On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Bernd Schubert
<bs_li...@aakef.fastmail.fm> wrote:
> In ib_srp.c sg_tablesize is defined as 255. With that value we see lots of IO
> requests of size 1020. As I already wrote on linux-scsi, that is really sub-
> optimal for DDN storage, as lots of IO requests of size 1020 come up.
> Now the question is if we can safely increase it. Is there somewhere a
> definition what is the real hardware supported size? And shouldn't we increase
> sg_tablesize, but also set the .dma_boundary value?

(resending as plain text)

The request size of 1020 indicates that there are less than 60 data
buffer descriptors in the SRP_CMD request. So you are probably hitting
another limit than srp_sg_tablesize.

Did this occur with buffered (asynchronous) or unbuffered (direct) I/O
? And in the first case, which I/O scheduler did you use ?

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