkthinnow wrote:
> Can someone tell me how I can get my box to release its dhcp address to get a
> different one. I need the address to change and it wont do it. I have a 12 hr
> lease and figured if I had the box off for 12 hrs it would fail to renew and
> get a different one. That did not work, I had it off for about 15hrs and it
> came back up with the same damn address.
> Any Ideas?
> Sean
  Most DHCP servers work on a cache system. They assign an IP and can
continue to use that IP for as long as it is available. Simply renewing
your lease won't usually work. I am assuming that this is a cable modem,
DSL, or some sort of leased line. Dialin IP's generally give out
addresses so often, that you are not likely to get the same one twice
(more users than IP's). Try this, if you are using dhclient, then you
can try to remove or rename the dhclient.leases file. dhcpcd has a cache
file somewhere in /var/... These help the client to keep track of the
leases it has been assigned previously in the event that the server is
Peter Buelow - Software Engineer
"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual
referred to a "pointer to void."


Subject: Using ISC's dhclient
From: Rich Carreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 Sep 1999 18:02:30 -0400

I have RedHat 5.2, am using an ethernet card and MediaOne's cable IP

The dhcpcd 0.70 that ships with RH 5.2 works fine.

But for the heck of it [and because it seems more versatile and better
written], I have been fooling aroung with's dhclient.

The problem is that I can't get it to work.  The docs say that an
empty /etc/dhclient.conf (which makes dhclient use its built-in
defaults) works for the majority of people [and it works for a friend
of mine just down the street who uses it with NetBSD and MediaOne], but
it simply won't pick up anything from the M1 server.  It keeps sending
out DHCPREQUESTs at verious intervals [and running tcpdump on my
card shows stuff like ->, but it never
receives a DHCPOFFER and gives up.

When I run dhcpcd, I see similar lines in the tcpdump output, but it
works.  Unfortunately, even run in debug mode, dhcpcd doesn't kick out
that much debugging output.  I do see some "arp tell" lines containing and my assigned IP address, which I don't see when I run

Any ideas on what may be wrong?  Any ideas on what other debugging tricks
to try?

Rich Carreiro                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I've come to the conclusion that there should be a tort for wasting my
time because you're an idiot." --  Stephen T. Middlebrook


From: "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.unix.solaris,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Multi Boot Linux/Win98/Solaris/BeOS on same HD help??
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 22:51:23 GMT


I'd like to setup 2 of my systems to boot these 4 OS's (and maybe NT too)
Linux (RH 6.0), Win 98 se, Solaris 7, BeOS 4.5.  (In case you are wondering
why, well I'd like to test several different networking setups for
speed/flexiblity/security)  I've used all of these OS's before, except for
Solaris.  I've never setup anything more than dual boot before.  One hard
drive is all I have to work with for both machines.  Both machines are
running 98 now and I don't want to reinstall that (I just did both a few
weeks ago) I just want to resize the partition and install the other OS's.
How would I go about setting up the partitions setting everything up (MBR,
active partition etc....) so that this will work?  Is there a software
package out there that will do this for me?  I've looked at Partition Magic
and System Command Deluxe, but there are others too?  Someone please
enlighten me.   Thanks....


Date: 15 Sep 1999 22:49:59 GMT

I'm looking for advice on how to start, manage and/or grow a computer
consulting company.  I would like for my company to build upgrade and repair
computers.  I would also like to complement these hardware services with an
array of software services such installing networking applications such as
Windows NT, Windows 95 & 98 and Novell.  I would also like to actually install
the cable i.e. Cat 5.    

I am an Entrepreneur that has over 10 years of experience planning, developing,
starting, managing and growing small businesses.  My best friend is a wonderful
computer technician.  He is both hardware and software savvy.  He tried to
start a small computer repair business, but he was not that successful.  He has
difficulty mainly due to the fact that he is not a good salesman and/or
marketing person.  

I am going to put up the capital to lease office space and start the business. 
I am also going to assist him in selling and marketing.  I am also going to
hire several support people for various roles in the company i.e. on-site
technician, sales manager, salesman, etc.  

The reason I am posting on this newsgroup is for information. The kind of
information that only another business owner can share.  I want the war stories
you tell friends.  The ideas that came to you when your lights were getting
ready to be turned off.  I have been successful in business when I have
researched the business thoroughly before investing in the idea.  That is what
I am trying to do through this post.  I have searched the Internet for ideas,
leads, etc.  I have stumbled into some things, but nothing real valuable.  Some
questions I have are as follows:

*** Names of a low cost hardware suppliers
*** Names of a low cost software suppliers
*** Names of a low cost networking accessories suppliers (face plates, jacks,
*** Marketing Plans (ideas to target new clients, develop new business, and
keep existing clients)
*** Actual sales strategies and/or formulas
*** Business Plans (actual business plans that have been worked and were
*** Ideas on outsourcing talented staff members on weekly and/or monthly jobs
*** Any other ideas or feedback you have about this business  

Please E-mail me any and all ideas.  If you turn me on to something valuable I
will mail to you some Cajun Food as a way of thanking you for taking the time
and effort to assist a Louisiana Cajun Yat!  

The Bayou Beast  



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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