On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Luke Pyzowski <l...@sunrisefutures.com> wrote:
> Why does dsu perform a “yum upgrade -y” when installing firmware? (Run
> strings on the dsu binary to verify for yourself) This command will upgrade
> everything on a system - and often system administrators may put something
> into custom yum repos but not install it intentionally. This is extremely
> poor behavior on the part of the dsu tool and I was very surprised to see
> it. This option must be configurable by the administrator. Further, it
> should only upgrade dell related items -  at the very most. You are
> specifying to update _all_ system software on the OS AND you pass the -y
> argument to it to approve the install without letting an administrator
> intervene. This behavior is completely unacceptable and needs to be
> addressed.

I absolutely agree. Reading this mailing list for the past few months
has been an absolutely flooring experience.

At this point, it's time to realize that DSU is a failure: it is so
riddled with design flaws that it would only make sense to start again
from scratch. That's exactly what happened to the previous
firmware-tools, which have been working fine for years, until somebody
decided to scrap it for unknown reasons. DSU is not up to the mark, by
far. Competitors have better tools now, and what once made Dell lead
the field of linux management tools is no more.

If you guys want to retain that advantage, that made a lot of us
prefer to deal with Dell hardware instead of others', this needs to be


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