On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:10 AM, DebBarma, Tarun Kanti
<tarun.ka...@ti.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Kevin Hilman <khil...@ti.com> wrote:
>> Tarun Kanti DebBarma <tarun.ka...@ti.com> writes:
>>> In _enable_gpio_irqbank() when bank->regs->set_irqenable is valid,
>>> gpio_mask can be directly set by writing to set_irqenable register
>>> without overwriting current value. In order to ensure the same is
>>> stored in context.irqenable1, we must read from regs->irqenable
>>> instead of overwriting it with gpio_mask.
>>> The overwriting makes sense only in the second case where irqenable
>>> is explicitly read and updated with new gpio_mask before writing it
>>> back. However, for consistency reading regs->irqenable into the
>>> bank->context.irqenable1 takes care of both the scenarios.
>> ...except that the code doesn't do this anymore.
> Yes.
>> I like the newer version (I hope so, since I suggested it :), but please
>> update the changlog to describe what the code is actually doing.
> Sure.
I have updated the change log here:
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
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