
1.  Use raidhotremove to take out the IDE drive.  Example:
raidhotremove /dev/md0 /dev/hda5
2.  Use raidhotadd to add the SCSI drive.  Example: raidhotadd /dev/md0
3.  Correct your /etc/raidtab file with the changed device.

<>< Lance.

Scott Patten wrote:

> I'm sorry if this is covered somewhere.  I couldn't find it.
> 1 - I have a raid1 consisting of 2 drives.  For strange
> historical reasons one is SCSI and the other IDE.  Although
> the IDE is fairly fast the SCSI is much faster and since I
> now have another SCSI drive to add, I would like to replace
> the IDE with the SCSI.  Can I unplug the IDE drive, run in
> degraded mode, edit the raid.conf and somehow mkraid
> without loosing data or do I need to restore from tape.
> BYW, I'm using 2.2.13ac1.

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