Thank you, Howard for some lovely corporate spin.

On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, wrote:

> Thank you very much for your comments and feedback regarding exclusive
> use of Dell drives. It is common practice in enterprise storage
> solutions to limit drive support to only those drives which have been
> qualified by the vendor.

Dell is no NetApp.  Having used solutions from both, there's a world of
a difference.  You are kidding yourself if you think you're on a nearby
practice ground, let alone in the same ballpark.

> There are a number of benefits for using Dell qualified drives in
> particular ensuring a positive experience and protecting our data.

Your data?   If you want to protect your data, do it at your expense.
I'd rather protect my data much more cost effectively and much more
flexibly - without a vendor lock-in on drives; or, where requirements
justify it, choose a real enterprise storage solution.


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