Hi Kevin,

On Sat, Nov 03, 2012 at 21:52:00, Kevin Hilman wrote:
> On 11/02/2012 12:32 PM, Vaibhav Bedia wrote:
> > AM33XX has only one usable timer in the WKUP domain.
> After reading the TRM, it seems there are two: DMTIMER0 and DMTIMER1.
> Looking at the hwmod data though, I don't see a hwmod for DMTIMER0.  Can
> you explain a little about why DMTIMER0 is missing/broken?

DMTimer0 is usable only in secure devices only. This timer by default runs
from an inaccurate RC oscillator the frequency of which can be anywhere
from 16-60KHz based on process variations. There is a mux to change the
clock source but the register for the mux can't be modified in GP devices.
(will add this in the changelog)

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