On 09/22/2015 09:17 PM, Ewan Milne wrote:
[ .. ]
> scsi_vpd_lun_id() is an exported function, but does not check if 
> sdev->vpd_pg83 != NULL
> (i.e. no VPD 83 info), and we will crash if it is NULL.  Also, why return 
> What will be different next time?  Maybe a different errno would be better, 
> like
> -ENOENT or -ENODATA, I'm not sure.
> In the SCSI name string case, if the name has to be truncated to fit the 
> supplied buffer,
> scsi_vpd_lun_id() does not ensure that the last byte is zero, it relies on 
> the caller to
> have done this, (which alua_check_vpd() does not do).  I'm not sure if we 
> should truncate
> the SCSI name string here or return an error here, as a truncated name will 
> likely not
> be unique.
I've now updated the description, and decreased the priority if the
SCSI name descriptor is truncated. With that any other descriptor
will have preference if the SCSI name descriptor is truncated.


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