
On Thu, 22 Sep 2011, Keshava Munegowda wrote:

> Following 4 hwmod structures are added
> 1. usb_host_hs hwmod of usbhs with uhh base address and functional clock,
> 2. usb_ehci_hs hwmod with irq and base address,
> 3. usb_ohci_hs hwmod with irq and base address,
>    - The ehci and ohci hwmods does not require functional clock
>      because usb_host_hs has functional clock which is sufficient
>      to access ehci and ohci address space.
>    - The usb_ehci_hs and usb_ohci_hs should be two separate hwmods
>      which should not be combined. This is needed because ehci and
>      ohci will have separate dedicated ports & in omap4 there is a
>      clock per port.We should be able to configure the IO-Wakeup
>      capability of pins specific to EHCI & OHCI separately and depending
>      on the I/O wakeup event  the  only port clocks corresponding
>      to the wakeup source will be enabled internally by the usb host driver.
> 4. usb_tll_hs hwmod of usbhs with the TLL base address and irq.

Many of the same issues with the OMAP3 data (missing main_clks, missing 
ADDR_TYPE_RT, etc.) exist with this patch also.

- Paul
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