> > 2) I suppose a notification daemon may be necessary to inform the over
> >     threshold event  (to syslog, to other servers, or logging management 
> > OSS, etc....)
> >
> >     Please correct me, if ndctl has this feature already...
> That feature doesn't exist in ndctl.  Intel has developed some tools that are
> mostly specific to their NVDIMMs and those tools include a monitoring daemon 
> as
> well as a CLI.
> https://github.com/01org/ixpdimm_sw

Though I tried to compile this tools, I could not comple it, and 
I gave up to solve too many dependency... 

> One approach could be to contribute changes to make those tools more useful 
> for non-Intel NVDIMMs.

Hmmm, ixpdimm_sw seems to be too large software.
In my first impression, I don't think this is good way..... :(

>   Another approach could be to integrate NVDIMM event
> monitoring into some other utility, like the rasdaemon.  I'm interested in
> your thoughts.

Though I'm not sure which (existing or new) utility is appropriate yet.
I prefer this way. So, I'll think about it.

> >> If you're thinking of defining something new, I encourage you to get
> >> involved in the standards activities.
> >
> > If my idea is useful like the aboves, the standard activity looks quite 
> > interesting
> > for me. Please tell me how to join it.
> If your company is part of the UEFI Forum then I think you can participate in
> the ACPI working group.  There is a sub-team focused on standardizing NVDIMM
> FW/SW interfaces.  My suggestion is that you find the person in your company
> who can hook you up with the right group.

Ok, I'll try to find the contact person in my company.

> You'll also see conversation/debate about what ought to be a standard
> on this mailing list so input here is welcome too.

I see.
Thank you for your information.

Yasunori Goto

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