
> Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:03:25 -0700
> From: Stephen Dowdy <sdo...@ucar.edu>
> To: Patrick Boutilier <bouti...@ednet.ns.ca>, linux-poweredge@dell.com
> Subject: [Linux-PowerEdge] FYI using pdsh for mass execution (Re: dsu
>         woes)
> Message-ID: <e21300c5-f4c4-5abc-b150-fc4963985...@ucar.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On 01/10/2018 03:27 PM, Patrick Boutilier wrote:
> > What I would do is download the BIOS update file once and then create a
> script to rsync it to the 1500 hosts and run the update. I presume you
> would?have?a?script?to?run?dsu?on?the?1500?hosts?anyway?
> First:  i gave up on using Dell's enterprise management tools due to
> constant heartache/headache/frustration.  It definitely makes me sad that
> these tools continually change, but never actually get much better.  (okay,
> it looks like they are finally attacking the BASHisms in some of their
> scripts that borked Debian/Ubuntu systems badly, but the continual lack of
> correctness/current-cy, etc just pains me).
> Second:
> FYI, LLNL's 'pdsh' works great for this.  requires ssh public key trust
> for 'root' in my following examples to do the following (running DUPs
> requires 'root'):
> ** note that your public key should be offline until loaded in your
> ssh-agent (oof, Meltdown/Spectre, sigh)
> WARNING: as any tool that allows mass-execution, if you screw up, you've
> now multiplied that screwup to a large number of systems, so always be
> careful.
> If you have a file of hostnames already:
>    pdsh -lroot -g {file} 'command-to-run-on-all-remote-systems'
> (file is usually dshgroup module selected so ~/.dsh/group/{file} or
> /etc/dsh/group/{file})
pdsh is a great tool... but with 1500 systems, I bet he knows about it.

DSU should be fixed, of course!

A critical or high impact release update for BIOS/firmware *.BIN files
should cause the Dell magic internal process to update the DSU repo!

Yes the bosses likely decided once-per-whatever is good enough, but clearly
it's not (good enough). All distributions have the concept of
security/severity for packages and updates in repositories; utilize those
options. Keep your stable once-per-whatever but give these high impact/high
profile updates some legs to move out more quickly and effectively for your
Dell customers.

DSU has grown for the better... continue the growth in a positive direction.

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