Hi every body!

I'm running a (2.6.37) kernel based on linux-omap tree
The board is a SoM from Variscite (var-som-am3517).

I've compiled the ehci-hcd as a module. When I enable it I got this dump:

Googling arroud I found that this can be triggered while trying to
access uhh registers when usbhost_48m_fck is not enabled. This is what
I think is happening since the message
"Clock usbhost_48m_fck didn't enable in 100000 tries" is aways present
before the crash, and since the crash happens at first read o uhh
registers. I just can't figure out why usbhost_48m_fck is not getting
enabled and how to check if is trully disabled.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

"Do or do not. There is no try"
  Yoda Master
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