Hi Ernesto,

ext Ramos Falcon, Ernesto wrote:
> Hi,
> We have detected a use case where if an application creates a child process 
> using fork call, and then the child and father processes call 
> DSPProcessor_Attach() and create a new process context with new tgid; when 
> the processes are terminated, only the last process calls bridge_release 
> cleaning only the resources in the father process, leaving the child 
> resources unreleased.
> One solution we have seen is to perform goes through the entire process 
> context list, clean up all the resources for all terminated processes or in 
> "zombie" state, as below,
> DRV_GetProcCtxtList(&pCtxtclosed, (struct DRV_OBJECT *)hDrvObject);
> while (pCtxtclosed != NULL) {
>       printk("pCtxtclosed->pid = %d\n",pCtxtclosed->pid);
>       tsk = find_task_by_pid(pCtxtclosed->pid);
>       if ((tsk == NULL) || (tsk->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE)) {
>               GT_1trace(driverTrace, GT_5CLASS,
>                       "***Task structure not existing for "
>                        "process***%d\n", pCtxtclosed->pid);
>               DRV_RemoveAllResources(pCtxtclosed);
>               if (pCtxtclosed->hProcessor != NULL) {
>                                       PROC_Detach
>                                                (pCtxtclosed->hProcessor);
>               }
>               pTmp = pCtxtclosed->next;
>               DRV_RemoveProcContext((struct DRV_OBJECT *)hDrvObject,
>                                        pCtxtclosed,
>                                        (void *)pCtxtclosed->pid);
>       } else {
>               pTmp = pCtxtclosed->next;
>       }
>       pCtxtclosed = pTmp;
> }
> Please let me know your comments.
> /Ernesto

Good point :)

I would like to simplify this use case ;)

If we call DSPProcessor_Attach() twice in the same process and kill the process,
then it will leak memory for 1st instance of PROCESSOR object.

When we call open() on /dev/DspBridge a new PROCESS_CONTEXT is allocated, and it
should be allocated **only once** in bridge_open() unlike in NODE_Allocate() and
PROC_Attach(). PROCESS_CONTEXT tracks all the resources allocated on behalf of
an open file handle(and not the process / thread). When this handle is closed
all these resources should be freed in bridge_release(). Accountability of
resources should be done using PROCESS_CONTEXT and **not pid (which will be
different for different thread) / tgid (which will be different for parent and

Above problem occurs because PROCESS_CONTEXT by design tracks only one PROCESSOR
object which gets freed in bridge_release().

Let me know your comments on this, and then we can proceed to fix this issue.

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