On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 2:34 PM, chandrashekar shastri
<cshas...@oc2505588478.ibm.com> wrote:
> I am testing NPIV feature on upstream Qemu, I have configured the zone
> and able to see the created vport on the storage array.
> Since, I am learning on how to setup the NPIV, I haven't created the 
> different zone for
> the vport and the array, I just added in the existing zone.
> Now, how do pass the LUN to the qemu, from Dr. Hannes Reineckei mail thread I 
> got to know that lspci command on the host doesn't show the virtual HBA.
> I didn't understand why there is limitation on that and if I specify
> /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -enable-kvm Fedora19 -m 3000 -smp 2 -net nic -net
> \ user -vnc -drive if=scsi,file=/dev/sdj
> How do I make sure that qemu is using the virtual HBA or (vport)?

>From my limited knowledge of NPIV, after you create the vport on the
host you'll have a new "SCSI host" which scans LUNs.  That means new
SCSI devices appear on the host.

You can use "ls -al /sys/class/scsi_host" to see the SCSI hosts that are active.

You can use "virsh nodedev-list --tree" to see the details of the devices.

This should help you find the NPIV LUNs which can be passed to QEMU.

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