On 4/15/2013 12:50 AM, Mark Jackson wrote:
On 11/02/13 19:52, Mugunthan V N wrote:
The CPSW switch can act as Dual EMAC by segregating the switch ports
using VLAN and port VLAN as per the TRM description in Dual Mac Mode

Following CPSW components will be common for both the interfaces.
* Interrupt source is common for both eth interfaces
* Interrupt pacing is common for both interfaces
* Hardware statistics is common for all the ports
* CPDMA is common for both eth interface
* CPTS is common for both the interface and it should not be enabled on
   both the interface as timestamping information doesn't contain port

* Reserved VID of One port should not be used in other interface which will
   enable switching functionality
* Same VID must not be used in both the interface which will enable switching

Signed-off-by: Mugunthan V N <mugunthan...@ti.com>

@@ -1237,6 +1372,18 @@ static int cpsw_probe_dt(struct cpsw_platform_data *data,
          if (mac_addr)
              memcpy(slave_data->mac_addr, mac_addr, ETH_ALEN);

+        if (data->dual_emac) {
+            if (of_property_read_u32(node, "dual_emac_res_vlan",
+                         &prop)) {

Shouldn't this be:-

    if (of_property_read_u32(slave_node, "dual_emac_res_vlan",

... so we pick each VLAN id from the individual slaves ?

Good catch, will send a fixup patch for this.

Mugunthan V N
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