On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Dominik Brodowski
<li...@dominikbrodowski.net> wrote:
> ... and on this?

Your original email used "torva...@osdl.org", which goes into a
kind-of-black hole. Please fix whatever crazy-old address book you
have - that address is old, old, old.

Oh, and your *new* email had totally broken email headers too. WTF? That

  Mail-Followup-To: torva...@linux-foundation.org,
        linux-pcmcia@lists.infradead.org, linux-ker...@vger.kernel.org

is just pure and utter garbage. What the hell is wrong with your email
setup? When I reply to that email, I sure as hell want to reply to
*you*, not to *me*.

So fix your email, right now it's terminally broken.

Will look at the pull requests now that I actually see them, and when
I'm over being upset by your idiotic email issues.


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