Hi, Tony.

On 08/08/2012 06:39 PM, Tony Lindgren wrote:
> * Tony Lindgren <t...@atomide.com> [120808 07:11]:
>> * Tony Lindgren <t...@atomide.com> [120808 07:05]:
>>> * Konstantin Baydarov <kbaida...@dev.rtsoft.ru> [120725 04:10]:
>>>> +
>>>> +u32 omap_control_status_read(void)
>>>> +{
>>>> +  return __raw_readl(omap_control_base);
>>>> +}
>>> Ah OK it's changed here.. Sorry I was looking at the older
>>> version.
>>>> +void __init of_omap_control_init(const struct of_device_id *matches)
>>>> +{
>>>> +  struct device_node *np;
>>>> +  struct property *pp = 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +  for_each_matching_node(np, matches) {
>>>> +          pp = of_find_property(np, "reg", NULL);
>>>> +          if(pp) {
>>>> +                  omap_control_phys_base = (unsigned 
>>>> long)be32_to_cpup(pp->value);
>>>> +                  omap_control_mapsize = (size_t)be32_to_cpup( 
>>>> (void*)((char*)pp->value + 4) );
>>>> +                  /*
>>>> +                   * Map control module register CONTROL_STATUS register:
>>>> +                   * omap24xx - OMAP24XX_CONTROL_STATUS
>>>> +                   * am33xx   - AM33XX_CONTROL_STATUS
>>>> +                   * omap34xx - OMAP343X_CONTROL_STATUS
>>>> +                   * omap44xx - OMAP4_CTRL_MODULE_CORE_STATUS
>>>> +                   * omap54xx - OMAP5XXX_CONTROL_STATUS
>>>> +                   */
>>>> +                  omap_control_base = ioremap(omap_control_phys_base, 
>>>> omap_control_mapsize);
>>>> +          }
>>>> +  }
>>>> +}
>>> You should probably add a function for setting omap_control_base
>>> separately from *set_globals* in arch/arm/mach-omap2/common.c.
>>> That way it's initialized early for id.c, and you can initialize
>>> everything else later as regular device drivers.
>>> FYI, we want to initialize as much as possible late so we have
>>> proper debugging console set up in case things go wrong.
>> Hmm it seems that omap_control_base is now only initialized for DT boot
>> case? This will break booting on almost all systems..
> Looking at things more, looks like omap_type() is getting called
> early from timer.c. So maybe just let set_globals initialize
> omap_control_base and let omap_type() read that directly. That way
> the SCM core driver can behave like a regular device driver and it
> does not need to be initialized early.

  Yes, omap_type() is called very early , that is why I'm using early_initcall 
for omap_control_base initialization.

Do you mean following?:
void __init omap2_set_globals_control(struct omap_globals *omap2_globals)
    if (omap2_globals->ctrl)
        omap2_ctrl_base = omap2_globals->ctrl;

    if (omap2_globals->ctrl_pad)
        omap4_ctrl_pad_base = omap2_globals->ctrl_pad;

    omap_control_base = omap2_ctrl_base;  // this line is added

  Or you suggest to move
void __init of_omap_control_init(const struct of_device_id *matches)
    struct device_node *np;
    struct property *pp = 0;

    for_each_matching_node(np, matches) {
        pp = of_find_property(np, "reg", NULL);
        if(pp) {
            omap_control_phys_base = (unsigned long)be32_to_cpup(pp->value);
            omap_control_mapsize = (size_t)be32_to_cpup( 
(void*)((char*)pp->value + 4) );
             * Map control module register CONTROL_STATUS register:
             * omap24xx - OMAP24XX_CONTROL_STATUS
             * am33xx   - AM33XX_CONTROL_STATUS
             * omap34xx - OMAP343X_CONTROL_STATUS
             * omap44xx - OMAP4_CTRL_MODULE_CORE_STATUS
             * omap54xx - OMAP5XXX_CONTROL_STATUS
            omap_control_base = ioremap(omap_control_phys_base, 

into omap2_set_globals_control() ?

Also if we move omap_control_base initialization to 
omap2_set_globals_control(), than the initialization routine of 
drivers/mfd/omap-control-core.c become empty, because omap_control_base is the 
only thing that is initialized in omap-control-core driver.

    Konstantin Baydarov.

> Regards,
> Tony
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