On 02/02/2014 08:15 PM, "Kai Mäkisara (Kolumbus)" wrote:
> On 2.2.2014, at 13.42, Hannes Reinecke <h...@suse.de> wrote:
> [part of explanation snipped from reply]
>> But we're now trying to deprecate the original (and unmaintained)
>> scsi_id program and replace it with the standard 'sg_inq' program.
>> Which is a standard program which just issues the respective SCSI
>> command; most of the post-processing will be done by udev rules.
>> And implementing the same workaround here is really a bit hackish.
>> Hence this proposal to allow 'sg_inq' (or any program from sg3_utils)
>> to be called without interrupting normal operations on a tape device.
> OK. After your explanation I think adding the new MTIOCTOP operation is the
> least ugly solution :-)

>>> If you absolutely have to do this, then do it. But new ioctls are 
>>> deprecated and
>>> also it is a bad habit to change the kernel to make things easier for a 
>>> single
>>> program.
>> Well, the actual problem here is that the 'st' driver is not designed for
>> multi-initiator environments. The original design for the driver
>> that a single program had control over the 'st' driver, and there
is only
>> one instance talking to the hardware.
>> Which simply doesn't fit well with the modern, asynchronous, setup.
> The basic problem is that a sequential access device does not fit well the
> asynchronous setup. I admit that some simplifications have been
made because of this.
>> And it's not just udev which suffers here; try to setup multipath on a tape 
>> device ...
>>>> I'll be drafting up a patch.
>>> If you do, don’t forget to update the documentation.
>> Okay. New patch attached.
> I think you have not compiled the patched st.c:
> @@ -2263,6 +2265,8 @@ static int st_set_options(struct scsi_tape *STp, long 
> options)
>                       STm->sysv = value;
>               if ((options & MT_ST_SILI) != 0)
>                       STp->sili = value;
> +             if (value && (options & MT_ST_NOREWIND) != 0)
> +                     Stp->rew_at_close = 0;
>                          ^^^
> Should be STp.
> However, looking at the code already suggests that this operation does not 
> belong to MT_ST_*.
> These bits set/clear options that persist. The operations you need
is transient so that the
> effect disappears when the device is closed. I think it would be
better to define it as and
> ordinary MTIOCTOP operation code, e.g., in mtio.h:
> #define MTNOAUTOREWIND 36  /* suppress possible pending automatic rewind */
> or something like that?
Ok, can do.

Let's draft up a new version.


Dr. Hannes Reinecke                   zSeries & Storage
h...@suse.de                          +49 911 74053 688
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
GF: J. Hawn, J. Guild, F. Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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