Proposals for OPP table handling for OMAP34xx/35xx/36xx/44xx

Thanks to all the community members for taking time for this discussion. 
This will aid upsteaming of 35xx/36xx/44xx in coming future.

Attendees: Kevin Hilman, Paul, Nishant M, Santosh, Madhu, Benoit, Rajendra, 
Benoit, Vikram

Problem Statement:
        OMAP34xx has certain opp requirements (3420/3430/3440)
        OMAP35xx reuses the opp's from 34xx
        OMAP36xx has a totally new set of opps
        OMAP44xx has a totally new set of opps

        Align on a common approach to take for the Opp table definitions.

Define Separate Tables for each family as follows:
Step 1: Go with this approach:
        3420(65nm)              : new arrays [defer for now]
        3430/35xx(65nm)         : new arrays **
        3440(65nm)              : new arrays [defer for now]
        3630(45nm)              : new arrays
        Omap4(45nm)             : new arrays

        * new arrays = (mpu, dsp, l3)
        ** Check this valid flag. Kevin can take this base on comments
                between 3430/35xx, opp's can be managed with a flag and same 
table re-used
                35xx has requirement for 720Mhz opp

Step 2:
Kevin suggestion:
Define accessor APIs get the OPPs
Check Users of accessor API
        sysfs debug
        Define accessor api's eg:
                index = get_opp(VDD1_OPP1);
                num = get_max_opp(VDD1);

Step 3: 
        Paul suggestion:
        VSEL values in opp table should be in terms of voltage
        Non TWL IC's need this

        Paul suggestion:
        VDD1 VDD2 dependencies for different chips
        Inter-connect load predictor is absent on omap3 and hence VDD1-vdd2 
                interconnect loading can be measured from registers
                Multi-cores dependency

Step 5:
        Paul suggestion:
        Board files adding OPPs, Modifying OPPs
        Eg: Pendora passing its own opp 

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