Dear Nauman,

in your plan to add a new partition on a new HDD to your Linux computer, you mixed two 
steps that should come one after the other:
1.: mount the new partition on a directory on your original drive, do a mkfs on it 
with the filesystem of your choice (I'd recommend reiserfs) and copy over the contens 
of the partition you want to relocate with cp -a, this way keeping all the permissions 
and links intact.
2. Umount the new partition.
3.Change /etc/fstab to reflect the new location of your partition.
4. Reboot (vain point: does any of you experts know a way of avoiding a reboot in this 
situation? I loove my uptime...).
5. If everything went well, you can now use the original partition for something else, 
e.g. swap.

Doco: There is the Linux System Administrators Guide available online, where it is I 
can't remember, probably at LDP, or search for it.
With APM I can't help you, never had a laptop.


Nauman ul-Haque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I ve got some problems  here lets see if some one can help me.
>1). First of all, I was wondering if I run out of hardisk space on my linux
>box, what do I have to do then? can i get another hard disk and mount my
>/usr or /home on it? if so, I think all I have to do is copy my /usr on the
>new Hard disk and thats all, now what I dont know is, how do I make the /usr
>mounted on the new HDD every time Reboot? WHat i know is that I can mount
>the new HDD in some directory, give the entry in fstab and then make a link
>of /usr to /newDirectory/WhereHardDiskIsMounted, please tell me if this is
>the right process or if there is more sophisticated ways?
>2). Secondly I complied the new kernel 2.2.16, everything works very fine,
>except this problem, I did enable the APM support but my computer's power
>just wont shutoff when I "shutdown" it. There were about three to four
>suboptions in the APM options while configuring the kernel, I enabled the
>APM and let the others be default but it didnt work either, then I chose an
>option which seemed more like the solution to my problem, but that didnt
>work either. Now I cant go on trying all the permutations and combinations,
>so if please some one could tell me what option is that which I have to
>3) If please some one could tell me how can I set the "numlock" option "on"
>by default? so that every time I log on the NumLock is on by default.
>4). Where can I find some real good Administrator's guide on internet? I
>want to learn about runing and mintaining linux boxes as server and as
>workstations. I cant afford to order some books from but I want
>to learn more about administarting the systems and their security, so if
>some one can refer me to some good material please.
>Thanx a lot
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