I'm using dss2 on a dsi panel and I've run into a few limitations in
the present implementation.  I'd like to post the fixes, but I'd
appreciate some guidance, especially since I'm working without the
mipi spec so it isn't always clear to me what's a function of the
implementation vs. the spec.

1- I think the destination vc set in dsi.vc[n].dest_per should be
specifiable from either the dsi controller or the board file?  Any
preference on which?  Could be added to omap_ctrl or to

2- The code hard codes vc0 for L4 and v1 for dispc.  My controller
exepects the reverse.  Again I think this should come from some struct
in either the controller or the board file.  Preferences?

3- The code hard codes the complexio timing values used for setting
DSIPHY_CFG0, 1 and 2.  I think these values should be specified in the
omap_ctrl the way rfbi_timings are.

If no one has any thoughts on this I'll just pick something and throw
some patches for Tomi's tree up, but I thought it was worth pinging on

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