On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, James Ralston wrote:

> I'm having a discussion with a coworker concerning the cost of md's
> raid5 implementation versus hardware raid5 implementations.
> Specifically, he states:
> > The performance [of raid5 in hardware] is so much better with the
> > write-back caching on the card and the offload of the parity, it
> > seems to me that the minor increase in work of having to upgrade the
> > firmware if there's a buggy one is a highly acceptable trade-off to
> > the increased performance.  The md driver still commits you to
> > longer run queues since IO calls to disk, parity calculator and the
> > subsequent kflushd operations are non-interruptible in the CPU.  A
> > RAID card with write-back cache releases the IO operation virtually
> > instantaneously.
> It would seem that his comments have merit, as there appears to be
> work underway to move stripe operations outside of the spinlock:
>     http://lwn.net/Articles/184102/
> What I'm curious about is this: for real-world situations, how much
> does this matter?  In other words, how hard do you have to push md
> raid5 before doing dedicated hardware raid5 becomes a real win?

hardware with battery backed write cache is going to beat the software at 
small write traffic latency essentially all the time but it's got nothing 
to do with the parity computation.

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