In experiments in the lab we managed to trigger an Adapter firmware panic 
(BlinkLED) coincidentally while several pass-through ioctl command from the 
management software were outstanding on a bug only present on a class of RAID 
Adapters that require a hardware reset rather than a commanded reset. The net 
result was an attempt to time out the management software command as if it came 
from the SCSI layer resulting in an OS panic.

Adapters that use commanded reset, management commands are returned failed by 
the Adapter correctly. The adapter firmware panic that resulted in this 
condition was also resolved, and there were no adapters in the field with this 
specific firmware bug so we do not expect any field reports. This is a rare or 
unlikely corner condition, and no reports have ever been forwarded from the 

This attached patch is against current scsi-misc-2.6.

ObligatoryDisclaimer: Please accept my condolences regarding Outlook's handling 
of patch attachments.

Signed-off-by: Mark Salyzyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h |    1 +
 drivers/scsi/aacraid/commsup.c |    4 +++-
 drivers/scsi/aacraid/dpcsup.c  |    4 +++-
 drivers/scsi/aacraid/linit.c   |   19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Sincerely -- Mark Salyzyn

Attachment: aacraid_fib_context.patch
Description: aacraid_fib_context.patch

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