Too bad I can't diagnose the problem correctly, but it is
here somewhere, and is (hardly) reproduceable.

I'm doing alot of experiments right now with various raid options
and read/write speed.  And 3 times now, the whole system went boom
during the experiments.  It is writing into random places on all
disks, including boot sectors, partition tables and whatnot, so
obviously every filesystem out there becomes corrupt to hell.

It seems the problem is due to integer overflow somewhere in raid
(very probably raid5) or ext3fs code, as it is starting to write
to the beginning of all disks instead of the raid partitions being
tested.  It *may* be related to direct-io (O_DIRECT) into a file
in ext3 filesystem which is on top of softraid5 array.  It may also
be related to raid10 code, but it is less likely.

Here's the scenario.

I have 7 scsi disks, sda..sdg, 36GB each.
On each drive there's a 3GB partition at the end (sdX10)
where I'm testing stuff.
I tried to create various raid arrays out of those sdX10 partitions,
including raid5 (various chunk sizes), raid1+raid0 and raid10.
On top of the raid array, I also tried to create ext3 fs.
And did various read/write tests on both the md device (without the
filesystem) and a file on the filesystem.
The tests - just sequential read and write with various I/O size
(8k, 16k, 32k, ..., 1m) and various O_DIRECT/O_SYNC/fsync() combinations.

Ofcourse I created/stopped raid arrays (all on the same sdX11), created,
mounted and umounted filesystem on that arrays and did alot of reading
and writing.  I'm sure I didn't access other devices during all this
testing (like trying to write to /dev/sdX instead of /dev/sdX11), and
did not write to the device while there was filesystem mounted.  And
yes, my /dev/ major/minor numbers are correct (just verified to be sure).

The symthom is simple: at some time, partition table on /dev/sdX becomes
corrupt (either primary or extended which is at about 1.2Gb of the start
of each disk), just like alot of other stuff, mostly at the beginning of
all disks -- on all but one or two disks involved in testing.

We lost the system this way after first series of testing, and during
re-install (as there's no data anymore anyway), I descided to perform
some more testing, and hit the same prob again and (after restoring
partition tables) yet again.

All my attempts to reproduce it failed so far, but when I din't watch
partition tables after each operation, it happened again after yet more
series of tests.

One note: every time before it "crashed", I tried to create/use a raid5
array out of 3, 4 or 5 drives with chunk size = 4Kb (each partition is
3GB large), and -- if i recall correctly -- experimented with direct
write on the filesystem created on top of the array.  Maybe it dislikes
chunk size this small...

Now it's 02:18 here, deep night and I'm still in office -- I have to re-
install the server by morning so our users will have something to do,
so I have very limited time for more testing.  Any quick suggestions
about what/where to look at right now welcome...

BTW, the hardware is good, drives, memory, mobo and CPUs.
This happens on either 2.6.10 or 2.6.9 the first time, now it is
running 2.6.9.

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