On 03/21/2017 02:05 PM, James Bottomley wrote:
> On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 13:14 +0100, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
>> With the current design we're waiting for all async probes to
>> finish when removing any sd device.
>> This might lead to a livelock where the 'remove' call is blocking
>> for any probe calls to finish, and the probe calls are waiting for
>> a response, which will never be processes as the thread handling
>> the responses is waiting for the remove call to finish.
>> Which is completely pointless as we only _really_ care for the
>> probe on _this_ device to be completed; any other probing can
>> happily continue for all we care.
>> So save the async probing cookie in the structure and only wait
>> if this specific probe is still active.
> How does this preserve ordering?  It looks like you have one cookie per
> sdkp ... is there some sort of ordering guarantee I'm not seeing?
Do we need one?
The only thing we care here is that probing for _this_ device has finished.


Dr. Hannes Reinecke                   zSeries & Storage
h...@suse.de                          +49 911 74053 688
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
GF: J. Hawn, J. Guild, F. Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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