On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 06:05:24PM -0600, Woodruff, Richard wrote:
> > From: Russell King - ARM Linux [mailto:li...@arm.linux.org.uk]
> > Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 5:38 PM
> > Why does OMAP initialize its clock sources soo late, outside of
> > the timer initialization?  This means you have no counter in place
> > (except for the jiffies counter) during early boot.
> >
> > Is there a reason why OMAP uniquely does this?
> Not any good reason.  I'm aware of historic porting issue and the missed/
> hidden need for early init for some time services.
> 1st attempts to do really early init (like 7 years back) were messed as
> not all kernel services used to be available when the time early time
> init functions happened.

The background here is:

We now have common generic sched_clock() support which provides true
full 64-bit nanosecond time measurements, as required by the scheduler

We need sched_clock() initialized before the first use which matters -
which is inside sched_init().

As sched_init() is called by generic code, we don't have much choice over
where it happens during the kernel boot - any change will need a very
good justification because it's risking breaking other architectures.

The only preceding hook we have into generic code is setup_arch(), and
I now provide a .init_early platform callback to setup sched_clock().
The point at which init_sched_clock*() is called defines the sched_clock()
time zero.

However, this is too early to setup the sched_clock() keep-alive soft
timer - this is delayed until the time_init() callback.  This happens
after sched_init(), so we expect that init_sched_clock() will have been
called by this point - and given that it's already been used, this is
not an unreasonable assumption.  This is fine as we expect that the
counter backing the sched_clock() implementation will not wrap between
these two calls - and to make sure we kick off an update at this point.

So, as a platform, there are two places where init_sched_clock() is
callable - either .init_early (preferred) or the sys_timer .init method
(if it must be late).

If sched_clock() support is enabled, then init_sched_clock() must have
been called no later than the return of sys_timer .init method otherwise
you will get an oops (which is what is happening) when the first update
cycle is kicked off.
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