On Mon, 7 Oct 2013, Tony Lindgren wrote:

> And assuming Paul is OK with these patches in general.

Actually, I have several concerns with this series, as you and I 
discussed.  Some of us have been talking them over with other folks for 
the past few months to try to figure out what to do.  Most of the concerns 
have fairly easy technical solutions, but we shouldn't merge these patches 
until they're resolved.

The issues are:

1. whether the clock data should go into DT
2. what the right place for DT clock data is in the DT
3. whether it makes sense to merge "experimental" DT bindings in this case
4. where clockdomain data belongs

The first issue - and the one I'm least concerned about - is that, in my 
view, it still does not make technical sense to move this data into DT.  
This is chip-level hardware data that never needs to be changed by board 
designers or end users.  Adding it to DT is going to result in a boot-time 
cost (due to DT parse overhead) and additional memory consumption for very 
little benefit, compared to an implementation that places this data into a 
dynamically loadable module.  For some users, the boot-time bloat is a big 
deal: the example that's been mentioned to me recently is an automotive 
back-up camera that needs to cold-boot to complete functionality in a few 
hundred microseconds.

However, according to some other upstream maintainers, Linus's goal is to 
move most of the device-specific static data out of the kernel tree, into 
DT files (in the ARM case).  If that non-technical constraint is indeed 
the dominant consideration, then I agree that moving this data to DT is 
the only viable course of action.


The second issue concerns where the SoC clock nodes should go in the DT.  
In these patches, the clock data has been encoded in a large "clocks" node 
off the top level.  This is almost certainly not the right thing to do 
from a device hardware point of view.  These clocks don't exist as 
standalone devices with their own address spaces decoded on the 
interconnect.  In all of the SoC cases that I'm aware of, clock control 
registers are part of larger IP blocks.

For example, in the OMAP case, most of the system integration clock 
control registers are part of the OMAP-specific PRCM block, PRM block, or 
CM block.  Then there are other device-specific clocks, like DSS PLLs or 
UART dividers.  The control registers for these are generally located in 
the subsystem or device IP block itself, and are inaccessible when the 
subsystem or IP block is disabled.  These device-specific clocks belong to 
the IP block, not the SoC integration.  So, for example, if two SoCs use 
the same IP block, then the clock registers, and their offsets from the IP 
block address space base, are likely to be identical.

So in my view, the right things to do here are to:

1. associate SoC DT clock data with the device node that contains the 
   clock control registers

2. specify relative offsets for clock registers from the start of
   the IP block address range, rather than absolute addresses for clock 

3. place the responsibility for registering clocks into the IP block 
   drivers themselves

This naturally separates clocks into per-IP block DT files.  It also 
provides the CCF with an easy way to ensure that the device that 
encloses the clock is enabled and accessible by the CPU core, before 
trying to access registers inside.

Similarly, non-SoC off-chip clock data (such as for dedicated I2C PLLs) 
should also be associated with their I2C device node.

Making these changes to Tero's existing patches should be relatively 
straightforward, based on what I've seen.


Regarding the third issue: let's postulate for the moment that the clock 
binding issues that I mention in #2 above are ignored (ha!), and that the 
existing DT clock data is merged.  These bindings are currently marked as 
"Unstable - ABI compatibility may be broken in the future".  What happens 
if, when we meet to discuss clock bindings at the kernel summit, we decide 
that significant changes are needed?  We could easily wind up with kernels 
that won't boot at all when used with newer DT data.

Not to mention, merging such a large amount of code and data before the 
bindings are stable will increase the risk of massive churn as the 
bindings evolve towards stability.

So IMHO, the way to fix this is to consider the clock data to be IP-block 
specific, as mentioned in #2.  Then there's no need for global clock 
bindings for the SoC clock cases.

Otherwise, it seems prudent to at least wait until the global clock 
bindings are no longer marked as unstable.  The whole DT migration was 
predicated on the ideas of reducing churn in the Linux codebase, and 
preserving forward compatibility for DT data.  We shouldn't discard these 
goals just to merge something a little sooner.


The fourth issue is where the clockdomain data should go.  The basic issue 
here is that the notion of "clockdomains" here is completely 
OMAP-specific.  OMAP clockdomains demarcate a group of clocks or IP blocks 
that share the same automatic idle behavior, controlled by their enclosing 
IP block (e.g., PRCM, PRM, CM, etc.).  Clockdomains are also used in the 
OMAP kernel code to link the clocks to their enclosing power domains, 
voltage rail control, etc.

So since these are OMAP PRCM/CM/PRM-specific constructs, the right place 
for OMAP clockdomain data is underneath the OMAP-specific CM/PRCM DT 
nodes.  Again this should be an easy change to Tero's existing patches.


So hey, if you've made it this far, thanks for reading.  My sense is that 
implementing #2 and #4 are relatively straightforward.  

Also, since this seems to have been a problem for some folks in the past, 
I want to make clear that I think both Mike and Tero have been doing good 
jobs on the CCF and OMAP clock patches so far.


- Paul

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