On Sat, 7 Mar 2020, Vineet Gupta wrote:

> On 3/6/20 4:21 PM, Joseph Myers wrote:
> > Please give details of what the entries would be for 
> > <https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/ABIList> and 
>    * 32-bit, hard-float, LE: /lib/ld-linux-arc.so.2
>    * 32-bit, soft-float, LE: /lib/ld-linux-arc.so.2
> (soft-float ABI is compatible with hardware-float builds in terms of calling
> convention, register-file etc)

So that should actually be one bullet-point entry for soft-float ABI, 
rather than two entries, because it's a single ABI, with a clarifying note 
following like those for some other architectures.

Joseph S. Myers

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